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物探与化探, 2019, 43(1): 90-99 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2019.1183



戴前伟1,2, 陈威,1, 张彬1,2

1. 中南大学 地球科学与信息物理学院,湖南 长沙 410083

2. 中南大学 有色金属成矿预测与地质环境监测教育部重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410083

Improved particle swarm optimization and its application to full-waveform inversion of GPR

DAI Qian-Wei1,2, CHEN Wei,1, ZHANG Bin1,2

1. School of Geosciences and Info-Physics,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China

2. Key Laboratory of Metallogenic Prediction of Nonferrous Metal and Geological Environment Monitoring,Ministry of Education,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China

通讯作者: 陈威(1990-),男,中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院研究生在读,从事地球物理勘探工作。Email:952516473@qq.com

责任编辑: 叶佩

收稿日期: 2018-05-7   修回日期: 2018-12-6   网络出版日期: 2019-02-20

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目.  41704128
国家自然科学基金项目.  41874148
中国博士后科学基金项目.  2018M632992
湖南省自然科学基金项目.  2018JJ3636

Received: 2018-05-7   Revised: 2018-12-6   Online: 2019-02-20

作者简介 About authors

戴前伟(1968-),男,工学博士、教授,博士生导师,地球探测与信息技术专业,长期从事电磁法勘探理论及应用和工程、环境及灾害地球物理勘探的基础理论及实践的教学和科研工作。 。



关键词: 粒子群优化 ; 探地雷达 ; 反演 ; 振幅补偿


Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a high-precision geophysical exploration method whose main purpose is to invert the physical properties of underground structures.In this paper,an improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used to solve GPR inverse problem.The inversion takes the signal mean square error as the objective function and uses the finite-difference time-domain method to do forward modeling.In addition,the inversion accuracy is improved by the amplitude compensation of the forward result.Compared with the results based on classical particle swarm optimization inversion method,the algorithm shows considerable improvement in accuracy and efficiency.An analysis of the one-dimensional inversion results of multi-layer simulation data shows that the inversion method is effective for multi-parameter inversion and has good noise immunity.

Keywords: particle swarm optimization ; ground penetrating radar ; inversion ; amplitude compensation

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戴前伟, 陈威, 张彬. 改进型粒子群算法及其在GPR全波形反演中的应用. 物探与化探[J], 2019, 43(1): 90-99 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2019.1183

DAI Qian-Wei, CHEN Wei, ZHANG Bin. Improved particle swarm optimization and its application to full-waveform inversion of GPR. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2019, 43(1): 90-99 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2019.1183

0 引言

探地雷达(ground penetrating radar,GPR)的最终目的是反演地下介质的几何参数、介电常数和电导率等参数[1,2,3],目前探地雷达反演的方法有多种,其中以波形拟合为基础的全波形反演是当前反演效果较好的方法。然而探地雷达全波形反演属于非线性问题,用传统的线性反演法反演非线性问题,容易陷入局部极小,因此很有必要采用寻优能力强的非线性反演方法来进行探地雷达全波形反演[4]。文中研究的粒子群反演方法,是近年来应用比较广泛的一种非线性反演方法[5,6],粒子群优化算法(particle swarm optimization,PSO)是由Kennedy和Eberhart通过对鸟群、鱼群和人类社会某些行为的观察研究,于1995年提出的一种进化算法[7]。该算法在诸如信号与图像处理[8,9]、自动控制[10]、机械工程[11,12]、电气工程[13]、通信工程[14]、岩土力学[15]以及经济管理[16]等很多科研领域取得了成功应用。近年来,粒子群优化算法在地球物理领域的应用研究也越来越多[17,18,19,20],但是在GPR反演领域,PSO反演却没有过多的相关研究[21,22]

此外,虽然PSO被广泛应用到诸多领域解决了许多问题,但经典PSO存在早熟收敛、易陷于局部最优、种群多样性丢失等问题,为了有效提高PSO的搜索效率和精度,文献[23]提出了一种社会学习型的PSO算法(social learning particle swarm optimization,SLPSO)。该方法将社会学习机制引入PSO来开发社会学习。与基于历史信息更新粒子的经典PSO不同,该算法的粒子不仅根据历史信息进行更新,而且每个粒子都向当前群中比其更好的粒子(称为示范者)学习,并不局限于只向全局最优的粒子进行学习。文中采用该改进型算法对GPR波形进行反演分析,将层状介质的厚度、介电常数以及电导率作为反演的参数,充分验证了该算法在GPR一维反演中的有效性和准确性。

