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物探与化探, 2020, 44(3): 540-549 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2020.1360



邱峰1,2, 杜劲松,1,2,3, 陈超1,2

1. 中国地质大学(武汉) 地球物理与空间信息学院,湖北 武汉 430074

2. 中国地质大学(武汉) 地球内部多尺度成像湖北省重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074

3. 中国地质大学(武汉) 地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074

Influence factor analysis of quantitative interpretation for gravity anomaly and its gradient tensor by DEXP

QIU Feng1,2, DU Jin-Song,1,2,3, CHEN Chao1,2

1. Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China

2. Hubei Subsurface Multi-scale Imaging Key Laboratory, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China

3. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China

通讯作者: 杜劲松(1985-),男,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,主要从事重磁勘探方面的教学与研究工作。Email:jinsongdu@cug.edu.cn

责任编辑: 王萌

收稿日期: 2019-07-15   修回日期: 2020-01-8   网络出版日期: 2020-06-20

基金资助: 中国地质调查局项目“东天山卡拉塔格—雅满苏一带戈壁荒漠浅覆盖区地质填图”.  DD20179607
国家自然科学基金项目.  41604060
国家重点研发计划“深海关键技术与装备”重点专项.  2016YFC0303001-2
地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室自主研究课题.  MSFGPMR01-4

Received: 2019-07-15   Revised: 2020-01-8   Online: 2020-06-20

作者简介 About authors

邱峰(1992-),男,在读硕士研究生,主要从事重磁勘探方面的学习与研究工作。Email:fengqiu@cug.edu.cn 。


快速成像反演方法是近几年重磁勘探定量解释的一个发展热点,由于其在计算过程中不需要加入先验信息,故而可以较为快速地估算场源的深度与密度等相关参量。DEXP(depth from extreme point)成像法由于在深度加权函数中考虑了构造指数,使得成像结果更为准确。笔者基于DEXP快速成像法的基本理论,首先,推导了重力异常及重力梯度张量的DEXP变换形式,并将其应用到场源解释之中;然后,采用理论模型试验,分别分析了数据的点距、误差、计算范围以及背景场对成像结果的影响;最后,将该成像方法应用于实测的全张量重力梯度数据,并与前人研究结果进行了对比与分析。理论模型试验与实际应用均表明:DEXP成像法能够有效压制数据噪声的影响,具有计算稳定性和准确性特点;数据的点距、计算范围和背景场均对DEXP成像结果具有一定的影响,因此在实际数据处理时,应该综合考虑它们对成像结果的影响,并且需要进行相关数据预处理以提高定量解释的精度。

关键词: DEXP ; 重力异常 ; 重力梯度张量 ; 定量解释 ; 影响因素分析


Fast imaging inversion method has been a hotspot in quantitative interpretation of gravity and magnetic exploration in recent years. Because it does not need to add prior information in the calculation, it can quickly estimate the source depth, density and other related parameters. DEXP (Depth from Extreme point) imaging method adds the corresponding structural index to the depth scaling function in the calculation, making the imaging results more accurate. Based on the basic theory of the DEXP rapid imaging method, firstly, transformation formulas for gravity field and gravity gradient tensor regarding depth from the extreme point method were calculated and applied to the causative source interpretation in this paper. Then, through different synthetic models tests, the effects of sampling interval, data error, computing range and background field on the imaging results were analyzed, respectively. Finally, the imaging method was applied to the full gravity tensor gradient field data, and the results were compared with those provided by previous researchers in the literature. Both the synthetic tests and the field example show that the DEXP imaging method not only has good suppression on the noise in the observation data but also shows the characteristics of computing stability and accuracy. In addition, the data sampling interval, calculation range and background field all have certain influences on DEXP imaging results. Therefore, when actual field data are interpreted, it is necessary to comprehensively consider their influences on the imaging results and perform the corresponding pre-processing to improve the accuracy of the quantitative interpretation.

