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物探与化探  2020, Vol. 44 Issue (5): 1009-1018    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2020.0216
  广域电磁勘探技术应用专栏 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
危志峰, 陈后扬, 吴西全
江西省地质矿产勘查开发局 物化探大队,江西 南昌 330000
The application of wide field electromagnetic method to geothermal exploration in Yichun
WEI Zhi-Feng, CHEN Hou-Yang, WU Xi-Quan
Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration Party of Jiangxi,Nanchang 330000,China
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关键词 广域电磁法地热高密度电法    

This study area is not only covered by Quaternary strata,with unclear stratigraphic division and complex faults,but also strongly interfered by high-voltage transmission lines and corridors in deep geothermal exploration.Through collecting and analyzing the existing geological materials in the survey area,the geothermal metallogenic model of the area was constructed.The combination of high-density electrical method and wide field electromagnetic method was used to improve the resolution of the results,divide the geological information such as stratigraphic and fault,and infer the favorable position of geothermal mineralization.It has been proved by drilling that good geothermal exploration effect can be achieved.

Key wordswide field electromagnetic method    geothermal energy    high-density electrical method
收稿日期: 2020-04-27      出版日期: 2020-10-26
:  P631  
作者简介: 危志峰(1984-),男,硕士,主要从事电法、电磁法勘探工作。
危志峰, 陈后扬, 吴西全. 广域电磁法在宜春某地地热勘查中的应用[J]. 物探与化探, 2020, 44(5): 1009-1018.
WEI Zhi-Feng, CHEN Hou-Yang, WU Xi-Quan. The application of wide field electromagnetic method to geothermal exploration in Yichun. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2020, 44(5): 1009-1018.
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Fig.1  工作区地质图
Fig.2  宜春温汤温泉地热地质图[5]
Fig.3  “温汤式”对流型地热水资源形成模式示意[5]
Fig.4  测线布置
Fig.5  收发距9 km采集电场信号
Fig.6  收发距11.5 km采集电场信号
Fig.7  收发距14.5 km采集电场信号
Fig.8  数据处理流程
Fig.9  MHQ5线(左)、WN1线(中)和WN2线(右)物探推断解释成果
Fig.10  物探推断解释成果三维切片图
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