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物探与化探, 2021, 45(2): 387-393 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2021.1046



夏暖,1,2, 鹿子林1,2, 付俊东1,2, 张建民1,2, 王冬雷1,2, 郑旭1,2

1.山东省地震工程研究院,山东 济南 250021

2.山东省地震局,山东 济南 250014

Joint detection of buried faults in thin overburden area by P-wave and S-wave

XIA Nuan,1,2, LU Zi-Lin1,2, FU Jun-Dong1,2, ZHANG Jian-Min1,2, WANG Dong-Lei1,2, ZHENG Xu1,2

1. Shandong Institute of Earthquake Engineering,Jinan 250021,China

2. Shandong Earthquake Agency,Jinan 250014,China

责任编辑: 叶佩

收稿日期: 2020-02-8   修回日期: 2020-11-12   网络出版日期: 2021-04-20

基金资助: 连云港市活动断层探测与地震危险性评价项目.  
山东省地震局科研项目.  YB1906

Received: 2020-02-8   Revised: 2020-11-12   Online: 2021-04-20

作者简介 About authors

夏暖(1985-),男,工程师,硕士,毕业于中国矿业大学(徐州),主要从事浅层地震勘探工作。Email: 282713966@qq.com



关键词: 薄覆盖层 ; 浅层纵波反射 ; 超浅层横波反射 ; 联合探测


In thin overburden area,the application of shallow P-wave reflection to fault detection can only obtain the reflected waves of the bedrock top surface,but it is difficult to accurately determine the location and buried depth of the fault.In this paper,the authors first applied shallow P-wave reflection method to obtain the approximate location and buried depth of the fault,then used ultra-shallow S-wave reflection method to confirm the location and supplement the shallow fault information.Through the joint detection, more reliable localization of the fault plane position was achieved,and more abundant structural feature information of faults ranging from shallow to ultra-shallow depths was obtained.On the basis of joint detection,the drilling exploration composite geological section was arranged to verify the existence of the fault.The results show that the P-wave and S-wave joint detection of buried faults in thin overburden area is more effective than a single method.It can obtain more fault information and can provide a more reliable basis for the layout of drill exploration composite geological section.

Keywords: thin overburden area ; shallow P-wave reflection ; ultra-shallow S-wave reflection ; joint detection

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夏暖, 鹿子林, 付俊东, 张建民, 王冬雷, 郑旭. 薄覆盖层隐伏断裂的纵横波联合探测. 物探与化探[J], 2021, 45(2): 387-393 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2021.1046

XIA Nuan, LU Zi-Lin, FU Jun-Dong, ZHANG Jian-Min, WANG Dong-Lei, ZHENG Xu. Joint detection of buried faults in thin overburden area by P-wave and S-wave. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2021, 45(2): 387-393 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2021.1046

0 引言


实际应用中发现,在第四系沉积薄、断层错动小的薄覆盖层区域进行隐伏断裂探测仅依靠单一纵波反射法难以实现对断裂的精准定位,很难为钻孔联合剖面的布设提供可靠依据。而横波具有速度低、波长短的特点,在分辨率上较纵波有优势,可采用多种方法联合应用来提高解释精度。酆少英等[14]将高分辨折射和浅层反射地震方法联合应用于活断层探测中,确定了断层的位置;刘保金等[15]采用浅层P波和SH波多次覆盖反射方法以及初至波层析成像技术获得了研究区近地表断裂的交切关系、断裂活动性以及深、浅构造特征;顾勤平等[16]通过在同一条测线上应用3种不同地震勘探手段联合反演的方法,获得了测线控制地段内废黄河断层的确切位置、上断点埋深以及速度分布图像;秦晶晶等[17]利用初至波层析成像方法和高分辨率浅层地震反射方法获得了五河—合肥断裂的浅部结构特征、空间分布以及断裂活动性。 马董伟[18]在新沂活断层探测中运用纵波反射法、横波反射法和地震层析成像法相互比较和综合分析,取得了良好勘探效果。


