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物探与化探, 2019, 43(2): 367-372 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2019.1364



程一鸣1,4, 李怀良1,3, 庹先国1,2,3, 王耀彬4, 王亚娟1, 沈统1,2,3

1. 西南科技大学 核废物与环境安全国防重点学科实验室,四川 绵阳 621010

2. 四川轻化工大学,四川 自贡 643002

3. 成都理工大学 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室,四川 成都 610059

4. 西南科技大学 计算机科学与技术学院,四川 绵阳 621010

A reliable first arrival picking method for high-noise three component microseismic data

CHENG Yi-Ming1,4, LI Huai-Liang1,3, TUO Xian-Guo1,2,3, WANG Yao-Bin4, WANG Ya-Juan1, SHEN Tong1,2,3

1. Fundamental Science on Nuclear Wastes and Environmental Safety Laboratory,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,China

2. Sichuan University of Science & Engineering,Zigong 643002,China;

3. State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection,Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu 610059,China

4. College of Computer Science and Technology,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,China

责任编辑: 叶佩

收稿日期: 2018-10-11   修回日期: 2019-02-25   网络出版日期: 2019-04-20

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金面上项目.  41774118
国家自然科学基金面上项目.  61672438
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目.  41604088
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目.  41604153
四川省科技厅项目.  2017JY0006
四川省科技厅项目.  2017JY0184
四川省科技厅项目.  2019YYJC0879

Received: 2018-10-11   Revised: 2019-02-25   Online: 2019-04-20

作者简介 About authors

程一鸣(1991-),女,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为信号与信息处理 。


精确的初至拾取是微地震数据处理中至关重要的环节。主流的长短时窗比法(STA/LTA)和基于自回归模型的赤池信息准则(AR-AIC)方法,对强噪声数据的拾取效果并不理想。为了更为精确的估计强噪声数据初至,提出了一种基于小波多尺度分析(WMA)和AIC算法的联合拾取方法。首先使用WMA对强噪声三分量(3C)微地震数据进行分解,并重构其近似数据作为实际计算数据,同时计算其绝对值的最大值点,来约束AIC计算数据段,最终选取AIC序列的全局最小值点作为其初至点。文中采用合成数据和实测数据对该改进算法进行了验证,拾取结果表明该算法能有效适用于强噪声微地震数据初至拾取,并明显提高其拾取精度(误差在 0.25~0.5 ms之间)。

关键词: 初至拾取 ; 小波多尺度分析 ; 赤池信息准则 ; 强噪声 ; 三分量微地震数据


Accurate first-arrival picking plays a significant role in microseismic data processing.The dominate methods,i.e.,short-term average to long-term average ratio (STA/LTA) and the autoregressive (AR) model using Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) algorithm,are not optimal for picking up high-noise data.In order to optimize the first-arrival point estimation of high-noise data,the authors propose an improved picking method based on wavelet multi-scale analysis (WMA) and AIC algorithm.In this algorithm,WMA is used to decompose the high-noise three-component (3C) microseismic data,and the actual calculation data are reconstructed based on the approximation data.Then the maximum value of the absolute value is calculated to constrain the AIC calculation data segment;on such a basis,the global minimum value of the AIC sequence is selected as its first arrival point.The improved algorithm is verified by both synthetic data and field data in this paper.The results show that the improved first-arrival picking algorithm can be effectively applied to high-noise three component microseismic data processing and greatly enhance its accuracy(the error range is 0.25~0.5 ms).

Keywords: first-arrival picking ; wavelet multi-scale analysis ; Akaike information criterion ; high-noise ; three-component microseismic data

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程一鸣, 李怀良, 庹先国, 王耀彬, 王亚娟, 沈统. 一种可靠的强噪声三分量微地震数据初至拾取方法. 物探与化探[J], 2019, 43(2): 367-372 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2019.1364

CHENG Yi-Ming, LI Huai-Liang, TUO Xian-Guo, WANG Yao-Bin, WANG Ya-Juan, SHEN Tong. A reliable first arrival picking method for high-noise three component microseismic data. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2019, 43(2): 367-372 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2019.1364

