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物探与化探, 2018, 42(4): 653-661 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2018.1504



李万伦, 田黔宁, 刘素芳, 吕鹏, 姜重昕, 贾凌霄

中国地质调查局 地学文献中心,北京 100083

Progress in the study of shallow seismic exploration technology in urban areas

LI Wan-Lun, TIAN Qian-Ning, LIU Su-Fang, LYU Peng, JIANG Chong-Xin, JIA Ling-Xiao

Geological Documentation Center,China Geological Survey,Beijing 100083,China

责任编辑: 叶佩

收稿日期: 2017-12-9   修回日期: 2018-05-17   网络出版日期: 2018-08-05

基金资助: 中国地质调查“地学情报综合研究与产品研发”项目.  DD20160354
中国地质调查“地学情报综合研究与产品研发”项目.  121201015000172602

Received: 2017-12-9   Revised: 2018-05-17   Online: 2018-08-05

Fund supported: .  DD20160354
.  121201015000172602

作者简介 About authors

李万伦(1972-),男,汉族,博士,研究员,从事地学情报跟踪与分析工作 。



关键词: 城市环境 ; 陆上地震拖缆 ; 无线检波器 ; 伪随机扫描 ; 面波勘探 ; 非传统地震勘探


The current rapid urbanization and underground development have brought challenges and good opportunities for the development of shallow seismic exploration technology.In this paper,the main advances made in shallow seismic exploration in cities in recent years have been introduced in terms of seismic exploration equipment,data acquisition,data processing,interpretation and their applications,which include the development of seismic land-streamer systems,wireless seismic data acquisition,vibroseis pseudo-random sweeps method,urban noise surface wave exploration technology and comprehensive data processing algorithms.Some conclusions have been reached:the Rayleigh wave constrained refraction P-wave tomography results or the joint inversion method can improve the accuracy of detection of urban underground "100-meter" space;using urban noise as a source,it can not only provide supplementary information that is important for the description of shallow geological features,but also meets the city's requirements for green and environmental protection;through the seismic land-streamer system,S-wave technology can play a more important role in urban shallow exploration.Some proposals for future development are put forward:First,to strengthen the research and development of key technologies and equipment for shallow seismic data acquisition in urban area;Second,to further develop and improve non-traditional (such as surface wave) seismic exploration methods,and to dig deeply into a large amount of useful information contained in seismic waves.

Keywords: urban environment ; seismic land-streamers ; wireless detectors ; pseudo-random sweeps ; surface wave exploration ; non-traditional seismic exploration

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李万伦, 田黔宁, 刘素芳, 吕鹏, 姜重昕, 贾凌霄. 城市浅层地震勘探技术进展. 物探与化探[J], 2018, 42(4): 653-661 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2018.1504

LI Wan-Lun, TIAN Qian-Ning, LIU Su-Fang, LYU Peng, JIANG Chong-Xin, JIA Ling-Xiao. Progress in the study of shallow seismic exploration technology in urban areas. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2018, 42(4): 653-661 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2018.1504

0 引言

随着城市化进程加快,对地下空间利用的深度不断加大,例如北京、上海已经开发到40、50 m深度,而武汉、成都也要求对地下30 m、20 m深的空间进行开发,甚至可能更深。因此,迫切需要掌握城市地下浅层空间,也就是城市“百米”范围内[1]的详细地质情况。由于城市环境特殊,除了天然地质背景条件以外,还有各种人为干扰,例如地面建筑物覆盖、交通噪声及电磁波干扰等等。这对传统的地球物理方法提出了严重挑战。例如,因为城市里面有比较强烈的电磁干扰和大量的钢筋混凝土建筑物,传统的电法与电磁法都不太适用。



