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物探与化探, 2020, 44(3): 599-606 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2020.1386



张保卫1,2, 董晋3, 吴华4

1. 中国地质科学院 地球物理地球化学勘查研究所,河北 廊坊 065000

2. 国家现代地质勘查工程技术研究中心,河北 廊坊 065000

3. 铁道第三勘察设计院集团有限公司,天津 300251

4. 长安大学 理学院,陕西 西安 710064

A study of dispersion curves of Love waves in viscoelastic media and their application

ZHANG Bao-Wei1,2, DONG Jin3, WU Hua4

1. Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Langfang 065000,China

2. National Center for Geological Exploration Technology,Langfang 065000,China

3. The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation,Tianjin 300251,China

4. School of Science,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710064, China

责任编辑: 叶佩

收稿日期: 2019-07-27   修回日期: 2020-03-5   网络出版日期: 2020-06-20

基金资助: 国家重点研发计划项目.  2018YFF01013504
中国地质调查局地质调查项目.  DD20189133
中国地质调查局地质调查项目.  DD20190556
国家自然科学基金项目.  41874123
国家自然科学基金项目.  41004043
长安大学中央高校基金项目.  300102268402
长安大学中央高校基金项目.  300102129111
物化探所中央财政科研项目结余资金资助项目.  JY201703

Received: 2019-07-27   Revised: 2020-03-5   Online: 2020-06-20

作者简介 About authors

张保卫(1980-),男,2007年毕业于长安大学,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事地震勘探方法技术的研究工作。Email:zhangbaowei@igge.cn 。



关键词: 粘弹介质 ; 勒夫波 ; 频散曲线


At present,the geological situation of seismic exploration is becoming more and more complicated.With the continuous development of seismic exploration,especially for viscoelastic media,the technical requirements for surface wave exploration are getting higher and higher.Love wave refers to the horizontal polarization shear wave in the surface layer after repeated reflections at the boundary of the surface layer.Love wave detection is one of the shallow surface detection method.It is very convenient and has high detection precision.Therefore,the study of Love wave has important theoretical and practical significance.In this paper,the Love wave single shot record is simulated by high order finite difference method in the case of horizontal layered complex geological.The comparison of the dispersion curves with the theoretical dispersion curves proves that the method proposed in this paper is correct.The influence of the viscoelastic medium on the Love wave dispersion curve is also discussed.Then,the least squares inversion is used to verify this conclusion.This paper provides a more complete theoretical basis for the high-precision surface wave inversion method.Finally,the field data inversion results show that the proposed method is effective and practicable.

Keywords: viscoelastic media ; Love wave ; dispersion curve

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张保卫, 董晋, 吴华. 粘弹介质勒夫波频散曲线研究及应用. 物探与化探[J], 2020, 44(3): 599-606 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2020.1386

ZHANG Bao-Wei, DONG Jin, WU Hua. A study of dispersion curves of Love waves in viscoelastic media and their application. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2020, 44(3): 599-606 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2020.1386

0 引言



近十几年以来关于勒夫波的研究越来越受到广大学者的不断关注,2003年Winsborrow等[9]利用勒夫波数据获取了海洋沉积物的“地质—声学特性”的横向变化情况。2005年,Wang等[10]研究了在线性变化非均匀流体饱和多孔层状半空间中的勒夫波传播情况。2006年Safani等[11]实现了低速层情况下勒夫波的模拟和反演。2008年马志杰等[12]对勒夫波相速度频散曲线敏感性进行了比较分析。2010年,Luo等[13]基于标准交错网格有限差分法研究了完全弹性介质中3种典型地层的勒夫波频散特征。2012年,夏江海等[3]提出了多道勒夫波分析法(multichannel analysis of Love waves),反演获得了浅地表横波速度。2013年,夏江海、尹晓菲[14]采用弱衰减条件下勒夫波衰减系数的近似公式[15]反演得到了地层横波速度品质因子,避开了求解勒夫波复数频散方程问题。2016年,谢俊法等[16]采用无分裂复频移卷积完全匹配层边界条件,进行了粘弹介质的勒夫波数值模拟。2017年,伍敦仕等[17] 对粘弹介质勒夫波频散问题的统一解问题进行了研究,发现地下存在低速夹层时粘弹介质勒夫波频散曲线存在交叉现象。对于勒夫波的研究不少学者都作了卓有成效的工作,但在介质的粘弹性对勒夫波理论频散曲线有何影响方面的研究仍未见广泛开展。笔者拟通过求解频散方程获得勒夫波理论相速度频散曲线,采用高阶有限差分模拟得到粘弹介质情况下的勒夫波单炮记录并从中提取对应的频散曲线;对理论模型提取得到频散曲线与理论频散曲线开展对比研究,并进一步分析粘弹性介质对勒夫波频散曲线的影响;然后对频散曲线进行反演得到地下横波速度结构以验证方法的可行性和有效性;最后通过野外试验来进一步验证本文方法的实际应用效果。