Keywords: DEXP ; gravity anomaly ; gravity gradient tensor ; quantitative interpretation ; influence factor analysis

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邱峰, 杜劲松, 陈超. 重力异常及其梯度张量DEXP定量解释方法的影响因素分析. 物探与化探[J], 2020, 44(3): 540-549 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2020.1360

QIU Feng, DU Jin-Song, CHEN Chao. Influence factor analysis of quantitative interpretation for gravity anomaly and its gradient tensor by DEXP. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2020, 44(3): 540-549 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2020.1360

0 引言


快速成像法是相对于传统常规反演方法而提出的[1,2,3],由于不需要任何的迭代过程,因此能够快速地得到地下异常体的分布状况或相关参量(如深度、倾角及构造指数等),避免了传统方法耗时长、计算量大等缺陷。Fedi和Pilkington于2012年总结并比较了位场成像方法[4],包括Cribb[5]于1976年提出的Cribb成像法、Moreau等[6]于1999年阐述的连续小波变换法、Mauriello等[7]于2001年提出的概率成像法、Zhdanov等[8]在2011年提出的偏移成像法以及Fedi[9]于2007年提出的极值点深度估计法(DEXP)等。为了将这些方法应用于重力梯度张量数据解释,国内外学者们将许多方法均进行了一定程度的改进(如Guo等[10]; Zhdanov等[11]; Zhou等[12])。


1 方法原理



其中:G为万有引力常数(G=6.67×10-11 m3·kg-1·s-2),r为坐标原点指向测量点P(x, y, z)的矢量,r0为坐标原点指向质点或球心Q(x0,y0,z0)的矢量。在笛卡尔直角坐标系下,假设质心或球心的位置为(0,0,z0),测量点的水平位置为x=x0=0、y=y0=0以及z>0,令质量M=1,并且将万有引力常数进行归一化处理,则式(1)可简化为:



















2 基于理论模型的影响因素分析

首先令均匀直立棱柱体模型的长(a)、宽(b)与高(c)分别为30、20与10 m,其中心埋深为15 m,剩余密度Δρ为0.5 g/cm3。首先, 通过正演计算可以得到该模型在地表即z=0处产生的重力异常以及重力梯度张量异常;其次,分别将模拟数据在波数域进行不同高度的向上延拓处理以得到3D数据体;然后,根据DEXP变换理论,分别可得模型重力异常以及重力梯度张量异常的DEXP变换结果,分别如图1图2所示。其中,模拟数据的测点点距为2 m,向上延拓总高度为40 m,步长为1 m。图中黑色矩形描述了直立棱柱体模型的边界位置,白色实线为DEXP变换后所选取的剖面位置,白色圆点为DEXP变换对应的极值点。


图1   直立棱柱体模型的重力异常(a)及其DEXP变换结果(b)

Fig.1   Gravity anomaly (a) of the rectangular prism model and its DEXP transform results (b)


图2   直立棱柱体模型的重力梯度张量异常(a)及其DEXP变换结果(b)

Fig.2   Gravity gradient tensor components of the rectangular prism model (a) and its DEXP transform results (b)



2.1 DEXP变换的抗噪能力分析

令直立棱柱体模型的长a、宽b与高c分别为20、20与6 m,其中心埋深为15 m,剩余密度Δρ为1 g/cm3,首先计算得到模型的重力垂向梯度异常,然后分别向理论模型加入4组平均值为零但方差不同的高斯噪声进行对比研究,其方差分别为理论重力垂向梯度最大幅值的1%、2%、5%和10%,对应的重力垂向梯度异常及其极值点深度成像结果分别如图3图4所示。其中,模拟计算测点的点距为2 m,向上延拓总高度为30 m,延拓步长为1 m。


图3   加入不同高斯噪声的Tzz分量异常

Fig.3   Tzz component anomaly of the rectangular prism model with different Gauss noise

(a) Tzz component with 0% Gauss noise; (b) Tzz component with 1% Gauss noise; (c) Tzz component with 2% Gauss noise;(d) Tzz component with 5% Gauss noise; (e) Tzz component with 10% Gauss noise


图4   图3对应的Tzz分量DEXP变换结果

Fig.4   DEXP transform results of Tzz component corresponding to Fig. 3.