1 城市浅层地震勘探技术的研究现状






2 城市浅层地震勘探新方法


2.1 仪器设备



据报道,日本地调局的Inazaki自1997年以来,一共设计和制造了5种类型(包括P波与S波)的陆上拖缆[18]。之后,美国Bay Geophysical公司对Inazaki设计的拖缆又进行了改进和完善。Inazaki[18]的研究表明,使用S波陆上拖缆开展高分辨率地震反射测量,可对冲积层内深达60 m的地下进行层状结构成像;而采用短间距的陆上拖缆开展的超浅层地震反射测量,可运用于河堤测量,并恢复河堤的内部结构,探测深度范围为215 m;P波陆上拖缆工具则可以对深度超过200 m的地下结构进行详细划分。

当今世界上有许多机构对陆上地震拖缆进行研发,除日本以外,还有加拿大地调局、美国堪萨斯地调局与伊利诺斯地调局、德国莱布尼兹应用地球物理研究所(LIAG)、瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院以及丹麦的Ramboll与COWI两家公司、瑞典的Tyréns Infrakonsult AB、美国的蒙大拿科技和PFM制造公司及Bay Geophysical公司等。

现有的陆上地震拖缆(图1)一般是由挂在汽车后面的一定长度的拖缆(比如36 m或72 m,至多200300 m)和经过专门设计的震源所构成的。但各国研制的系统在结构上又略有不同,例如加拿大地调局设计的Minivib震源的体积和重量都比较大,而且比较昂贵[5];德国LIAG设计的ELVIS电动微震动器的可探测深度为100~150 m,更大深度则需要采用由水力驱动的MHV4S微震动器[6]。其他则直接采用重锤或人工锤[19]


图1   陆上地震拖缆野外作业照片[19]

a—安装在拖缆上面的检波器;b—城市调查现场和地面条件的实例1;c—城市调查现场和地面条件的实例2; d—单分量无线检波器与三分量拖缆单元(可获取更长的偏移距,并克服某些复杂的城市环境问题,如道路交叉)



2.2 数据采集

2.2.1 无线地震采集技术

在城市环境中开展浅层地震勘探,布线是比较困难的。采用无线网络替代传统地震仪的传输电缆,不仅可以保证人员和设备安全,而且使浅层地震数据采集变得相对更容易,同时还能提高工作效率及数据的可靠性。现在国际上已经有一些商业化产品,例如地球空间技术公司(GEO SPACE)的GSX系统,目前在市场上具有一定知名度;而Wireless Seismic公司的RT System 2,也号称取得了革命性突破,它采用下一代的无线网络技术,可支持15万道地震数据采集。无线地震采集方法在城市地震勘探中已得到了许多应用。例如Sirles等在美国科罗拉多州格伦伍德·斯普林斯(Glenwood Springs)市横跨科罗拉多河的格兰德大道大桥下附近采用无线地震检波器,开展了三维(3D)浅层地震数据采集。瑞典Uppsala大学采用无线地震检波器,与三分量陆上地震拖缆系统的测量结果进行了对比分析[22]。尽管城市环境对无线网络的干扰比较大,在实际应用中还存在着一些问题[23]。然而,随着现代信息技术的飞速发展,通过融入新技术,实现方法创新,从而提高地震数据采集效率,已经是今后发展的必然趋势。

2.2.2 伪随机扫描方法

在可控震源线性扫描时,周围建筑物会产生谐振效应(典型扫频为6100 Hz),因而可能出现建筑物发生毁坏的后果。而伪随机扫描经过优化设计后,可以有效减少这种谐振效应,从而降低建筑物受到破坏的可能性;此外,还具有优越的正交性及可增强低频成分等优点[24]。尽管业内早就认识到该方法的重要性[25-26],但在实际应用中的效果并不理想。近年来,由于对扫描中的低频部分开始重视,从而对非线性扫描重新产生了兴趣,如何根据实际需求,对优化伪随机扫描进行优化设计,就成为国内外可控震源勘探研究中的一个重要领域。如Scholtz等[27]针对有建筑物覆盖区开展的浅层地震勘探,在伪随机扫描优化时,通过去相关与褶积运算处理,极大地降低了质点峰值振动速度(PPV),而保持了与线性扫描记录相似的地震数据质量。因此伪随机扫描技术特别适合于城市环境勘探,未来潜力比较大。