1 粘弹介质勒夫波频散曲线计算

1.1 二维均匀粘弹介质勒夫波方程



图1   水平均匀介质模型

Fig.1   Horizontal uniform medium model






T(t)=a1e-ωt+a2eωt R(x)=b1e-K*x+b2eK*xL(z)=sde-vz+suevz

其中,-ω2为分离变量法中使两个微分方程相等时定义的常量,β*2=μ*,K*表示水平波数,特征值 v= K*2-ω2β*2是垂直波数,系数sdsu是下行波和上行波z分量的系数。






1.2 二维层状粘弹介质勒夫波方程







在两个相邻层jj+1的分界面上应力相等,因此 lj(z)=lj+1(z)。



















其中,奇异值v= K*2-ω2β*2,Q= 11vμ*-vμ*,Q-1= 1211vμ*1-1vμ*






2 模型试算

本文选用具有代表意义的三层速度递增模型探讨介质的粘弹性对频散曲线的影响。如图2所示,模型大小为100 m×50 m;第1层介质横波速度为150 m·s-1,密度为2 000 kg·m-3,厚度为5 m;第2层介质横波速度为300 m·s,密度为2 000 kg·m-3,厚度为5 m;第3层(半空间)介质横波速度为450 m·s-1,密度为2 000 kg·m-3。震源为雷克子波,主频25 Hz。模拟计算采用交错网格有限差分并行算法[19],网格间距Δxz=0.25 m,炮点位于地表0 m处,道间距2 m,最小偏移距0 m,48道接收;采样间隔Δt=0.1 ms,采样长度0.8 s。分别对完全弹性介质、粘弹介质品质因子Q=50和Q=20三种情况进行数值模拟,得到相应的单炮记录,同时采用τ-p变换与相移联合方法[20]提取模拟记录的勒夫波频散曲线,并与采用上一节方法得到的理论频散曲线进行对比分析,探讨品质因子不同时频散曲线的变化特征。


图2   三层速度递增模型

Fig.2   Three-layered model of increasing velocity



图3   完全弹性介质与粘弹介质(Q=50、Q=20)单炮模拟记录(水平分量)对比


Fig.3   Comparison of the wave field record (horizontal component) for completely elastic medium and viscoelastic medium(Q=50、Q=20)

a—completely elastic medium;b—viscoelastic medium with Q=50;c—viscoelastic medium with Q=20


图4   完全弹性介质与粘弹介质(Q=50、Q=20)单道记录(水平分量)波形对比


Fig.4   Comparison of single trace (horizontal component) waveform for completely elastic medium and viscoelastic medium(Q=50、Q=20)

a—waveform comparison of the 25th trace;b—waveform comparison of the 48th trace

图5分别是完全弹性介质、粘弹介质品质因子Q=50和Q=20情况下利用τ-p变换与相移联合方法从勒夫波单炮模拟记录中提取得到频散能量分布图,彩色曲线分别为由式(26)计算得到的理论勒夫波频散曲线,可以看出,各模式的勒夫波理论频散曲线与其炮记录提取得到的频散能量极大值吻合得较好。频散曲线的高频极限趋近于最上层介质的横波速度(150 m·s-1),而低频极限趋近于最下层介质的横波速度(450 m·s-1)。


图5   完全弹性介质与粘弹介质理论频散曲线与单炮记录频散能量对比


Fig.5   Comparison of theoretical dispersion curve and the dispersion energy in single shot record for completely elastic medium and viscoelastic medium

a—completely elastic medium;b—viscoelastic medium with Q=50;c—viscoelastic medium with Q=20



图6   完全弹性介质与粘弹介质理论频散曲线对比

Fig.6   Comparison of theoretical dispersion curves for completely elastic medium and viscoelastic medium