2.2 数据点距对DEXP变换成像的影响

为了研究数据点距对异常体DEXP变换成像的影响,分别设置了3组不同点距(1、2以及5 m)进行试验研究。令直立棱柱体模型长a、宽b与高c分别为30、20与10 m,其中心埋深为30 m,剩余密度Δρ为1 g/cm3,计算范围为-70~70 m,向上延拓步长为1 m,总延拓高度为70 m。根据DEXP变换理论,即可得模型Tzz分量的深度成像结果,如图5所示。


图5   数据点距为1 m(a)、2 m(b)和5 m(c)情况下的Tzz分量DEXP变换成像结果

Fig.5   DEXP transform results of Tzz component with data spaces of 1 m (a), 2 m (b) and 5 m (c)


2.3 数据范围对DEXP变换成像的影响

采用与图5相同的模型,为了研究数据范围对模型DEXP变换成像的影响,分别设置了5组不同计算范围(-50~50 m、-60~60 m、-70~70 m、-80~80 m和-100~100 m)进行试验研究。其中,数据点距为2 m,向上延拓步长为1 m,总延拓高度为70 m。根据DEXP变换理论,即可得模型重力垂向梯度的DEXP成像结果,如图6所示。


图6   计算范围为-50~50 m(a)、-60~60 m(b)、-70~70 m(c)、-80~80 m(d)、-100~100 m(e)时Tzz分量DEXP变换结果

Fig.6   DEXP transform results of Tzz component with data spatial ranges of -50~50 m (a), -60~60 m (b),-70~70 m (c), -80~80 m (d) and -100~100 m (e)

由成像结果可知:当点距保持不变时,若计算范围小于一定范围,由于变换过程中没有足够的场源信息,其成像形态过于向两侧分散,导致模型的DEXP变换成像结果在计算范围内不存在极值点;随着计算范围的增大,模型的DEXP变换结果异常形态开始向中心收敛,其极值点开始向模型中心位置移动,当到某个计算范围时,其极值点与模型中心位置重合,即DEXP变化所估计的深度与理论埋深一致、误差为零;若继续增大计算范围, DEXP变换结果对应极值点则会向场源的上边界移动,当增大到某一个计算范围之后,极值点位置不再发生移动,其位置收敛在场源的上边界附近。

2.4 背景场对DEXP变换结果的影响

采用与图5相同的模型进行试验,分别在模型正演中加入不同大小的背景场(分别为-1E、-0.5E、-0.2E、0E、0.2E、0.5E),以研究背景场对DEXP变换成像结果的影响。模拟数据的测点点距为2 m,向上延拓步长为1 m,总延拓高度为70 m。图7为加入不同背景场后模型Tzz分量DEXP变换结果成像图。由图7可知,背景场对DEXP变换结果具有较大的影响,当背景场的绝对值过大时,DEXP变换成像形态会发生很大的改变,甚至可能导致变换结果没有极值点。因此,在实际数据资料处理时,应该首先采用适当的位场分离技术,再对局部异常进行DEXP变换。


图7   加入-1E(a)、-0.5E(b)、-0.2E(c)、0E(d)、0.2E(e)和0.5E(f)的背景场之后的Tzz分量DEXP变换结果

Fig.7   DEXP transform results of Tzz component with background fields of -1E(a)、-0.5E(b)、-0.2E(c)、0E(d)、0.2E(e) 和 0.5E(f)

3 基于实际数据的影响因素分析

研究区位于路易斯安那州西南部,靠近德克萨斯州边界的Vinton盐丘区。区内为沉积岩相,地下发育盐丘构造。Vinton盐丘区全张量重力梯度(FTG)数据由Bell Geospace公司测得,采用南北向飞行测线,间隔为150 m,平均海拔75 m。测区范围为北纬30.07°~30.23°、西经93.53°~93.66°,总测线长度为1 087.5 km,测区面积为192.6 km2图8a即为Vinton盐丘地区的重力异常数据。在进行DEXP变换时,Wp中的深度加权函数 zNp/2包含了地质体几何形状的构造指数信息,因此在DEXP成像过程中,需要预先指定异常体的构造指数。Zhou等[12]通过计算得出了盐丘地区梯度数据的构造指数(Np)大致为2.2,故而可得重力异常的构造指数为1.2,将其应用到式(8)中,即可得到Vinton盐丘地区重力异常DEXP变换结果,如图8b所示。由结果可得,重力异常数据的DEXP变换结果受到背景场的干扰很大,其成像结果成层状并且没有极值点。同时Fedi也指出重力梯度数据比重力异常的DEXP变换受附近异常体的干扰小[9],故本文又将DEXP变换成像法应用于实测重力梯度张量数据处理中。图9为全张量重力梯度异常分布(ΔTxx、ΔTxy、ΔTxz、ΔTyy、ΔTyz和ΔTzz)。根据DEXP变换成像理论,即可以得到Vinton盐丘区全张量重力梯度数据的DEXP变换结果成像,如图10所示。图中DEXP变换的总水平导数W_thd对应的极值点位置可以大致描述盐丘的边界位置,WxxWyyWzz变换结果的极值点位置可以反映盐丘的中心埋藏深度,极值点的平均位置约为335 m,故减去飞行高度计算出的平均深度约为260 m,其结果与Zhou等人[12]计算结果一致。