2.2.3 其他方法


2.3 数据处理

2.3.1 与航空物探数据联合反演


2.3.2 利用瑞雷面波约束P波层析成像



图2   沿着某条河流(右上框中的河道123)的地震叠加剖面示意[9]


2.3.3 其他方法



2.4 解释应用

2.4.1 城市噪声面波技术应用案例


近年来在城市噪声面波技术的应用研究中已取得了明显的进展。主要表现在:一是利用单一噪声作为震源取得效果。例如美国勘萨斯地调局的Ivanov等[37]利用该州哈钦森市(Hutchinson)火车通过时的振动作为被动震源,通过面波多道分析方法(MASW),经过试验,较为成功地获取了该市地下S波的速度信息,进而对深部岩溶洞穴的分布进行了评估,为建筑场址选择提供了依据。那里由于地下岩溶塌陷,对城市造成很大影响,但因其深度较大,最多可达120 m,常用地面物探方法很难发挥什么作用。根据该项研究得到的S波速率,可以推断出岩石应力状态,进而判断其发生破裂的可能性。

二是同时利用人工震源和噪声震源。如Craig等[38]就在洛杉矶湾东部地区采用了被动源(城市噪声)与主动源面波相结合的勘探方法,以更好地获取该市地下30 m深度范围内的S波速度数据(图3)。洛杉矶市处于地震活动带上,获取地下30 m深度的S波信息对该带上不同地点的建筑物抗震设计十分重要。研究结果表明,在浅部低频区,主动源MASW方法可获得相对更准确的速度信息,而在深部高频区,被动源(城市噪声)MAM方法可获得相对更精确的速度信息。


图3   在6个勘探点的S波速度剖面[38]

注:BF仅上部15 m的S波速度变化与其他5个地点一致,但再往下则无变化,推测可能系填充物所致;PH、CV两处为基岩,在20 m深时S波最大速度可达285 m/s

三是利用微动台阵网络,通过连续监测获取大量数据,以保证勘查结果的可靠性。比如日本的Nakata[16]在关东地区群马县(Gunma)通过300个单分量(1C)检波器采集了环境噪声(特别是交通噪声)数据,经过双波束成形法与地震干涉法分别处理,运用多通道面波分析方法(MASW)估算出了近地表的二维S波速度。其原理是,面波的频散特征与地下弹性波(尤其是S波)速度的空间变化密切相关。双波束成形法可以从环境噪声中提取出高信噪比的面波数据。由于作者使用的检波器的水平分量垂直于勘探线方面,所提取出的面波主要为勒夫波。因此,如果还有检波器的其他分量,瑞雷波也可采用类似的方法。该二维S波速度模型可以反映地下80 m以浅的详细信息。作者使用的是连续12小时的交通噪声数据,但他认为,即使只用1小时的噪声数据,也能得到类似的速度模型(图4)。由于面波勘探一般仅考虑瑞雷波,该案例也给我们展示了勒夫波的应用潜力。


图4   关东地区群马县(Gunma)300个单分量(1C)检波器获取的环境噪声数据反演地下S波速度信息[16]



2.4.2 陆上地震拖缆系统应用案例


在北美地区,Pugin等[5]在加拿大的渥太华市利用加拿大地调局研发的地震拖缆系统进行测量,在三条剖面中只有一条1 200 m长的S波速度剖面效果比较理想,从中可以清楚地看出,西北部基岩深度只有5 m,而东南部基岩深度可达15 m(图5);其他两条由于地下管道和人工填充物影响了分辨率。他们还通过在加拿大魁北克市第四大街进行不连续的高精度的S波速度测量,建立了长达3 km的速度剖面(探测深度为8090 m),结果还得到了附近钻井测量数据的验证。通过这些研究,加深了对地震波传播性质的理解,发现在较软的土壤中,S波的速度较低,但可获得高分辨率的S波速度剖面。


图5   渥太华市长达1 183 m的S波速度剖面示意[5]