现利用粘弹介质品质因子Q=20的频散曲线作为观测数据进行横波速度结构反演,采用最小二乘法反演算法。反演时分别按完全弹性介质和给定真实Q值的粘弹介质进行计算。为验证介质粘弹性对反演结果的影响,反演中层厚度和密度均为已知量,只反演横波速度,反演初始模型选择横波速度为300 m/s的均匀介质,反演结果如图7所示。由图7可看出,当将实际为粘弹性的介质按照完全弹性介质进行反演时,反演结果略大于真实模型的横波速度,原因是由于粘弹性的影响导致其频散曲线在高频段的相速度略大于完全弹性介质的相速度,如果将原本为粘弹介质的频散曲线看作完全弹性介质的频散曲线,势必会对反演结果造成一定的误差。当反演时按照粘弹性频散曲线公式进行计算,给定准确的品质因子(Q=20),反演所得地层结构的横波速度与其真实值更为接近,反演结果令人满意。


图7   理论频散曲线横波速度反演结果

Fig.7   Shear wave velocity inversion results of theoretical dispersion curves

3 野外实际资料处理

为验证方法的野外实际资料处理效果,本文选取了一个人工隧道进行勒夫波探测试验。试验场景如图8所示。隧道宽约6 m,顶面埋深约3 m,底面埋深约6 m。地震测线位于隧道上方的平台上,测线方向垂直于隧道走向。由西向东共布置24个三分量检波器,道间距2 m,最小偏移距4 m。第一道位于测线最西端0 m处,第24道位于47 m处,滚动排列,隧道位于第33~39 m之间。震源采用锤击震源,击震方向垂直于测线,横向击震,炮间距4 m,采样率0.5 ms,采样长度512 ms,每道1 024个采样点,每炮叠加3次,共采集13炮。


图8   野外试验场景

Fig.8   Field test scenario

图9是经过预处理后的第一炮野外勒夫波记录以及提取得到的频散曲线。从图中可以看出频散曲线的高频极限趋近于表层介质的横波速度200 m/s,低频极限趋近于最底层介质的横波度500 m/s。因此,反演时可根据频散曲线的高频极限和低频极限事先设置一个速度在两个极限速度之间逐渐递增的初始模型。反演之前采用Xia等[7]的方法提取得到了试验区的品质因子Q平均约为10,然后采用最小二乘法对勒夫波实测频散曲线按粘弹介质Q=10进行反演,由13炮记录反演得到的二维横波速度结构断面图如图10所示。由图10可以看到以第36 m为中心,存在一个明显的低速异常体(速度范围低于200 m/s),图中红圈为隧道空洞的大致位置,异常体的顶界面与隧道的顶界面基本一致,而底界面与实际位置相比较浅,也就是说反演误差随深度的增加而增大。在横向展布上,异常体的分布范围比隧道的实际宽度要大,横向分辨率较低。产生上述问题的主要原因是该方法的理论假设是水平层状介质,而本次试验场地在横向上存在剧烈变化(有空洞存在),不满足水平层状介质假设,从而对频散曲线的反演精度造成一定的影响[21]。尽管如此,异常体的位置总体上与隧道的实际位置仍具有较好的对应关系,这说明利用粘弹介质勒夫波频散曲线反演浅层横波速度结构是可行且有效的,对于横向速度变化不大的地层,理论上应该能够获得更好的反演结果。


图9   第一炮野外勒夫波记录(a)及其频散曲线(b)

Fig.9   The first shot of field Love-wave record(a) and its dispersion curves(b)


图10   野外实际资料频散曲线反演二维横波速度结构断面

Fig.10   2-D shear wave velocity profile from the dispersion curve inversion of field data