1 勘探条件与测线位置

1.1 勘探条件

图1所示,探测对象猴咀—南城断裂(F2)是海泗断裂带的东边界断裂,从北向南经猴咀、连云港市区东部、南城一线,向南可达吴集一带;断裂走向NE10°左右,沿走向延伸超过40 km。该断裂贯穿连云港的中部,和海州—韩山断裂一起作为区域上海泗断裂带的组成断裂。猴咀—南城断裂(F2)经过的区域除南部以外覆盖层均较薄,基本都小于50 m,第四系覆盖层下基岩岩性为片麻岩,与第四系松散沉积物波阻抗差异大,具备开展浅层地震勘探的地球物理条件。


图1   地质构造和地震测线位置

Fig.1   Map showing geological structure and location of seismic survey lines

1.2 测线位置

浅层纵波反射测线6沿圣湖路布设,西端起于杏坛路和圣湖路交汇口东,穿过花果山大道,东端止于大村水库,测线走向WE,测线全长2 214 m。超浅层横波反射测线6横波位置与浅层纵波反射测线6重合,起点位于测线6桩号640处,终点位于桩号 1622 处。

2 探测方法

2.1 仪器设备

为克服建筑物、车辆等干扰,数据采集时使用北奥特车生产的WTC5140TZY型纵横波两用可控震源车来激发地震波,可控震源车重锤垂向振动可激发纵波,横向振动可激发横波,震源出力12 T[19,20,21]。数据采集使用了高保真度、高采样率、高宽记录频带、大动态范围的美国产主频为10 Hz的ZLAND节点式地震勘探系统。

2.2 施工参数


表1   施工参数

Table 1  Construction parameters


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图2分别为应用浅层纵波法和超浅层横波反射法采集得到的典型单炮记录。由图2a可见,纵波反射法得到的单炮记录能量强、信噪比较高、特征明显、反射波组较单一,仅在20 ms左右存在一组能量较强的反射波组P1,根据地质资料推测为基岩顶面反射波,未取得第四系内部反射波;由图2b可见,超浅层横波反射法得到的单炮记录能量强、信噪比极高、干扰波极少,反射波组非常丰富,800 ms以上存在多组不同深度且能量较强的反射波同相轴S1、S2、S3、S4,100 ms左右强反射层S1为基岩顶面反射波。


图2   浅层纵波法(a)和超浅层横波反射法(b)典型单炮记录

Fig.2   Typical single shot records of shallow P-wave(a) and ultra-shallow S-wave reflection(b)

3 数据处理与解释

3.1 资料处理




图3   滤波前(a)、后(b)单炮记录对比

Fig.3   Shot record collation map before(b) and after(b) filter



图4   静校正前(a)、后(b)单炮记录对比

Fig.4   Shot record collation map before(a) and after(b) static correction

3.2 剖面特征

3.2.1 浅层纵波反射法剖面解释

浅层纵波反射的目的是获取200 m以上浅部地层断裂的位置及构造特征。图5为纵波反射波法经处理得到叠加时间剖面。该剖面揭示的反射相位相对单一,反射能量较强,整个剖面地层特性明显。将浅层纵波反射剖面中20 ms左右的强反射波组解释为第四系底界面反射并标记为TQ,解释的埋深在10~12 m左右。从剖面可以看出第四系底界反射TQ比较平缓,基本呈水平形态展布。


图5   纵波反射波法叠加时间剖面

Fig.5   Stacked time section of shallow P-wave method

剖面揭示的浅部地层反射界面形态和断裂的浅部构造特征非常清晰, 从剖面图(图5)可知,CDP在1170和1255位置同相轴发生了明显的紊乱现象,推测为断裂破碎带的影响,分别标识为FP1和FP2,依据断点性质和平面位置判断为猴咀—南城断裂(F2)在剖面上的反映,该断裂是由两条倾向相反的断裂组成。

