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物探与化探, 2020, 44(5): 1144-1152 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2020.1345



孙乃泉,1, 李良2, 蒲仁海,3, 彭胜琴4

1.长安大学 地质工程与测绘学院,陕西 西安 710054

2.中石化华北分公司 勘探开发研究院,河南 郑州 450006

3.西北大学 大陆动力学国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710069

4.中海油能源发展股份有限公司 工程技术分公司非常规技术研究院,天津 300457

The fault and depression characteristics of Mesoproterozoic strata in Hanggin Banner area,northern of Ordos Basin

SUN Nai-Quan,1, LI Liang2, PU Ren-Hai,3, PENG Sheng-Qin4

1.School of Geological and Surveying & Mapping Engineering,Chang'An University,Xi'an 710054,China

2.Exploration and Development Institute,North China Branch Company,SINOPEC,Zhengzhou 450006,China

3.State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics/Department of Geology,Northwest University,Xi'an 710069,China

4.CNOOC Energy Technology&Services Limited,Tianjin 300457,China

通讯作者: 蒲仁海(1962-),男,教授,从事油气地质和地震综合解释有关的教学与科研工作。Email:purenhai@nwu.edu.cn

责任编辑: 叶佩

收稿日期: 2019-07-9   修回日期: 2020-05-20   网络出版日期: 2020-10-20

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金重大项目.  41390451

Received: 2019-07-9   Revised: 2020-05-20   Online: 2020-10-20

作者简介 About authors

孙乃泉(1977-),男,矿产普查与勘探专业博士,从事石油地质和地震资料解释学习科研工作。Email: nqsun@chd.edu.cn


鄂尔多斯盆地北部杭锦旗地区二维地震剖面揭示该区古生界之下存在一套断陷—坳陷构造层序。在前人研究的基础上,结合杭锦旗地区和盆地内其他钻井资料和二维地震资料,并对比野外露头测量和分析化验资料,对该断陷—坳陷层序的地层格架、时代、沉积特征和油气地质特征等进行了详细研究,提出了杭锦旗地区油气勘探思路。研究区元古宇地层受近南北向塔木汗正断层和道劳正断层控制,分别在研究区西部和中部形成两个半地堑断陷。断陷层与下伏太古宇呈角度不整合接触,坳陷层与上覆古生界呈角度不整合接触。 根据断陷层未变质陆源碎屑岩和构造层序特点推测其时代为中元古代长城纪。断陷层为粗砂岩、细砾岩局部夹浅海泥岩,扇三角洲—滨浅海陆源碎屑沉积,分布局限;坳陷层为杂色砂岩、细砾岩夹褐色泥岩,扇三角洲—混合陆棚沉积,分布广泛,将两个断陷区连成一片。断陷层中发现的天然气可能来自于上古生界煤成气。

关键词: 杭锦旗地区 ; 断陷—坳陷层 ; 中元古界 ; 油气地质条件


Based on the 2D seismic interpretation in the Hanggin Banner area of northern Ordos Basin,the authors found a rift sequence under Paleozoic strata.On the basis of previous studies and combined analysis of well,seismic data,outcrop and geochemical data in Hanggin Banner area,the stratigraphic framework,possible geological epochs,sedimentary features and petroleum geological conditions of the rift were analyzed.This paper provides new ideas for the exploration of oil and gas in Hanggin Banner area.The Proterozoic strata in the study area is controlled by the SN-trending normal faults of Tamuhan and Dalao,where two half graben fault depressions were formed in western and central part of the study area respectively.The fault depression layers overlie Archean strata and underlie Paleozoic strata in angular unconformities.According to the unmetamorphic terrigenous clastic rocks and tectonic sequence features,it is inferred that fault depression layers should be the middle Proterozonic Changcheng Formation.Drilling and seismic data reveal that the fault depression layer contains fan-delta coarse sandstone and fine conglomerate intercalated locally with neritic mudstones.Depression layer is widely distributed and contains fan-delta sandstone,fine conglomerate and tidal flat brown mudstone.The sandstone within fault depression layers contains coal genetic gas originating from Upper Paleozoic strata.