在欧洲,Krawczyk等[6]利用LIAG研发的地震拖缆系统,分别在德国的Gillenfeld与Hamburg及挪威的Trondheim地区开展了调查,测量水平极化S波,都得到了高精度的速度结果。例如 Gillenfeld地区近地表为第四纪河湖相沉积物,深度约6080 m,测量结果很好地揭示了地下深部沉积物的结构与分层特征(图6),其南北向展布与另外方向的展布特征完全一致,而且被附近的钻孔解释资料所证实。该剖面的垂直精度约为2 m。而Hamburg地区由于岩溶塌陷,发育地下陷坑,因此对探测精度要求更高,在测量时采用更小的炮间距,对该地区地下100 m以内的地层结构进行详细成像,结果在60100 m之间发现了一个很大的碗状的塌陷构造。尽管测量是在白天进行的,但其数据质量与信噪比都很高,地下图像的精度水平可达510 m,而垂直方向甚至达到1 m。在挪威的Trondheim地区则采用MHV4S微震动器作为震源,探测深度达到200 m,垂直分辨率约为1~5 m。


图6   德国Gillenfeld偏移深度剖面的格栅图[6]



3 结论与展望



最后,值得一提的是,由于地震波中蕴含着大量丰富而有用的信息,因此人们越来越重视对以往视为干扰波的地震波(包括面波、声波和其他多次波等)的研究,此即非传统地震方法。2017年在欧洲地质学家和工程师协会(EAGE)主办的刊物《Near Surface Geophysics》上以“城市地球物理学”为主题开展了论文征集,其主要内容之一就是对以往需要抑制的干扰波进行重点开发和利用。当前,面波技术的一个前沿领域是城市噪声震源勘探技术,因此今后在面波勘探的基础上,还需要对其他干扰波开展深入的研究和挖掘。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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[J]. The Leading Edge, 2013,32(1):12.

DOI:10.1190/tle32010012.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Shear-wave (S-wave) technology has been investigated for about half as long as P-waves as an exploration tool, beginning in the mid-1960s with field experiments and vertical seismic profiles (VSP) to assist interpretation. Although it was immediately recognized that the relative quality of S-wave data was unpredictable, early processing and analysis did not consider the effects of birefringence or splitting. This unpredictable behavior, along with dynamic mis-ties, observed at intersections of 2D lines, was shown in the 1980s to be a result of S-wave splitting in azimuthally anisotropic media. In addition, 20 years of the early effort were devoted to developing S-wave sources. However, ironically, it turned out that conventional P-wave sources were best; P-waves convert to S-wave (PS-wave) reflections at layer interfaces with nearly the same strength as P-wave reflections.

Hunter J A, Burns R A, Good R L , et al.

Near-surface geophysical techniques for geohazards investigations: Some Canadian examples

[J]. The Leading Edge, 2010,29(8):964-977.

DOI:10.1190/1.3480011      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Over the last 40 years, there has been an expansion of activity in applications of near-surface geophysical techniques for various types of geohazards investigations in Canada; numerous national and international research groups have been working with the Near Surface Geophysics Section of the Geological Survey of Canada to develop techniques for specific Canadian engineering and environmental geohazards problems. A few of the more interesting examples from widespread parts of the country are discussed in this paper.

Nakata N .

Near-surface S-wave velocities estimated from traffic-induced Love waves using seismic interferometry with double beamforming

[J].Interpretation, 2016, 4(4):SQ23-SQ31.

[本文引用: 4]



[J]. 石油地球物理勘探, 1976,11(s1):16.

[本文引用: 1]

Inazaki T.Ultra-shallow seismic reflection imaging using a towed Land Streamer tool[C]//Abstracts of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 2006,


[本文引用: 2]

Malehmir A, Dehghannejad M, Juhlin C, et al.

A state-of-the-art MEMs-based 3C Seismic Landstreamer for Various Near-surface Applications

[C]//Vienna,Austria:78 th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2016 — Workshop Programme , 2016.

[本文引用: 2]

Pugin A J M, Larson T H, Sargent S L , et al.

Near-surface mapping using SH-wave and P-wave seismic land-streamer data acquisition in Illinois,U.S

.[J]. The Leading Edge, 2004,23(7):677-682.