1 PSO算法描述

1.1 经典PSO算法





1.2 改进型PSO算法



fitness(i)=f(Xi) XiRn

在寻优过程中,先随机生成一个包含了m个粒子的初始群体X,m=100+[n/10]。群体中第i个粒子Xi ,i∈{1,2,…,m}代表了满足适应性函数的一个解,解的好坏程度由适应值fitness(i)决定,适应值越小,适应度越高,解越接近真实解。在计算完所有粒子的适应值后,将粒子按照适应度递增的顺序排列,此后,每个粒子(适应度最高的除外)将向适应度更高的粒子(示范者)学习。具体的算法流程如图1


图1   改进的PSO算法流程

Fig.1   Flowchart of an improved PSO algorithm

图1可以看出,除了适应性评估之外,寻优过程中最重要的部分是群体排序和行为学习。为了便于描述行为学习机制,首先根据粒子的适应值对群体进行排序。然后,每个粒子i (模仿者)将从与其对应的示范者那里学习。在排序的群体中,对于任何模仿者(粒子i,其中1≤i<m),其示范者可以是任何满足i<km的粒子k,具体过程参见图2


图2   粒子重排和行为学习示意

Fig.2   Schematic diagram of particle rearrangement and behavioral learning

粒子1的示范者可以是粒子2到粒子m,而对于粒子(m-1),只有粒子m可以是它的示范者。因此,粒子1 (最差的一个)永远不能成为示范者,而粒子m(最好的)永远不会成为模仿者。也就是说,当前群中最好的粒子不会被更新。


Xi,jt+1=Xi,jt+ΔXi,jt+1,ifpitPiLXi,jt, otherwise

式中, Xi,jt表示经过t次迭代时第i个粒子的第j维参数,其中i∈{1,2,…,m}且j∈{1,2,…,n},而Δ Xi,jt+1是粒子移动的矫正量。通过引入社会学习的机制,这里规定了适应度越高的粒子越不需要学习,而适应度低的粒子更需要学习。因此,需要为每个粒子规定一个学习概率 PiL,粒子i 只有在随机生成的一个概率 pit满足0≤ pitPiL≤1的条件时,才会学习(纠正其运动)。矫正量按照式(5)生成:




式(5)中的矫正量Δ Xi,jt+1实则类似经典PSO中粒子移动的速度 Vit+1,同式(1)一样有3个部分组成。第一部分:惯性成分,Δ Xi,jt与经典PSO算法中的惯性分量相同,但惯性权重采用[0,1]的随机数r1;第二部分: 模仿成分,粒子i向比它优秀的任何示范者学习(参照图2,k是每一个随机选择的粒子标号,j表示粒子维度的标号);第三部分:社会影响成分,粒子i向当前群中所有粒子的平均行为 X̅jt学习,即集体行为,其中社会影响因子ε=0.01×[n/100],r2r3都是[0,1]的随机数。

前面提到的每个粒子学习概率 PiL由式(7)进行计算:


正如前面提到的,在群体中一个粒子适应度越高,粒子向其他粒子学习的可能性越小。一般而言,大多数启发式算法的性能随着优化问题的搜索维度增加而降低,因此定义学习概率和问题维度之间成反比关系。式中 1-i-1m指示学习概率与排序群中的粒子数i成反比,意味着粒子的适应度越高,学习概率将越低。而α·log n100表示学习概率与搜索维度成反比,根据多次实验经验取α=0.5。