Keywords: Hanggin Banner area ; fault and depression strata ; Mesoproterozoic ; petroleum and gas geological conditions

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孙乃泉, 李良, 蒲仁海, 彭胜琴. 鄂尔多斯盆地北部杭锦旗地区中元古界断陷—坳陷层地层特征. 物探与化探[J], 2020, 44(5): 1144-1152 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2020.1345

SUN Nai-Quan, LI Liang, PU Ren-Hai, PENG Sheng-Qin. The fault and depression characteristics of Mesoproterozoic strata in Hanggin Banner area,northern of Ordos Basin. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2020, 44(5): 1144-1152 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2020.1345

0 前言


鄂尔多斯盆地是中三叠世—早白垩世形成的沉积盆地[12,13],其构造演化大致经历了太古宙—古元古代的基底形成、中元古代—新元古代的大陆裂谷发育、早古生代隆起剥蚀、石炭纪—晚三叠世的稳定发育和中—新生代的不均衡发育几个阶段[13,14]。盆地北部杭锦旗的二维地震资料较清楚地揭示了一套介于太古宇基底与上古生界之间的断陷层序,可分为下部断陷层和上部坳陷层两个次级层序,而且在锦13井对应层位的石英砂岩中测试日产天然气3 816~23 970 m3,甲烷含量达93.85%~95.3%。本文根据地震和钻井资料将这两套次级层序与露头进行了对比,从上覆在太古宇片麻岩之上和未变质—轻微变质程度初步认定它们为元古宇,并分析了它们的沉积学和油气地质特征。杭锦旗区块总面积约9 790.36 km2,现有4 km×4 km和2 km×2 km测网二维地震测线共5 000余千米(图1),油气勘探研究主要集中在古生界[15],研究区36口探井中只有锦13、17、5、9、伊22井等钻至太古宇片麻岩,锦13井钻遇断陷层和坳陷层,锦3井钻至坳陷层。杭锦旗地区沉积盖层较薄,厚度小于3 000 m,古生界不同层位超覆在下伏太古宇—中元古界之上。


图1   研究区位置及二维测网平面

Fig.1   2-D seismic survey grid of study area

1 地层格架



图2   杭锦旗地区04-HE101_2二维测线地震剖面(a)及地质解释剖面(b)

Fig.2   The 2D-seismic profile 04-HE101_2 of the fault (a) and geological interpretation profile (b)


图3   杭锦旗地区过锦13井02-HE109二维测线地震剖面(a)及地质解释剖面(b)

Fig.3   The 2D-seismic profile 02-HE109 of the fault(a) and geological interpretation profile(b)


图4   杭锦旗地区中元古界断陷层厚度

Fig.4   Thickness map of fault strata of Mesoproterozoic in Hangjinqi area


图5   杭锦旗地区中元古界坳陷层厚度

Fig.5   Thickness map of depression strata of Mesoproterozoic in Hangjinqi area

根据锦13井的时深关系和地震解释,分别制作断陷层Pt和坳陷层Pt两个层序的地层厚度图。该区作为阴山造山带和克拉通分界线的泊尔江海子逆断层,形成于加里东期—早海西期的近EW向区域大断裂,断开白垩系志丹群组之下的所有层位[16]。控制断陷层且形成于中—新元古代的塔木汗断层和道劳断层却与该区域性断裂近于垂直(图4~图5)。断陷层孤立分布于塔木汗断层和道劳断层下降盘(图4图5),东断西超,地层厚度自断层处向西逐渐减薄至尖灭。研究区西部塔木汗断层控制的断陷层规模较小,长约30 km,宽约20 km,平面上呈近半圆形SN展布,断层处厚约600 m(图4)。中部道劳断裂附近的断陷形状呈扇形,NW向展布,北部和东部均为陡坡断裂边界,最大厚度达到950 m,长约70 km,宽约50 km。坳陷层厚约300~400 m,连续分布于道劳断层以西区域,断层处厚度最大约400 m(图5)。

2 地层学与岩石学特征



贺兰山地区的元古宇研究程度较高,主要有4个剖面出露元古宇,其中王全口和黄旗口剖面出露了较完整的长城系和蓟县系。贺兰山地区蓟县系为泥板岩、细晶白云岩、灰岩、少量硅质岩等;长城系为变余砂岩、变余砾岩,上部夹碳酸盐岩、褐铁矿,底部含海绿石砂岩;古元古界—太古宇为混合岩化片岩、片麻岩、花岗片麻岩(图6a、6b)[17,18]。固阳地区中元古界长城系顶部为变余砂岩和石英砂岩,底部为厚约40 m的深灰色泥板岩(图6c~6e);古元古界为千枚岩、石英岩(图6e);太古宇为混合岩化片岩、片麻岩、与花岗片麻岩,有些地区古元古界地层缺失,中元古界底部灰黑色泥板岩直接与太古宇千枚岩呈不整合接触[17,20](图6f)。