DOI:10.1190/1.1776740      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Pugin A J M, Pullan S E, Hunter J A .

Multicomponent high-resolution seismic reflection profling

[J]. The Leading Edge, 2009,28(10):1248-1261.

DOI:10.1190/1.3249782      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Brodic B, Malehmir A, Juhlin C , et al.

Multicomponent broadband digital-based seismic landstreamer for near-surface applications

[J]. J. Appl. Geophys., 2015,123:227-241.

DOI:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.10.009      URL     [本文引用: 2]

61A three component MEMS-based seismic landstreamer was developed61Combination with wireless units enables data acquisition in inaccessible areas61Tests show the potential of the system for urban and high-resolution studies61A challenging location from the planned Stockholm Bypass was chosen as a test site61Tomography results show low velocities correspond well to zone of poor quality rock

吴安楚 .


[J]. 勘探地球物理, 2009,32(1):101-106.

[本文引用: 1]

Dean T .

The use of pseudo-random sweeps for vibroseis surveys

[J]. Geophys. Prospect, 2014,62:50-74.

DOI:10.1111/1365-2478.12074      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Pseudorandom vibroseis sweeps have long been suggested as an alternative to standard linear sweeps due to their potential for having superior orthogonality, a lower likelihood for infrastructure damage, and increased low-frequency content. In the past, they were also attractive as they have a better autocorrelation shape, although that is less important today. Their use has been limited but the increasing popularity of simultaneous acquisition techniques has rekindled interest as they offer the ability to reduce interference noise. A wide variety of methods for generating pseudorandom sweeps have been developed over the last 45 years. This paper gives an overview of the motivations for their use before classifying and describing the different sweep types. Finally, the sweeps will be compared in terms of their major attributes including their suitability for simultaneous surveys.

Cunningham A B .

Some alternative vibrator signals

[J]. Geophysics, 1979,44(12):1901-1921.

DOI:10.1190/1.1440947      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Strong S R .

Numerical modelling of pseudo-random seismic sources

[D]. Honors:University of Queensland, 2003.

[本文引用: 2]

Scholtz P .

Pseudo-random sweeps for built-up area seismic surveys

[J]. The Leading Edge, 2013,32(3):276-281.

DOI:10.1190/tle32030276.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Optimized pseudo-random sequences proved effective, both theoretically and empirically, in increasing data quality while reducing possible damage to buildings by vibratory sources during seismic reflection data acquisition. The linear sweeps commonly used for vibratory measurements can cause resonance in nearby infrastructure; hence, there is a potential for property damage. A pseudo-random sweep signal can be designed to decrease resonance effects and therefore reduce damage thresholds. The sweep sequences produced by simple random number generators, like the ones given by the vibrator manufacturers, have marked disadvantages, such as high correlation noise, large fluctuations in spectral amplitudes, and reduced seismic energy. To overcome some of these problems, an optimization process can be developed to produce pseudo-random sweeps for site-specific conditions. Two strategies are considered for preprocessing: crosscorrelation and deterministic deconvolution. Analysis of examples for an optimum pseudo-random sweep and simple pseudo-random sweep demonstrates that the total seismic energy is increased, while side-lobe energy is decreased and spectral fluctuations are reduced when the pseudo-random sweep is optimized. A limited-scope field test reveals that the peak particle velocity values are lowered substantially, while correlated and deconvolved records generated by the optimized pseudo-random sweep are of similar quality to a linear-sweep record. Application of optimized pseudo-random sweeps has the potential to increase productivity, while maintaining data quality and reducing resonance in surveys of built-up areas.

Baraniuk R G ,

Steeghs P.Compressive sensing:A new approach to seismic data acquisition

[J].The Leading Edge, 2017, 36(82):642 645 .