0 引言



1 M-AIC算法




在实际应用中, M-AIC以可变时窗长度以连续扫描方式执行AIC计算,使用计算的全局最小值点作为起跳点。该算法对具有高信噪比的微地震记录数据,M-AIC算法可以实现可靠的拾取(如图1a),但值得注意的是,当用于低信噪比的微地震数据集时,它将产生随机最小值,并且在选定时窗中总是存在全局最小点,在不检查数据中是否存在有效微地震信号的情况下,这将导致初至的误判,如图1b。


图1   合成地震数据的不同AIC值

a—随机噪声占5%;b—随机噪声占60%;P波的主频为100 Hz,采样间隔为0.25 ms

Fig.1   Different AIC values for synthetic microseismic data

a—random noise account for 5%;b—random noise account for 60%;principal frequency of P-wave is 100 Hz,sample interval is 0.25 ms

2 小波多尺度分析(WMA)

2.1 小波变换及三分量微地震数据的参数选择

作为分析复杂的非平稳信号的高效“数字显微镜”,小波变换已经在许多领域得到发展并获得认可, 特别是对于连续小波变换(continuous wavelet transform,CWT),其与短时傅里叶变换相比,具有更好的分辨率,即对高频具有良好的时间分辨率和较差的频率分辨率,对低频则具有良好的频率分辨率和较差的时间分辨率[12,13]。连续小波变换(CWT)定义为:




2.2 小波多尺度分析(WMA)的微地震数据分解和重构



图2   使用合成微地震数据的小波多尺度分解和重构波形

a—原始数据和分解数据集;b—原始数据和重构数据集;随机噪声占80%,P波主频为100 Hz,采样间隔为0.25 ms,分解级别为3,母小波为db10

Fig.2   Wavelat multilevel decomposition and reconstruction waveforms using synthetic microseismic data

a—original data and decomposition datasets;b—original data and reconsruction datasets;random noise account for 80%,principal frequency of P-wave is 100 Hz,sample interval is 0.25 ms,decomposition level is 3,mother wavelet is the db10



图3   利用上述合成微地震数据对原始数据与重建近似数据进行时频分析比较


Fig.3   Time-frequency analysis comparison of original data and reconstructed approximation data using the above synthetic microseismic data

a—time-frequency analysis of the original data;b—time-frequency of the reconstructed approximation data

3 改进M-AIC拾取方法及实验结果

3.1 改进M-AIC拾取方法




对纯信号而言,初至时刻应在信号的最大值之前。令x={x1,x2,…,xi,…,xN}表示重构后的微地震近似数据,其中i表示第i个采样点。通过式(4)很容易找到波形峰值的采样点 n0[4]




3.2 合成三分量微地震数据的实验结果



图4   采用合成三分量微地震数据的改进算法的拾取实例

a—随机噪声为60%;b—随机噪声为80%;P波的主频为100 Hz,采样间隔为0.25 ms,db10小波基,分解级为3

Fig.4   Picking example of improved algorithm using synthetic 3C microseismic data

a—random noise account for 60%;b—random noise account for 80%;principal frequency of P-wave is 100 Hz,sample interval is 0.25 ms,mother wavelet is the db10,decomposition level is 3

表1   不同随机噪声下100次合成3C微地震数据的初至拾取误差统计

Table 1  First arrival picking error statistics of 100 synthetic 3C microseismic data under different random noise

误差小于等于0.25 ms误差小于等于0.5 ms

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3.3 实际三分量微地震数据处理结果及对比



图5   改进M-AIC、STA/LTA和AR-AIC三种初至拾取方法的实验结果及对比


Fig.5   Pickup result and comparison among improved M-AIC、STA/LTA and AR-AIC algorithms