图6   测区中元古界野外露头

Fig.6   The field outcrop of Mesoproterozoic



图7   杭锦旗地区锦13井单井综合柱状剖面图

Fig.7   Comprehensive geological histogram of well Jin13 of Mesoproterozoic in Hangjinqi area

2)区域上具拉张性质的裂谷发育阶段是中元古—新元古代构造背景特征,与其上的古生代性质明显不同[21,22,23,24]。华北地块的中元古界中下部多处表现为半地堑裂谷特征,它们约于1 400 Ma以非造山带样式平静闭合。华北地区长城系年龄14~18亿年,蓟县系年龄10~14亿年。长城纪早期,断层活动强烈,断层上盘发育楔状分布的断陷层;长城纪晚期—蓟县纪早期白云鄂博裂陷槽以平静闭合,断层活动减弱,形成的坳陷层超覆于早期断陷层之上。



图8   杭锦旗地区过伊23井—锦8井—伊22井—伊17井—锦5井—锦9井连井剖面(剖面位置见图5、图9)

Fig.8   A cross-well profile of wells Yi23,Jin37,Yi22,Yi17,Jin5,and Jin9 of Mesoproterozoic-Lower Paleozoic in Hangjinqi area


图9   杭锦旗地区古生界底面构造图及下古生界天然气运聚平面[15]

Fig.9   Structural and modes of gas migration and accumulation of Lower Paleozoic in Hangjinqi area[15]

3 沉积特征




图10   杭锦旗地区中元古界岩心照片

Fig.10   Crop and drilled core observations of Mesoproterozoic in wells Jin13 and Jin3


图11   杭锦旗地区中元古界粒度概率曲线

Fig.11   The cumulative probability curves of Mesoproterozoic core grain sizes in Hangjinqi area


图12   杭锦旗地区中元古界坳陷层沉积体系分布

Fig.12   Sedimentary facies map of depression strata of Mesoproterozoic in Hangjinqi area



图13   杭锦旗地区中元古界断陷层沉积体系分布

Fig.13   Sedimentary facies map of fault strata of Mesoproterozoic in Hangjinqi area

4 结论




4)固阳露头元古宇20 m黑色泥岩有机碳含量较高,但处于过成熟演化阶段。锦13井和锦3井中元古界地层的天然气主要由上古生界煤成气沿上古生界与中元古界之间的不整合面和道劳断层以及泊尔江海子断层运移聚集而成的。


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本文通过对四川盆地元古宇-下古生界勘探最成功的两个地区--威远震旦系气田和资阳震旦系含气区天然气成藏要素和成藏过程的详细比较,得出 ①资阳含气区和威远气田的原始烃源相同,均是下寒武统生成的油裂解的天然气,不同的是资阳为残留的气顶气,威远是水溶气脱溶气.②资阳含气区和威远气田震旦系碳酸盐岩基质孔隙度相近,资阳地区溶蚀洞穴发育,但裂缝不发育,储层渗透性较差,非均质性强;威远地区储层洞穴不发育,但裂缝发育,形成统一的裂缝-孔洞系统.③威远地区具有统一的圈闭,闭合度高(800 m),闭合面积大(895 km2).资阳含气区不具有统一的圈闭,多为局部的小高点.④喜马拉雅期隆升作用使资阳统一含气区分散化和气藏变小,形成多压力系统的含气区;威远地区快速大幅度隆升, 溶于水中的天然气脱溶, 形成具同一压力系统的整装气田.⑤资阳含气区的成藏过程为 (资阳-威远)古油藏→原油裂解→气顶天然气→隆升调整→现今(残留)含气区,其天然气藏是隆升调整成藏,是在原古气藏的基础上改造残留而成;威远地区的成藏过程则是(资阳-威远)古油藏→原油裂解→天然气大量溶于水中→隆升使得带有大量天然气的水向威远运移和天然气脱溶→现今(新生)气藏,属天然气的脱溶成藏.资阳含气区受古构造的控制明显;威远气田则主要受今构造的制约.因此, 在四川盆地震旦系和下古生界的油气勘探中, 既要研究其古构造的特征和演化, 也要研究今构造的特征和分布规律, 才能发现不同类型的天然气藏.