断点FP1视倾向西,视倾角较陡,可分辨的上断点位于测线1 170 m处,埋深约12 m。断点FP2视倾向东,视倾角较陡,可分辨的上断点位于测线 1 255 m处,埋深约11 m。从剖面图上可以看出TQ波组在两个断点均存在紊乱现象,因未能取得第四系内部反射波,不能判断第四系地层是否错断。

3.2.2 超浅层横波反射法剖面解释

超浅层横波反射的目的是获取100 m以上超浅部地层断裂的位置及构造特征。图6为超浅层横波发射法经处理叠加时间剖面和地质解释剖面。该剖面揭示的反射相位相对丰富,反射能量较强,整个剖面地层特性明显。将超浅层横波叠加剖面110 ms的反射界面解释为第四系底界面反射并标记为TQ,解释的埋深在10~12 m之间,T01为第四系内部反射波组,TQ以下地层均为基岩内反射层位。从剖面可以看出第四系底界反射TQ比较平缓,基本呈水平形态展布。


图6   超浅层横波反射波法叠加时间剖面

Fig.6   Stacked time section of ultra-shallow S-wave reflection method


断点FP1视倾向西,视倾角较陡,可分辨的上断点位于测线530 m处,埋深约12 m。断点FP2视倾向东,视倾角较陡,可分辨的上断点位于测线615 m处,埋深约11 m。从剖面图上可以看出TQ波组在两个断点位置均存在紊乱现象,T01波组未见明显影响。解释断点的活动性还需结合钻孔联合剖面进一步鉴定。

3.3 联合解释


4 钻孔联合剖面验证

为验证浅层地震勘探解释断裂的位置,同时进一步研究断裂的活动性,针对断点FP2布设了一条钻孔联合剖面(图7)。该钻孔联合剖面由间距4.5~10 m的5个钻孔组成,终孔深度在30~45 m之间,均穿透第四系地层。


图7   钻孔联合地质剖面

Fig.7   The drill exploration composite geological section

钻探揭露了6层主要地层,自上至下分别为粉质黏土、淤泥质粉质黏土、残积土、二长片麻岩、碎裂岩、破碎状二长片麻岩。其中①~③层为第四系,下伏基岩以中新元古界二长片麻岩为主。基岩埋深在10.8~11.1 m之间,这与浅层纵波反射法和超浅层横波反射法解释的基岩深度10~12 m一致性很好。

在B1孔24.7~26.0 m左右发育碎裂岩,在 26.0~30.6 m为灰白—肉红色—灰绿色劈理和微破裂发育的碎裂状二长片麻岩地层,确定了断裂的存在。靠近B1孔其他钻孔受断裂影响,基岩地层多发育节理裂隙或劈理,岩芯较破碎,推测为断裂破碎带的影响。在距离B1孔西侧4.5 m的B5孔中未见断裂破碎构造,仅在下伏基岩中见有发育的少量节理和劈理,可判断该断裂上断点位于B1和B5孔之间,为高角度断裂,推测为逆冲断层。全新统和上更新统地层分布连续,层位稳定,呈水平状分布,并且地层厚度各钻孔基本一致,说明上覆的第四系未受到断层断错或扰动影响。

5 结论








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DOI:10.11720/wtyht.2015.2.33      URL     [本文引用: 1]