图8   Vinton盐丘地区重力异常(a)及其DEXP变换结果(b)

Fig.8   Gravity anomaly (a) in Vinton Salt Dome region and its DEXP transform results (b)


图9   Vinton盐丘地区的全张量重力梯度异常数据

Fig.9   The full gravity gradient tensor fields in Vinton Salt Dome region


图10   Vinton盐丘地区全张量重力梯度数据的DEXP变换结果

Fig.10   DEXP transform results of the full gravity gradient tensor field data in Vinton Salt Dome region

但是,根据前文的影响因素分析,结合图10WxxWyyWzz的成像形态,可以发现计算结果存在背景场的影响。因此,为了提高深度估计的精度,本文将ΔTxx、ΔTyy和ΔTzz分量进行匹配滤波分场处理,再将分场得到的局部场(如图11所示)进行DEXP变换成像,成像结果如图12所示。由变换结果计算得到的平均深度约为330 m,与前人计算的深度估算结果200~400 m一致[17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25]


图11   Vinton盐丘地区ΔTxx、ΔTyy和ΔTzz分量分场之后的局部场

Fig.11   The residual fields of ΔTxx, ΔTyy and ΔTzz components after anomaly separation in Vinton Salt Dome region


图12   Vinton盐丘地区ΔTxx、ΔTyy和ΔTzz分量的局部场DEXP变换成像结果

Fig.12   DEXP transform results of the residual fields of ΔTxx, ΔTyy and ΔTzz components after anomaly separation in Vinton Salt Dome region

根据式(4)可以首先计算ΔTzz分量的尺度函数τp,再由Np=-2τp(z=-z0)即可估算得出Vinton盐丘区重力垂向梯度数据的构造指数Np。若不对ΔTzz分量进行分场处理,则根据DEXP变换极值点估计的构造指数为2.377 4,如图13a所示。图13b为利用ΔTzz分量局部场估计的构造指数结果,故可计算Vinton盐丘区重力垂向梯度数据的构造指数约为2.198,结果与Zhou等[12]估算结果一致,从而可得盐丘的构造指数为1.198,可知盐丘的几何形态比较接近于柱体状。


图13   构造指数Np估计结果

Fig.13   The results of the corresponding structural index Np

4 结论





感谢Bell Geospace公司提供的全张量重力梯度数据!


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The geological interpretation of gravity gradiometry data is a very challenging problem. While maps of different gravity gradients may be correlated with geological structures present, maps alone cannot quantify 3D density distributions related to geological structures. 3D inversion represents the only practical tool for the quantitative interpretation of gravity gradiometry data. However, 3D inversion is a complicated and time-consuming procedure that is very dependent on the a priori model and constraints used. To overcome these difficulties for the initial stages of an interpretation workflow, we introduce the concept of potential field migration, and demonstrate how it can be applied for rapid 3D imaging of entire gravity gradiometry surveys. This method is based on a direct integral transformation of the observed gravity gradients into a subsurface density distribution that can be used for interpretation or as an a priori model for subsequent 3D regularized inversion. For large-scale surveys, we show how migration runs on the order of minutes compared to hours for 3D regularized inversion. Moreover, the results obtained from potential field migration are comparable to those obtained from regularized inversion with smooth stabilizers. We present a case study for the 3D imaging of FALCON airborne gravity gradiometry data from Broken Hill, Australia. We observe good agreement between results obtained from potential field migration and those generated by 3D regularized inversion.