2 基于SLPSO的GPR全波形反演

2.1 GPR时域有限差分法(FDTD)正演

利用SLPSO进行全波形反演,必须对每一个粒子(模型参数)进行正演,文中采用时域有限差分法(FDTD)[26,27]进行GPR数值模拟,由于GPR的高频电磁波在介质中传播的过程服从Maxwell方程组,所以FDTD能将此类问题当作初值问题来处理,采用电场和磁场在空间和时间上的交替抽样的离散方式,在每一个电场(或者磁场)分量周围有4个磁场(或电场)分量环绕,应用这种离散方式将含有时间变量的Maxwell旋度方程化为一组差分方程,并在时间轴上逐步推进地求解空间电磁场[28-29]。本文的GPR正演部分以Maxwell两个旋度方程为基本出发点,运用K.S.Yee[30] 的空间网格模型理论和时域有限差分法的基本原理,推导出二维空间的探地雷达正演方程组,并采用了Mur一阶吸收边界条件,取得了较好的模拟效果[31]

2.2 SLPSO反演步骤



其中, Ereci代表实际接收信号的第i个时间采样点的值, Emodeli表示优化模型正演信号的第i个时间采样点的值。









应该注意的是,无论是野外实测工作还是在正演过程中,直达波的信号强度都远远大于反射波,并且由于高频电磁波的扩散、 地层吸收等因素也会引起波沿垂直方向迅速衰减,所以采集或计算出来的反射波信号往往较为微弱[34]。为了消除各种影响因素,使得反射波振幅的相对强度能够满足良好反演效果[35],基于这种认识,文中设计了下面的振幅补偿方法。

以层状介质为例进行正演,如图3所示,背景地层的相对介电常数ε=6,电导率为σ=10 mS·m-1。目标地层的相对介电常数ε=12,电导率为σ=20 mS·m-1。目标地层的上顶面深度为0.25 m,目标层下底面深度为0.5 m。根据所探测的深度,激励源采用主频为900 MHz的雷克子波,且采取自激自收的方式,时窗长度为20 ns。


图3   一维层状模型示意

Fig.3   One-dimensional layered model





图4   一维层状模型正演波形


Fig. 4   Forward waveform of a one-dimensional layered model

a—forward waveform before gain;b—forward waveform after gain

3 基于SLPSO的GPR全波形反演算例


表1   理论模型参数

Table 1  Parameters of the theoretical model


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此次计算的计算机配置为:CPU,AMD A6-3650 4核2.6,内存4G。反演过程采用主频900 MHz,时窗长度20 ns,分别在理想情况下和加噪20%的状态下对3种层状模型进行粒子群反演,反演结果和反演效率如图5图6图7以及表2所示。


图5   模型1反演结果对比


Fig. 5   Comparison of the inversion results Model 1

a—comprehensive comparison of depth and dielectric constant inversion results;b—SLPSO ideal data inversion results;c—PSO ideal data inversion results;d—SLPSO add noise data inversion results;e—PSO add noise data inversion results


图6   模型2反演结果对比


Fig. 6   Comparison of the inversion results Model 2

a—comprehensive comparison of depth and dielectric constant inversion results;b—SLPSO ideal data inversion results;c—PSO ideal data inversion results;d—SLPSO add noise data inversion results;e—PSO add noise data inversion results


图7   模型3反演结果对比


Fig. 7   Comparison of the inversion results Model 3

a—comprehensive comparison of depth and dielectric constant inversion results;b—SLPSO ideal data inversion results;c—PSO ideal data inversion results;d—SLPSO add noise data inversion results;e—PSO add noise data inversion results

表2   模型1反演迭代效率对比

Table 2  Comparison of model 1 inversion iteration efficiency


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图8   模型1反演振幅补偿效果对比


Fig. 8   Comparison of amplitude compensation effects in model 1 inversion

a—no gain data inversion results;b—gain data inversion results;c—inversion parameters comprehensive comparison of no gain data;d—inversion parameters comprehensive comparison of gain data