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8 m3/km2之间,具备形成大气田的气源条件。因此,研究区天然气来源具有原地性的特征,泊尔江海子断裂南部烃源岩优于北部烃源岩。]]>

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8m3/km2,having the conditions of gas source for developing large gas field.In conclusion,the gas accumulation in study area is characteristic of generating in situ,and the quality of gas source rocks in the south of Boerjianghaizi fault is better than rocks in the north.]]>

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Control of Boerjianghaizi fault on gas accumulation of Upper Paleozoic in Northern Ordos Basin

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In order to reveal the control functions of Boerjianghaizi fault on natural gas accumulation of Upper Paleozoic in Hangjinqi block of the northern Ordos Basin, the history of the fault activity, the lateral and vertical sealing ability of the fault were studied by using fault growth index evolution, fault shale gouge ratio method and fault connectivity probability method through seismic and drilling data of this area. Then Boerjianghaizi fault effects on the natural gas enrichment zones were discussed. The results showed that Boerjianghaizi fault had three obvious peaks of activity in the history of evolution, which were Caledonian to Early Hercynian fracture period, Indosinian to Early Yanshanian squeezing thrust fault activity period, and Mid-late-Yanshanian strike-slip tearing activity period. Mid-late-Yanshanian strike-slip tearing activity period matched well with the main stage of gas accumulation of Upper Paleozoic. It was pointed out that sealing ability of Boerjianghaizi fault had the characteristics of “horizontal sectioning, vertical layering”. In the horizontal direction, Boerjianghaizi faults were divided into lateral migration fault areas and lateral sealed fault areas according to the shale gouge ratio (SGR) which equals to 0.3 as the dividing line. In the vertical direction , the fault plane was vertically sealed in Upper Shihezi and Shiqianfeng formations because the fault sealing coefficients were almost less than 1.0 in the section, while the fault plane was vertically open in Lower Shihezi and Shanxi formations because the fault sealing coefficients mostly range from 4.0 to 10.0 in the section. Meanwhile, in the lateral migration fault areas, natural gas generated from the main source areas which were in the south side of Boerjianghaizi fault was transmitted in the vertical and lateral direction through the fault, then natural gas accumulated in large amount in the north side of the fault easily, but in the lateral sealed fault areas, it is easy to find the natural gas pools in the south side of the fault.



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Researches on basin property of Ordos block during Mesoproterozoic Changcheng Period

[J]. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2016,32(3):856-864.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

The tectonic setting of southern margin of North China Craton has drawn much attention during Mesoproterozoic Changcheng Period. Researchers have proposed several plausible models of geological settings mostly based on geochemical properties of volcanic rocks. The main views about the geological background are B-type subduction, Andean type subduction, non-orogenic extension and stretching which is related to the breakup of Supercontinent Columbia. This paper focus on tectonic features and stratum distribution of Changcheng Group in the south central Ordos block with geophysical methods meanwhile makes some study on its tectonic setting and basin property. The 2D seismic data indicates tectonic cycle in Changcheng Period with syn-rift and post-rift phase included. In syn-rift phase, the boundary faults act intensely, and the hanging wall rotated, leading to the development of sub-grabens and half-grabens. In the meantime fan delta and subaqueous fans filled in. The formations thicknesses are huge in depocenter of wedges. In post rift phase, the activity of faults was weak, resulting in the formation with consistent thickness, which overlapped on the wedges. Besides, the consequence of gravity anomaly inversion suggests several depressions and salients developed during the same period which were probably controlled by the boundary faults. Combined with the sedimentary characteristics of block margin, we deem the study area to be a rift basin during the Changcheng Period.

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[J]. 岩石学报, 2015,31(10):3107-3128.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