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Three-dimensional potential field migration for rapid imaging of entire total-magnetic-intensity (TMI) surveys is introduced, and real time applications are discussed. Potential field migration is based on a direct integral transformation of the measured TMI data into a 3D susceptibility model, which could be directly used for interpretation or as an a priori model for subsequent regularized inversion. The advantage of migration is that it does not require any a priori information about the type of the sources present, nor does it rely on regularization as per inversion. Migration is very stable with respect to noise in measured data because the transform is reduced to the downward continuation of a function that is analytical everywhere in the subsurface. The 3D migration of TMI data acquired over the Reid-Mahaffy test site in Ontario, Canada is used as a test study. Our results are shown to be consistent with those results obtained from 3D regularized inversion as well as the known geology of the area. Interestingly, the migration of raw TMI data produces results very similar to the inversion of diurnally corrected and microleveled TMI data, suggesting that migration could be applied directly to real-time imaging during the acquisition.

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Depth from extreme points method for gravity gradient tensor data

[J]. Geophysical Prospecting, 2018,66(2):432-443.

[本文引用: 7]

Fedi M, Abbas M A.

A fast interpretation of self-potential data using the depth from extreme points method

[J]. Geophysics, 2013,78(2):E107-E16.

DOI:10.1190/GEO2012-0074.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We used a fast method to interpret self-potential data: the depth from extreme points (DEXP) method. This is an imaging method transforming self-potential data, or their derivatives, into a quantity proportional to the source distribution. It is based on upward continuing of the field to a number of altitudes and then multiplying the continued data with a scaling law of those altitudes. The scaling law is in the form of a power law of the altitudes, with an exponent equal to half of the structural index, a source parameter related to the type of source. The method is autoconsistent because the structural index is basically determined by analyzing the scaling function, which is defined as the derivative of the logarithm of the self-potential (or of its pth derivative) with respect to the logarithm of the altitudes. So, the DEXP method does not need a priori information on the self-potential sources and yields effective information about their depth and shape/typology. Important features of the DEXP method are its high-resolution power and stability, resulting from the combined effect of a stable operator (upward continuation) and a high-order differentiation operator. We tested how to estimate the depth to the source in two ways: (1) at the positions of the extreme points in the DEXP transformed map and (2) at the intersection of the lines of the absolute values of the potential or of its derivative (geometrical method). The method was demonstrated using synthetic data of isolated sources and using a multisource model. The method is particularly suited to handle noisy data, because it is stable even using high-order derivatives of the self-potential. We discussed some real data sets: Malachite Mine, Colorado (USA), the Sariyer area (Turkey), and the Bender area (India). The estimated depths and structural indices agree well with the known information.

Abbas M A, Fedi M, Florio G.

Improving the local wavenumber method by automatic DEXP transformation

[J]. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2014,111:250-255.

DOI:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2014.10.004      URL     [本文引用: 2]

In this paper we present a new method for source parameter estimation, based on the local wavenumber function. We make use of the stable properties of the Depth from EXtreme Points (DEXP) method, in which the depth to the source is determined at the extreme points of the field scaled with a power-law of the altitude. Thus the method results particularly suited to deal with local wavenumber of high-order, as it is able to overcome its known instability caused by the use of high-order derivatives. The DEXP transformation enjoys a relevant feature when applied to the local wavenumber function: the scaling-law is in fact independent of the structural index. So, differently from the DEXP transformation applied directly to potential fields, the Local Wavenumber DEXP transformation is fully automatic and may be implemented as a very fast imaging method, mapping every kind of source at the correct depth. Also the simultaneous presence of sources with different homogeneity degree can be easily and correctly treated. The method was applied to synthetic and real examples from Bulgaria and Italy and the results agree well with known information about the causative sources. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V.

Fedi M, Florio G.

Determination of the maximum-depth to potential field sources by a maximum structural index method

[J]. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2013,88:154-160.

DOI:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2012.10.009      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Thanks to the direct relationship between structural index and depth to sources we work out a simple and fast strategy to obtain the maximum depth by using the semi-automated methods, such as Euler deconvolution or depth-from-extreme-points method (DEXP).The proposed method consists in estimating the maximum depth as the one obtained for the highest allowable value of the structural index (N-max). N-max be easily determined, since it depends only on the dimensionality of the problem (2D/3D) and on the nature of the analyzed field (e.g., gravity field or magnetic field). We tested our approach on synthetic models against the results obtained by the classical Bott Smith formulas and the results are in fact very similar, confirming the validity of this method. However, while Bolt Smith formulas are restricted to the gravity field only, our method is applicable also to the magnetic field and to any derivative of the gravity and magnetic field. Our method yields a useful criterion to assess the source model based on the (partial derivative f/partial derivative x)(max)/f(max) ratio.The usefulness of the method in real cases is demonstrated for a salt wall in the Mississippi basin, where the estimation of the maximum depth agrees with the seismic information. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V.]]>

Thompson D T.