DOI:10.1190/tle36080642.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

AbstractSensing and imaging systems are under increasing pressure to accommodate ever-larger and higher-dimensional data sets; ever-faster capture, sampling, and processing rates; ever-lower power consumption; ever-smaller form factor; and new sensing modalities. These needs have motivated the development of new approaches to signal acquisition and processing. We provide an introduction to the field of compressive sensing (CS), which has stimulated a rethinking of sensor and signal processing system design. In CS, analog signals are digitized and processed not via uniform sampling but via measurements using more general, even random, test functions. In contrast to conventional wisdom, the new theory asserts that one can combine “sub-Nyquist rate sampling” with large-scale optimization for efficient and accurate signal acquisition when the signal has a sparse structure. Particular topics addressed include signal sparsity, randomized sampling, optimization-based signal recovery, and perspectives on applications to seismic data acquisition and processing.

Høyer A S, Lykke-Andersen H, Jørgensen F , et al.

Combined interpretation of SkyTEM and high-resolution seismic data

[J]. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2011,36:1386-1397.

DOI:10.1016/j.pce.2011.01.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Airborne electromagnetic methods (AEM) are used extensively in groundwater investigations, often in combination with high-resolution seismic data. Despite the frequent use of this mapping strategy, only a few cases are found in the literature. In this study, comparisons and interpretations were made based on AEM (SkyTEM) and high-resolution seismic data from an area covering 10 km 2 in the western part of Denmark. As support for the interpretations, an exploration well was drilled to provide lithological and logging information in the form of resistivity and vertical seismic profiling. Based on the resistivity log, synthetic SkyTEM responses were calculated with a varying number of gate-times in order to illustrate the effect of the noise-level. At the exploration well geophysical data were compared to the lithological log; in general there is good agreement. The same tendency was recognised when SkyTEM results from the area were superposed onto seismic sections. Comprehensive geological knowledge is necessary in order to introduce layer boundaries from one method interactively in the data handling of the other. However, in cases where resistivity transitions are positively correlated to reflections, SkyTEM data supports the interpretation of weak reflections, and can also support the correlation of reflections both internally and between seismic lines. Besides contributing lithological information, the AEM survey provides gross three-dimensional structural information, whereas seismic data contributes with more detailed structural information in two dimensions.

Colombo D ,

McNeice G,Rovetta D,et al.High-resolution velocity modeling by seismic-airborne TEM joint inversion:A new perspective for near-surface characterization

[J]. The Leading Edge, 2016,35(11):977-985.

DOI:10.1190/tle35110977.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Colombo D, Miorelli F, Sandoval-Curiel E , et al.

pQC:A novel approach for robust automatic near-surface analysis in low-relief geology

[J]. The Leading Edge, 2016,35(11):952-960.

DOI:10.1190/tle35110952.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

A novel approach, named pQC, was developed to automatically derive near-surface velocities and statics by applying surface-consistent analysis to refraction data, where the data consist of first-break (FB) traveltimes and early-arrival waveforms. This approach is facilitated by the introduction of a new sorting domain in which FB traveltimes and traces are organized in a multidimensional space consisting of a common-midpoint (CMP) location, offset, and azimuth, called the XYOA domain. The FB traveltime data sorted in this domain can be analyzed efficiently with statistical methods to obtain localized average depth domain velocity trends for calculation of long-wavelength statics. Short-wavelength (residual) refraction statics are then calculated based on the cross correlation of early-arrival waveforms in the XYOA gathers over multiple offset classes and inverted for surface-consistent source and receiver corrections. The application of the combined statics solution to the traces enhances the continuity and power of the stacked reflected events without the need to perform tomography. Surface-consistent analysis of refraction data in the XYOA domain is fully automatic, provides robust solutions for noisy data, and enhances subsequent reflection residual statics calculations. This method can also be exploited for quality-control analysis of FB picks and for automating, in an iterative procedure, the picking of large 3D seismic data sets. The method is demonstrated on a 3D land survey over complex geology where the novel refraction surface-consistent solution enhances the imaging results and employs a fraction of the time needed by a typical tomographic workflow.

Amaru M, Hoelting C, Ivanova N , et al.

Introduction to this special section:Velocity-model uncertainty

[J]. The Leading Edge, 2017,36(2):126.