4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Ground-penetrating radar (GPR, also referred to as ground-probing radar, surface-penetrating radar, subsurface radar, georadar or impulse radar) is a noninvasive geophysical technique that detects electrical discontinuities in the shallow subsurface (<50 m). It does this by generation, transmission, propagation, reflection and reception of discrete pulses of high-frequency (MHz) electromagnetic energy. During the 1980s radar systems became commercially available, but it was not until the mid-1990s that sedimentary geologists and others began to widely exploit the technique. During the last decade numerous sedimentological studies have used GPR to reconstruct past depositional environments and the nature of sedimentary processes in a variety of environmental settings; to aid hydrogeological investigations, including groundwater reservoir characterisation, and to assist in hydrocarbon reservoir analogue studies. This is because in correctly processed radar profiles, and at the resolution of a survey, primary reflections usually parallel primary depositional structure. Despite the wide use of GPR, a number of fundamental problems remain in its application to sedimentary research. In particular, there are a wide range of approaches to the processing of radar data and interpretation techniques used on the final subsurface images vary widely, with little consensus over a common methodology. This review attempts to illustrate that methods for the collection, processing and interpretation of radar data are intimately linked and that thorough understanding of the nature, limitations and implications of each step is required if realistic sedimentological data are to be generated. In order to extract the maximum amount of meaningful information, the user must understand the scientific principles that underlie the technique, the effects of the data collection regime employed, the implications of the technique's finite resolution and depth of penetration, the nature and causes of reflections unrelated to primary sedimentary structure, and the appropriateness of each processing step with respect to the overall aim of the study. Following suitable processing, a radar stratigraphy approach to reflection profile interpretation should be adopted. New or modified terminologies and techniques to define a radar stratigraphy are also recommended, in order to make the interpretation process more transparent and to avoid confusion with related methodologies such as seismic stratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy. The full potential of GPR in sedimentary research will only be realised if more thorough and systematic approaches to data collection, processing and interpretation are adopted.

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基于已有的电力线多径传输模型结构,以0.5~20 MHz范围内的实际低压载波通信信道测量数据为样本,将改进粒子群优化算法应用于低压载波通信信道模型的多参数辨识,通过自适应改变惯性权重提高搜索效率,同时采用模拟退火算法并自适应调整退火温度,克服了基本粒子群算法容易发生早熟收敛的缺点。对路径数为4和18的信道模型进行参数辨识的结果表明:与遗传算法相比,改进的粒子群算法可加速收敛,缩短辨识时间,同时提高了拟合精度,克服了参数的分散性,所取路径数越多,拟合效果越好。

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[J]. 中南大学学报:自然科学版, 2015,46(2):579-585.

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Zhu X X, Cui Y A, Li X Y , et al.

Inversion of self-potential anomalies based on particle swarm optimization

[J]. Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology), 2015,46(2):579-585.

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张倩, 王玲, 江沸菠 .


[J]. 物探与化探, 2015,39(5):1047-1052.

DOI:10.11720/wtyht.2015.5.27      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Zhang Q, Wang L, Jiang F B .

2-D improved particle swarm optimization algorithm for electrical resistance tomography inversion

[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2015,39(5):1047-1052.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

张大莲, 刘天佑, 陈石羡 , .


[J]. 物探与化探, 2009,33(5):571-575,591.

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Zhang D L, Liu T Y, Chen S X , et al.

The application of PSO to joint inversion of survey and borehole magnatic data

[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2009,33(5):571-575,591.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Fernando A, Santos M .

Inversion of self-potential of idealized bodies' anomalies using particle swarm optimization

[J]. Computers & Geosciences, 2010,36:1185-1190.

DOI:10.1016/j.cageo.2010.01.011      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The particle swarm optimization (PSO) method was applied to the inversion of single and multiple self-potential (SP) data anomalies caused by buried bodies with simple geometry like spheres, cylinders and inclined sheets. The inversion parameters are the depth of the body, the location of the anomaly, the electric current dipole moment, the polarization angle or the inclination angle and the half-width in the sheet-like body case. The algorithm was tested on synthetic data with single and multiple SP anomalies and applied to two experimental data from Surda area (India) and Vilarelho da Raia (Portugal). The inversion results showed good agreement with the previous results obtained using other techniques. The great advantage of the PSO method is that it is fast and does not require assumptions about the shape of the source of the SP anomaly.

Zheng S, Zhang A X, Yue S C , et al.

Ground penetrating radar inversion algorithm based on improved particle swarm optimization

[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2014,36(11):2717-2722.

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方宏远, 林皋, 张蓓 , .