地震反射勘探法是当前城市地震活断层探测的主要方法,它在厚覆盖区探测断层及其上断点的效果取决于所采用的工作方法和技术参数。桥北镇—宿迁断裂是郯庐断裂带在江苏境内一条重要的隐伏断裂。以宿迁市活动断层探测项目中针对该断裂敷设于厚覆盖层地区的QL14测线为例,为了查明测线控制地段内断裂的空间展布形态、性质以及活动性,针对不同目标、目的层深度和精度要求,作者按照组合、分步探测的工作思路,采用了不同的地震勘探方法技术和采集参数对其进行了高分辨率地震反射成像,解决了地质任务要求与野外资料采集方法之间的矛盾,从而获得了埋深约16~450 m范围内高分辨率的地层结构和非常清晰的断裂构造图像,为钻孔联合剖面位置的布设、钻孔深度的设计以及断裂活动性的评价提供了地震学依据。最后经高精度钻孔联合地质剖面证实,地震勘探方法反演得到的主要地层界面和构造特征都与钻孔联合地质剖面吻合较好。试验结果表明:采用组合探测的方法能够获得断层在不同深度的产状、展布以及由深至浅完整的分布图像;地震勘探法在厚覆盖区确定隐伏断层具体位置和判定断层活动性具有可行性以及地震勘探与钻孔联合地质剖面相结合的工作方法具有有效性。

Gu Q P, Xu H G, Zhao Q G.

The seismic exploration method for buried active faults in thick sediment area:A case study of Qiaobei-Suqian fault

[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2015,39(2):408-415.

DOI:10.11720/wtyht.2015.2.33      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Seismic reflection exploration is the main technique in present urban active faults detecting.The effect of investigating fault and its up-breakpoint in thick Quaternary sediments depends on the working methods and technical parameters.Qiaobei-Suqian fault is an important buried fault along Tan-Lu fault zone in Jiangsu. In this paper,based on QL14 line laid on the fault in thick sediments during the active fault survey in Suqian City and aimed at investigating the spatial distribution,characteristics and activities of the fault controlled by the line,the authors used different seismic exploration methods and acquisition parameters to perform a high-resolution seismic reflection experiment and obtain the imaging of buried fault in the light of the work thinking of combination and fractional steps and according to different targets,the depth of the target layer and the accuracy requirement.The technique solved the contradiction between the field data acquisition and the geological task.The authors obtained high-resolution images of structures in the depths of 16~450 m after data processing,and the prospecting results provide seismological evidence for the position layout of composite drilling sections,the depth designing of drilling and the evaluation of fault activity.The high-precision composite drilling geological sections show that the main stratigraphic boundaries and tectonic features obtained from the seismic exploration methods are quite consistent with the results from the composite drilling geological section.The experimental result shows that the combined detection methods can receive the attitude and distribution of the fault in different depths and the complete distribution image from the depth to the shallow part of the fault.The feasibility of the seismic exploration methods for locating the buried fault and determining its activity in thick Quaternary sediments and the efficiency of the combination of seismic exploration and composite drilling geological profiles are also demonstrated in this study.

酆少英, 龙长兴, 高锐, .


[J]. 地震学报, 2010,32(6):718-724.

[本文引用: 1]

Feng S Y, Long C X, Gao R, et al.

Joint application of high-resolution refraction and shallow reflection seismic exploration approach to active fault survey

[J]. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 2010,32(6):718-724.

[本文引用: 1]

刘保金, 张先康, 陈顒, .


[J]. 地球物理学报, 2011,54(5):1251-1259.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2011.05.014      URL     [本文引用: 1]

跨1679年三河—平谷8.0级地震区完成的单次覆盖深地震反射剖面和浅层地震反射剖面,揭示了三河—平谷地震区的地壳结构和断裂的深、浅构造特征.结果表明,该区地壳以TWT6~7 s左右的强反射带为界分为上地壳和下地壳,上地壳厚约18~21 km,下地壳厚约13~15 km.剖面揭示的地壳深断裂和浅部活动断裂具有上下一致的对应关系,其中,陡倾角的深断裂切割了下地壳和壳幔过渡带,向上延伸至上地壳,将地壳深部构造与浅部活动断裂联系在一起,这种深、浅共存的断裂构造体系是控制该区地震孕育和发生的重要因素,也是三河—平谷8.0级地震的深、浅构造背景.

Liu B J, Zhang X K, Chen Y, et al.