a—synthetic 3C microseismic data with 80% random noise;b—field microseismic data


4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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<p>本文讨论了用于微地震信号到时自动拾取的几种方法的原理及特点,包括长短时均值比(STA/LTA)方法、AIC方法、基于高阶统计量偏斜度和峰度的PAI-S/K方法等,提出了移动时窗峰度的快速算法和改进的峰度拾取初至方法.对我国西部某地观测到的13359个微地震记录,采用两种时窗进行了初至到时拾取,并与人工拾取的结果进行了对比.为使所研究的方法达到最佳效果,采用DE全局搜索方法,以人工拾取的初至作为参照,以时差在0.3 s以内的记录所占百分比作为目标函数,自动搜索最佳的拾取参数.结果显示,在拾取时窗选为P波初至前3 s至S波初至位置时,AIC方法的结果最佳,时差在0.3 s以内的记录占比达到93.6%;在拾取时窗选为包含S波到时的时窗时,改进的峰度法效果最佳,时差在0.3 s以内的记录占比83.8%.</p>

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Identification of P- and S-phase arrivals is the primary work in Microseismic signal analysis. In this study, a new multi-step AIC algorithm is recommended. The algorithm consists of P- and S-phase arrival pickers (P-picker and S-picker). The P-picker has three steps: in step 1, a preliminary P-phase arrival window is determined by the waveform peak. Then a preliminary P-pick is identified using the AIC algorithm. Finally, the P-phase arrival window is narrowed based on the above P-pick. Thus the P-phase arrival can be identified accurately by using the AIC algorithm again. The S-picker has five steps: in step 1, a narrow S-phase arrival window is determined based on the P-pick and the AIC curve of amplitude biquadratic time-series. In step 2, the S-picker automatically judges whether the S-phase arrival is clear to identify. In step 3 and 4, the AIC extreme points are extracted, and the relationship between the local minimum and the S-phase arrival is researched. In step 5, the S-phase arrival is picked based on the maximum probability criterion. The field data tests show that the P- and S-pickers have a high picking accuracy in comparison with the manual P- and S-picks. Furthermore, the technique is independent of the kind of SNR. Even in the poor-quality signal group which the SNRs are below 5, the effective picking (the picking residual is <30 sample points) rates of P- and S-phase arrivals are still up to 81% and 84% respectively.

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The first-break picking accuracy greatly affects the seismic events discriminant and source localization.At present,none of the first-break picking algorithms proposed is ideal to collect the low SNR seismic data.In order to solve the noise problem (improve noise resistance performance),an improved first arrival picking method of micro-seismic event based on power ration and wavelet transform is proposed.Firstly,the characteristics function is introduced to the traditional energy ratio method wavelet transform method so as to search the range of the P-wave first break by adopting the improved energy ratio method.Then,the first break time of P-wave is positioned precisely by using wavelet transform.Finally,the seismic model data and actual measured seismic data are used to conduct experiment to analyze the performance of the method proposed in this paper.The results show that,the method based on energy ratio and wavelet transform is the first-break automatic picking method with the characteristics of noise resistance and stability.Besides that,it can identify the P-wave first arrival time from the data with a low signal to noise ratio accurately.

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A new first break picking for three-component (3C) vertical seismic profiling (VSP) data is proposed to improve the estimation accuracy of first arrivals, which adopts gesture detection calibration and polarization analysis based on the eigenvalue of the covariance matrix. This study aims at addressing the problem that calibration is required for VSP data using the azimuth and dip angle of geophones, due to the direction of geophones being random when applied in a borehole, which will further lead to the first break picking possibly being unreliable. Initially, a gesture-measuring module is integrated in the seismometer to rapidly obtain high-precision gesture data (including azimuth and dip angle information). Using re-rotating and re-projecting using earlier gesture data, the seismic dataset of each component will be calibrated to the direction that is consistent with the vibrator shot orientation. It will promote the reliability of the original data when making each component waveform calibrated to the same virtual reference component, and the corresponding first break will also be properly adjusted. After achieving 3C data calibration, an automatic first break picking algorithm based on the autoregressive-Akaike information criterion (AR-AIC) is adopted to evaluate the first break. Furthermore, in order to enhance the accuracy of the first break picking, the polarization attributes of 3C VSP recordings is applied to constrain the scanning segment of AR-AIC picker, which uses the maximum eigenvalue calculation of the covariance matrix. The contrast results between pre-calibration and post-calibration using field data show that it can further improve the quality of the 3C VSP waveform, which is favorable to subsequent picking. Compared to the obtained short-term average to long-term average (STA/LTA) and the AR-AIC algorithm, the proposed method, combined with polarization analysis, can significantly reduce the picking error. Applications of actual field experiments have also confirmed that the proposed method may be more suitable for the first break picking of 3C VSP. Test using synthesized 3C seismic data with low SNR indicates that the first break is picked with an error between 0.75 ms and 1.5 ms. Accordingly, the proposed method can reduce the picking error for 3C VSP data.