EULDPH: A new technique for making computer assisted depth estimates from magnetic data

[J]. Geophysics, 1982,47(1):31-37.

DOI:10.1190/1.1441278      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Geng M, Huang D, Yang Q, et al.

3D inversion of airborne gravity-gradiometry data using cokriging

[J]. Geophysics, 2014,79(4):G37-G47.

DOI:10.1190/GEO2013-0393.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We developed a new method for interpretation of airborne gravity gradiometry data, based on cokriging inversion. The cokriging method that we evaluated minimized the theoretical estimation error variance by using auto- and crosscorrelations of several variables. It does not require iterations and can easily include complex a priori information. Moreover, the smoothing effects in the inverted density structure model can be reduced to a certain extent due to the anisotropy constrain in the covariance model. We compared the recovered models obtained by inverting the different combinations of gravity-gradient components to understand how different component combinations contributed to the resolution of the recovered model. The results indicated that including multiple components for inversion increased the resolution of the recovered density model and improved the structure delineation. Moreover, in the case in which the parameters of the variogram model are not well chosen, cokriging with multicomponent combinations can still correctly recover the geometry of the targeted sources. The survey data of the Vinton dome were considered as a case study. The results of the inversion were in good agreement with the known formation in the region. This supports the validity of our method.



[D]. 长春: 吉林大学, 2015.

[本文引用: 1]

Yuan Y.

Comprehensive analysis, processing and interpretation of the full tensor gravity gradient data

[D]. Changchun: Jilin University, 2015.

[本文引用: 1]

陈玲娜, 曾昭发, 袁园, .


[J]. 世界地质, 2015,34(4):1113-1119.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

针对传统 DEXP 快速成像结果依赖于地质体构造指数的缺点,笔者提出了利用重力异常不同阶垂向导数比值 DEXP 的方法。该方法使得成像结果独立于地质体构造指数。地质体的深度估计完全自动化,仅需要寻找比值 DEXP 成像结果的极大值点位置。通过该方法估计出的深度结果,可以进行地质体构造指数的估计。通过模型试验,证明该方法能准确地估计出地质体的深度位置以及地质体的类型。将该方法应用到 Bell Geospace 公司在 Vinton Dome 测得的 Air- -FTG 全张量重力梯度数据中取得了很好的结果。

Chen L N, Zeng Z F, Yuan Y, et al.

Using ratio DEXP for depth imaging of gravity gradient data

[J]. Global Geology, 2015,34(4):1113-1119.

[本文引用: 1]

Thompson S A, Eichelberger O H.

Vinton salt dome, CalcasieuParish, Louisiana

[J]. AAPG Bulletin, 1982,12(4):385-394.

[本文引用: 1]

Salem A, Masterton S, Campbell S, et al.

Interpretation of tensor gravity data using an adaptive tilt angle method

[J]. Geophysical Prospecting, 2013,61(5):1065-1076.

DOI:10.1111/1365-2478.12039      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry (FTG) data are routinely used in exploration programmes to evaluate and explore geological complexities hosting hydrocarbon and mineral resources. FTG data are typically used to map a host structure and locate target responses of interest using a myriad of imaging techniques. Identified anomalies of interest are then examined using 2D and 3D forward and inverse modelling methods for depth estimation. However, such methods tend to be time consuming and reliant on an independent constraint for clarification. This paper presents a semi-automatic method to interpret FTG data using an adaptive tilt angle approach. The present method uses only the three vertical tensor components of the FTG data (T-zx, T-zy and T-zz) with a scale value that is related to the nature of the source (point anomaly or linear anomaly). With this adaptation, it is possible to estimate the location and depth of simple buried gravity sources such as point masses, line masses and vertical and horizontal thin sheets, provided that these sources exist in isolation and that the FTG data have been sufficiently filtered to minimize the influence of noise. Computation times are fast, producing plausible results of single solution depth estimates that relate directly to anomalies. For thick sheets, the method can resolve the thickness of these layers assuming the depth to the top is known from drilling or other independent geophysical data. We demonstrate the practical utility of the method using examples of FTG data acquired over the Vinton Salt Dome, Louisiana, USA and basalt flows in the Faeroe-Shetland Basin, UK. A major benefit of the method is the ability to quickly construct depth maps. Such results are used to produce best estimate initial depth to source maps that can act as initial models for any detailed quantitative modelling exercises using 2D/3D forward/inverse modelling techniques.