4 结论






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As theory dictates, for a series of horizontal layers, a pure, plane, horizontally polarized shear (SH) wave refracts and reflects only SH waves and does not undergo wave-type conversion as do incident P or Sv waves. This is one reason the shallow SH-wave refraction method is popular. SH-wave refraction method usually works well defining near-surface shear-wave velocities. Only first arrival information is used in the SH-wave refraction method. Most SH-wave data contain a strong component of Love-wave energy. Love waves are surface waves that are formed from the constructive interference of multiple reflections of SH waves in the shallow subsurface. Unlike Rayleigh waves, the dispersive nature of Love waves is independent of P-wave velocity. Love-wave phase velocities of a layered earth model are a function of frequency and three groups of earth properties: SH-wave velocity, density, and thickness of layers. In theory, a fewer parameters make the inversion of Love waves more stable and reduce the degree of nonuniqueness. Approximating SH-wave velocity using Love-wave inversion for near-surface applications may become more appealing than Rayleigh-wave inversion because it possesses the following three advantages. (1) Numerical modeling results suggest the independence of P-wave velocity makes Love-wave dispersion curves simpler than Rayleigh waves. A complication of “Mode kissing” is an undesired and frequently occurring phenomenon in Rayleigh-wave analysis that causes mode misidentification. This phenomenon is less common in dispersion images of Love-wave energy. (2) Real-world examples demonstrated that dispersion images of Love-wave energy have a higher signal-to-noise ratio and more focus than those generated from Rayleigh waves. This advantage is related to the long geophone spreads commonly used for SH-wave refraction surveys, images of Love-wave energy from longer offsets are much cleaner and sharper than for closer offsets, which makes picking phase velocities of Love waves easier and more accurate. (3) Real-world examples demonstrated that inversion of Love-wave dispersion curves is less dependent on initial models and more stable than Rayleigh waves. This is due to Love-wave’s independence of P-wave velocity, which results in fewer unknowns in the MALW method compared to inversion methods of Rayleigh waves. This characteristic not only makes Love-wave dispersion curves simpler but also reduces the degree of nonuniqueness leading to more stable inversion of Love-wave dispersion curves.]]>

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Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) is one of the most widely used techniques in environmental and engineering geophysics to determine shear-wave velocities and dynamic properties, which is based on the elastic layered system theory. Wave propagation in the Earth, however, has been recognized as viscoelastic and the propagation of Rayleigh waves presents substantial differences in viscoelastic media as compared with elastic media. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out numerical simulation and dispersion analysis of Rayleigh waves in viscoelastic media to better understand Rayleigh-wave behaviors in the real world. We apply a pseudospectral method to the calculation of the spatial derivatives using a Chebyshev difference operator in the vertical direction and a Fourier difference operator in the horizontal direction based on the velocity-stress elastodynamic equations and relations of linear viscoelastic solids. This approach stretches the spatial discrete grid to have a minimum grid size near the free surface so that high accuracy and resolution are achieved at the free surface, which allows an effective incorporation of the free surface boundary conditions since the Chebyshev method is nonperiodic. We first use an elastic homogeneous half-space model to demonstrate the accuracy of the pseudospectral method comparing with the analytical solution, and verify the correctness of the numerical modeling results for a viscoelastic half-space comparing the phase velocities of Rayleigh wave between the theoretical values and the dispersive image generated by high-resolution linear Radon transform. We then simulate three types of two-layer models to analyze dispersive-energy characteristics for near-surface applications. Results demonstrate that the phase velocity of Rayleigh waves in viscoelastic media is relatively higher than in elastic media and the fundamental mode increases by 10-16% when the frequency is above 10 Hz due to the velocity dispersion of P and S waves. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd.

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Love-wave propagation has been a topic of interest to crustal, earthquake, and engineering seismologists for many years because it is independent of Poisson’s ratio and more sensitive to shear (S)-wave velocity changes and layer thickness changes than are Rayleigh waves. It is well known that Love-wave generation requires the existence of a low S-wave velocity layer in a multilayered earth model. In order to study numerically the propagation of Love waves in a layered earth model and dispersion characteristics for near-surface applications, we simulate high-frequency (>5 Hz) Love waves by the staggered-grid finite-difference (FD) method. The air–earth boundary (the shear stress above the free surface) is treated using the stress-imaging technique. We use a two-layer model to demonstrate the accuracy of the staggered-grid modeling scheme. We also simulate four-layer models including a low-velocity layer (LVL) or a high-velocity layer (HVL) to analyze dispersive energy characteristics for near-surface applications. Results demonstrate that: (1) the staggered-grid FD code and stress-imaging technique are suitable for treating the free-surface boundary conditions for Love-wave modeling, (2) Love-wave inversion should be treated with extra care when a LVL exists because of a lack of LVL information in dispersions aggravating uncertainties in the inversion procedure, and (3) energy of high modes in a low-frequency range is very weak, so that it is difficult to estimate the cutoff frequency accurately, and “mode-crossing” occurs between the second higher and third higher modes when a HVL exists.

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