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初至拾取是影响微震事件分析精度的重要因素之一。本文结合微震事件偏振特性和最小信息准则(akaike information criterion,AIC)函数特性,提出了一种利用偏振约束实现AIC初至拾取的改进方法:可以将偏振特征值拾取微震初至的应用扩展至单分量的微震数据,该方法将单分量微震数据视为三分量微震数据的一种特殊形式,利用三分量微震数据协方差矩阵的最大值序列对AIC方法进行约束,从而快速准确的拾取到微震数据的初至。文中应用该方法对不同信噪比的合成数据和实测数据进行了验证,同时与长短时平均(short time average/long time average,STA/LTA)、Maeda-AIC和偏振特征值方法进行了对比,结果显示该算法速度略低于上述3种方法,但精度和可靠性优于其他三种方法,同时与其他改进算法对比,不用设置阈值,并且选取时窗的长短对拾取结果几乎没有影响,可极大地提高算法的自动化程度。

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微地震震源的定位要求精确确定初至,人工拾取微地震有效事件需要很大的工作量。首先讨论了 Akaike信息准则(AIC)初至拾取方法;然后根据微地震信号在相邻小波尺度上连续的特点,将基于AIC的初至拾取方法与小波多尺度分析方法相结合, 对微地震资料进行多尺度分析;最后利用AIC拾取初至,并根据初至的分布特点确定地震记录中是否存在有效的微地震事件。克服了传统AIC法由于噪声影响使 初至点模糊而难以准确拾取的缺点。模型与实际资料的应用表明,基于小波分解与AIC相结合的初至拾取方法能够从信噪比低的资料中较准确地识别出有效微地震 事件。

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We consider the coorbit theory associated to a square-integrable, irreducible quasi-regular representation of a semidirect product groupG=Rd . The existence of coorbit spaces for this very general setting has been recently established, together with concrete vanishing moment criteria for analyzing vectors and atoms that can be used in the coorbit scheme. These criteria depend on fairly technical assumptions on the dual action of the dilation group, and it is one of the chief purposes of this paper to considerably simplify these assumptions. We then proceed to verify the assumptions for large classes of dilation groups, in particular for all abelian dilation groups in arbitrary dimensions, as well as a class calledgeneralized shearlet dilation groups, containing and extending all known examples of shearlet dilation groups employed in dimensions two and higher. We explain how these groups can be systematically constructed from certain commutative associative algebras of the same dimension, and give a full list, up to conjugacy, of shearing groups in dimensions three and four. In the latter case, three previously unknown groups are found. As a result, the existence of Banach frames consisting of compactly supported wavelets, with simultaneous convergence in a whole range of coorbit spaces, is established for all groups involved.

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Wavelet-based compressed sensing for SAR tomography of forested areas

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51, 2013: 5283-5295.

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Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) tomography is a 3-D imaging modality that is commonly tackled by spectral estimation techniques. Thus, the backscattered power along the cross-range direction can be readily obtained by computing the Fourier spectrum of a stack of multibaseline measurements. In addition, recent work has addressed the tomographic inversion under the framework of compressed sensing, thereby recovering sparse cross-range profiles from a reduced set of measurements. This paper differs from previous publications, in that it focuses on sparse expansions in the wavelet domain while working with the second-order statistics of the corresponding multibaseline measurements. In this regard, we elaborate on the conditions under which this perspective is applicable to forested areas and discuss the possibility of optimizing the acquisition geometry. Finally, we compare this approach with traditional nonparametric ones and validate it by using fully polarimetric L-band data acquired by the Experimental SAR (E-SAR) sensor of the German Aerospace Center (DLR).


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