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Fang H Y, Lin G, Zhang B , et al.

Analysis of pavement thickness inversion based on improved particle swarm optimization algorithm

[J]. Journal of China & Foreign Highway, 2012,32(4):81-84.

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Cheng R, Jin Y C .

A social learning particle swarm optimization algorithm for scalable optimization

[J]. Information Sciences, 2015,291(6):43-60.

DOI:10.1016/j.ins.2014.08.039      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Social learning plays an important role in behavior learning among social animals. In contrast to individual (asocial) learning, social learning has the advantage of allowing individuals to learn behaviors from others without incurring the costs of individual trials-and-errors. This paper introduces social learning mechanisms into particle swarm optimization (PSO) to develop a social learning PSO (SL-PSO). Unlike classical PSO variants where the particles are updated based on historical information, including the best solution found by the whole swarm (global best) and the best solution found by each particle (personal best), each particle in the proposed SL-PSO learns from any better particles (termed demonstrators) in the current swarm. In addition, to ease the burden of parameter settings, the proposed SL-PSO adopts a dimension-dependent parameter control method. The proposed SL-PSO is first compared with five representative PSO variants on 40 low-dimensional test functions, including shifted and rotated test functions. The scalability of the proposed SL-PSO is further tested by comparing it with five state-of-the-art algorithms for large-scale optimization on seven high-dimensional (100-D, 500-D, and 1000-D) benchmark functions. Our comparative results show that SL-PSO performs well on low-dimensional problems and is promising for solving large-scale problems as well.

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Summary of particle swarm optimization

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Dai Q W, Feng D S, He J S .

Finite difference time domain method forward simulation of complex geoelectricity ground penetrating radar model

[J].Journal of Central South University of Technology (English Edition),2005(4):478-482.

DOI:10.1007/s11771-005-0186-7      URL    

The ground penetrating radar(GPR) forward simulation all aims at the singular and regular models, such as sandwich model, round cavity, square cavity, and so on, which are comparably simple. But as to the forward of curl interface underground or 'v' figure complex model, it is difficult to realize. So it is important to forward the complex geoelectricity model. This paper takes two Maxwell's vorticity equations as departure point, makes use of the principles of Yee's space grid model theory and the basic principle finite difference time domain method, and deduces a GPR forward system of equation of two dimensional spaces. The Mur super absorbed boundary condition is adopted to solve the super strong reflection on the interceptive boundary when there is the forward simulation. And a self-made program is used to process forward simulation to two typical geoelectricity model.

冯德山 .


[D]. 长沙:中南大学, 2004.

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Two-dimensional time domain finite difference forward modeling of geological radar

[D]. Changsha:Central South University, 2004.

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Numerical solution of initial boundary value problems involving Maxwell's equations in isotropic media

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Maxwell's equations are replaced by a set of finite difference equations. It is shown that if one chooses the field points appropriately, the set of finite difference equations is applicable for a boundary condition involving perfectly conducting surfaces. An example is given of the scattering of an electromagnetic pulse by a perfectly conducting cylinder.

Yee K S .

Numerical solution of initial boundary value problems involving Maxwell's equations in isotropic media

[J]. IEEE Transactions on In Antennas and Propagation, 1966,14(3):302-307.

DOI:10.1109/TAP.1966.1138693      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Maxwell's equations are replaced by a set of finite difference equations. It is shown that if one chooses the field points appropriately, the set of finite difference equations is applicable for a boundary condition involving perfectly conducting surfaces. An example is given of the scattering of an electromagnetic pulse by a perfectly conducting cylinder.

冯德山, 王珣 . 探地雷达数值模拟及程序实现[M]. 长沙: 中南大学出版社, 2017.

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Research on forward and inversion of ground penetrating radar in tunnel lining

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王本锋, 陈小宏, 李景叶 , .


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Wang B F, Chen X H, Li J Y , et al.

A stable and efficient attenuation compensation method based on inversion

[J]. Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese), 2014,57(4):1265-1274.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

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Pseudo-full-waveform inversion of borehole GPR data using stochastic tomography

[J]. Geophysics, 2007,72(5):J43-J51.

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