DOI:10.1190/tle36020126.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Geophysical characterization of the subsurface is an integral part of the industry9s effort to decrease ambiguity during exploration, development, and production. Over several decades, advances in geophysical technology (e.g., 3D seismic, AVO, depth imaging, 4D seismic, wide/full azimuth acquisition, etc.) have allowed geophysicists to routinely produce more accurate “best technical case” images of the subsurface. Given the impressive nature of these advances, our nongeophysical colleagues might be tempted to think that geophysicists have eliminated uncertainty from our subsurface images. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most (if not all) of the time, geophysical characterization of the subsurface involves estimating solutions to ill-posed inverse problems. This ill-posedness stems from a variety of sources, including insufficient measurements and physical phenomena like seismic anisotropy.

王伟君, 刘澜波, 陈棋福 , .


[J]. 地球物理学报, 2009,52(6):1515-1525.

[本文引用: 1]

Okada H .

The microtremor survey method

[C]//SEG,Monograph Series 12, 2003.

[本文引用: 1]

Pancha A, Anderson J G, Louie J N , et al.

Measurement of shallow shear wave velocities at a rock site using the ReMi technique

[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2008,28:522-535.

DOI:10.1016/j.soildyn.2007.08.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Shallow shear wave velocities beneath a rock site are characterized using the refraction microtremor (ReMi) technique developed by Louie [Faster, better: shear-wave velocity to 10002m depth from ReMi arrays. Bull Seism Soc Am 2001; 91: 347–64]. Ground motion from a passing train enabled capture of energy propagating parallel to the recording array. This allowed evaluation of the variation of the minimum phase-velocity of the dispersion curve envelope and better estimation of the true minimum velocity beneath the site. We use a new method to image and evaluate the dispersion curve envelope via power–slowness profiles through the slowness–frequency plots introduced by Louie [Faster, better: shear-wave velocity to 10002m depth from ReMi arrays. Bull Seism Soc Am 2001; 91: 347–64]. Data illustrated the frequency dependency of dispersion curve uncertainties, with greater uncertainty occurring at low frequencies. These uncertainties map directly into uncertainty of the inverted velocity–depth profile. Above 10002m depth velocities are well constrained with 10% variability. Variability is greatly reduced when the energy propagation is along the geophone array. Greater velocity variation is observed below 10002m depth.

Gamal M A, Pullammanappallil S .

Validity of the refraction microtremor (ReMi) method for determining shear wave velocities for different soil types in Egypt

[J]. International Journal of Geosciences, 2011,2(4):530-540.

DOI:10.4236/ijg.2011.24056      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ivanov J, Leitner B, Shefchik W , et al.

Evaluating hazards at salt cavern sites using multichannel analysis of surface waves

[J]. The Leading Edge, 2013,32(3):298-304.

DOI:10.1190/tle32030298.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Subsidence resulting in sinkholes within dissolution mine fields in and around the city of Hutchinson, Kansas, USA (Figure 1) has been reported for more than 90 years. Salt dissolution and the resulting unpredictable upward migration of the dissolution voids can be observed both in proximity to well bores (dissolution mining, brine disposal, and oil wells; seismic shot holes, etc.) and in areas known to experience natural dissolution with no apparent anthropogenic influences. One potential outcome of the upward migration of these long-inactive dissolution voids in the city of Hutchinson is significant structural damage to facilities, infrastructure, or traffic areas. Monitoring the condition of a void9s roof is key to determining and managing this risk. Drilling is expensive for this investigative application in part because of the number of potential targets. At a depth of approximately 120 m, most surface geophysical methods have neither the sensitivity nor resolution necessary to detect these voids, much less interrogate the roof.

Craig M Hayashi K. ,

Surface wave surveying for near-surface site characterization in the East San Francisco Bay Area,California

[J].Interpretation, 2016, 4(4):SQ59-SQ69.

[本文引用: 2]

Malehmir A, Wang S, Lamminen J , et al.

Delineating structures controlling sandstone-hosted base-metal deposits using high-resolution multicomponent seismic and radio-magnetotelluric methods: a case study from Northern Sweden

[J]. Geophys. Prospect, 2015,63:774-797.

DOI:10.1111/1365-2478.12238      URL     [本文引用: 1]


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