Research on crustal structure and active fault in the Sanhe-Pinggu Earthquake(M8.0) Zone based on single-fold deep seismic reflection and shallow seismic re-flection profiling

[J]. Chinese J. Geophys., 2011,54(5):1251-1259.

[本文引用: 1]

顾勤平, 康清清, 许汉刚, .


[J]. 地球物理学报, 2013,56(5):1609-1618.

DOI:10.6038/cjg20130518      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Gu Q P, Kang Q Q, Xu H G, et al.

Seismic exploration methods for buried fault and its up-breakpoint in thin sediment areas—An example of the Feihuanghe fault

[J]. Chinese J. Geophys., 2013,56(5):1609-1618.

[本文引用: 1]

秦晶晶, 石金虎, 张毅, .


[J]. 地球物理学报, 2018,61(11):4475-4485.

[本文引用: 1]

Qin J J, Shi J H, Zhang Y, et al.

Structural characteristics of the Wuhe-Hefei fault on the Hefei segment of the Tanlu fault zone

[J]. Chinese J. Geophys., 2018,61(11):4475-4485.

[本文引用: 1]



[J]. 物探与化探, 2019,43(5):1038-1045.

[本文引用: 1]

Ma D W.

The application of seismic exploration method to active faults detection in urban thin overburden area

[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2019,43(5):1038-1045.

[本文引用: 1]

薛海飞, 董守华, 陶文朋.


[J]. 物探与化探, 2010,34(2):185-190.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Xue H F, Dong S H, Tao W P.

Parameter selection in vibroseis seismic exploration

[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2010,34(2):185-190.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

 Vibroseis exploration, as an important method of seismic exploration, has become increasingly valued by geologists. During the field work, different geological conditions need different parameters, and the choice of suitable excitation parameters has become a very important problem. This paper mainly introduces six kinds of parameters, namely numbers of controlled seismic source, scanning bandwidth, vibration period, scanning length, scanning slopes, and vibration rate. The influence of these parameters on the quality of seismic records was studied in detail, and the simulation of the proper parameters was performed in Jiulishan area to enhance the resolution of vibroseis exploration and improve the signaltonoise ratio of seismic records.



[J]. 物探与化探, 2011,35(4):521-523.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

详细分析产生minivib T 15000可控震源地震记录质量下降几种原因,一类是可控震源压板所接触耦合外部环境条件引起的,另一类是可控震源内部故障所造成的。笔者給出了针对不同原因导致地震记录质量下降的几种对策及使用这些方法的前提条件。这些方法在野外实际应用,取得比较好的效果。

Liu G J.

The improvement of the quality of seismic signal in vibroseis

[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2011,35(4):521-523.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

This paper describes two reasons for the decline in the quality of seismic signal in vibroseis: one is the contact with vibrator plate caused by external environmental conditions, and the other is the vibrator caused by the fault itself. The authors put forward different methods to tackle the decline in the quality of seismic signal in vibroseis and their application prerequisites. In practice, these methods have achieved good results.

杨全斌, 刘凤智, 吴永国, .


[J]. 物探与化探, 2018,42(3):555-559.

[本文引用: 1]

Yang Q B, Liu F Z, Wu Y G, et al.

A tentative discussion on zero phase transformation of vibroseis data

[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2018,42(3):555-559.

[本文引用: 1]

孙党生, 焦凯英, 唐大荣, .


[J]. 物探与化探, 2004,28(2):164-166.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Sun D S, Jiao K Y, Tang D R, et al.

The technique for low snr shallow seismic data processing

[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2004,28(2):164-166.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

The paper deals with the data processing technique of shallow seismic exploration under the condition of low signal-to-noise ratio. The interferences with seismic exploration for geologic hazards are caused by cultural and geological noise. This method has been proved to be effective, as evidenced by good results obtained by the processing practices in several years. With this technique, the applied area of seismic exploration for geological hazards can be extended.


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