Oliveira Jr V C, Barbosa V C F.

3-D radial gravity gradient inversion

[J]. Geophysical Journal International, 2013,195(2):883-902.

DOI:10.1093/gji/ggt307      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We have presented a joint inversion of all gravity-gradient tensor components to estimate the shape of an isolated 3-D geological body located in subsurface. The method assumes the knowledge about the depth to the top and density contrast of the source. The geological body is approximated by an interpretation model formed by an ensemble of vertically juxtaposed 3-D right prisms, each one with known thickness and density contrast. All prisms forming the interpretation model have a polygonal horizontal cross-section that approximates a depth slice of the body. Each polygon defining a horizontal cross-section has the same fixed number of vertices, which are equally spaced from 0 degrees to 360 degrees and have their horizontal locations described in polar coordinates referred to an arbitrary origin inside the polygon. Although the number of vertices forming each polygon is known, the horizontal coordinates of these vertices are unknown. To retrieve a set of juxtaposed depth slices of the body, and consequently, its shape, our method estimates the radii of all vertices and the horizontal Cartesian coordinates of all arbitrary origins defining the geometry of all polygons describing the horizontal cross-sections of the prisms forming the interpretation model. To obtain a stable estimate that fits the observed data, we impose constraints on the shape of the estimated body. These constraints are imposed through the well-known zeroth- and first-order Tikhonov regularizations allowing, for example, the estimate of vertical or dipping bodies. If the data do not have enough in-depth resolution, the proposed inverse method can obtain a set of stable estimates fitting the observed data with different maximum depths. To analyse the data resolution and deal with this possible ambiguity, we plot the l(2)-norm of the residuals (s) against the estimated volume (v(p)) produced by a set of estimated sources having different maximum depths. If this s x v(p) curve (s as a function of v(p)) shows a well-defined minimum of s, the data have enough resolution to recover the shape of the body entirely. Conversely, if the observed data do not have enough resolution, some estimates with different maximum depths produce practically the same minimum value of s on the s x v(p) curve. In this case, the best estimate among a suite of estimates producing equally data fits is the one fitting the gravity-gradient data and producing the minima of both the source's bottom depth and volume. The histograms of the residuals can be used to quantify and remove systematic errors in the data. After removing these errors, we confirmed the ability of our method to recover the source geometry entirely (or its upper part only), if the data have sufficient (or insufficient) in-depth resolution. By inverting the gravity-gradient data from a survey over the Vinton salt dome (Louisiana, USA) with a density contrast of 0.55 g cm(-3), we estimated a massive cap rock whose maximum depth attains 460 +/- 10 m and its shallowest portion is elongated in the northeast-southwest direction.

周文月, 马国庆, 侯振隆, .


[J]. 地球物理学报, 2017,60(12):4855-4865.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhou W Y, Ma G Q, Hou Z L, et al.

The study on the joint Euler deconvolution method of full tensor gravity data

[J]. Chinese J. Geophysics, 2017,60(12):4855-4865.

[本文引用: 1]

马国庆, 黄大年, 李丽丽.

Vinton dome地区全张量重力异常的解释

[J]. 地球物理学进展, 2015,30(2):0510-0515.

[本文引用: 1]

Ma G Q, Hung D N, Li L L.

The interpretation of full tensor gravity gradient data in Vinton dome area

[J]. Progress in Geophysics, 30(2):510-515.

[本文引用: 1]

王浩然, 陈超, 杜劲松.


[J]. 石油地球物理勘探, 2013,48(3):474-481.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Wang H R, Chen C, Du J S.

3-D inversion method and application of gravity gradient tensor data

[J]. Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 2013,48(3):474-481.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


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