华北克拉通存在三个主要的中元古代裂谷带,从南到北分别为熊耳裂谷带、燕辽裂谷带以及渣尔泰-白云鄂博-化德裂谷带。其中熊耳群中火山岩的峰期年龄为1780~1750Ma,其上还有形成于被动大陆边缘的五佛山群、汝阳群以及官道口群。中北部的燕辽裂谷带包括长城系、蓟县系和青白口系,其中长城系团山子组和大红峪组火山岩的年龄分别为~1640Ma和1626~1622Ma,蓟县系高于庄组、雾迷山组和铁岭组凝灰岩的年龄分别为1560Ma、1485Ma和1437Ma,而下马岭组凝灰岩年龄为1366~1380Ma。北缘渣尔泰-白云鄂博-化德裂谷带中渣尔泰群书记沟组玄武岩年龄为1743Ma,阿古鲁沟组酸性火山岩年龄为~810Ma,白云鄂博群尖山组中基性火山岩年龄为1728Ma,化德群比鲁特组火山碎屑岩年龄为1515Ma。中元古代岩浆事件除了裂谷带中的火山作用外,还包括三期基性岩墙群(~1780Ma 太行-吕梁岩墙群、~1730Ma密云岩墙群和~1620Ma泰山岩墙群)以及1.76Ga到1.65Ga非造山岩浆组合(斜长岩-环斑花岗岩体-A型花岗岩)。中元古代中期,华北克拉通北缘发育了基性岩席(墙)、A型花岗岩以及碳酸岩脉,双峰式岩浆作用说明华北北缘在中元古代中期经历了裂谷作用,与哥伦比亚超大陆的最终裂解有关,并且与白云鄂博巨型REE-Nb-Fe矿床的形成具有成因上的联系。华北克拉通北部两个裂谷带中的地层具有可以对比的层序以及时代,而中元古代中期辉绿岩墙、A型花岗岩以及碳酸岩脉可以与其它克拉通同时期的非造山岩浆作用对比,证明华北克拉通经历了哥伦比亚超大陆的最终裂解。古地磁数据已经证明在哥伦比亚超大陆时期Siberia、Laurentia、Baltica、Amazion以及华北克拉通是连接在一起的,而北缘中元古代中期大陆裂谷相关岩浆岩的发现也说明它是与另一个古大陆相连的。华北克拉通南缘熊耳火山岩的构造背景到底是大陆裂谷还是大陆边缘弧则关系着其是与另一个克拉通相连还是面向大海,这需要我们进一步深入研究。

Liu C H, Liu F L.

The Mesoproterozoic rifting in the North China Craton:A case study for magmatism and sedimentation of the Zhaertai-Bayan Obo-Huade rift zone

[J]. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2015,31(10):3107-3128

URL     [本文引用: 1]

The Mesoproterozoic rift zones in the North China Craton include the Xiong'er, Yanliao and Zhaertai-Bayan Obo-Huade rift zones from south to north. The Xiong'er Group is featured by the major volcanism at 1780~1750Ma, above which the Wufoshan, Ruyang and Guandaokou groups were formed in a passive continental margin. The Yanliao rift zone includes the Changcheng, Jixian and Qingbaikou systems. The Tuanshanzi and Dahongyu formations of the Changcheng system have volcanic rocks at ca.1640Ma and 1626~1622Ma, respectively. The tuffs in the Gaoyuzhuang, Wumishan and Tieling formations of the Jixian system were formed at 1560Ma, 1485Ma and 1437Ma respectively, whereas the Xiamaling tuffs in the unnamed system have ages of 1366~1380Ma. In the Zhaertai-Bayan Obo-Huade rift zone, the Shujigou basalts and Agulugou felsic volcanics of the Zhaertai Group have ages of 1743Ma and ~810Ma, respectively. The Jianshan Formation of the Bayan Obo Group has mafic volcanics of 1728Ma and the Bilute tuffs of the Huade Group formed at 1515Ma. Besides the volcanisms in the rift zones, the Mesoproterozoic magmatism include three episodes of mafic dyke swarms (ca.1780Ma Taihang-Lüliang dyke swarm, ca.1730Ma Miyun dyke swarm and ca.1620Ma Taishan dyke swarm) and 1.76~1.65Ga anorogenic magmatism (anorthosite-rapakivi granite-A-type granite). In the Middle Mesoproterozoic, mafic sills (dykes), A-type granites and carbonate dykes develop in the northern margin of the North China Craton. The bimodal magmatism suggests that the northern margin of North China Craton has experienced rifting in the Middle Mesoproterozoic, which are related with final breakup of the Columbia Supercontinent and formation of the giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit. The two rift zones in the northern North China Craton have similar stratigraphic sequences and formation ages. The Middle Mesoproterozoic anorogenic magmatism can be compared with those in other cratons and suggests that the North China Craton is involved in the final breakup of the Columbia Supercontinent. Paleomagnetic data indicate that the Siberia, Laurentia, Baltica, Amazion and North China cratons are connected together in the Columbia Supercontinent, and the rift-related magmatic rocks in the northern margin suggest that it connected with another craton. However, whether the Xiong'er volcanics in the southern margin of the North China Craton formed in a continental rift or active continental margin is important about whether it was connected with another craton or faced an ocean, which need further studies.


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