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物探与化探, 2018, 42(3): 608-615 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2018.1297



罗勇1, 毛海波1, 杨晓海1, 李文捷1, 陈文超2

1. 新疆油田分公司勘探开发研究院地球物理研究所,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830013

2. 西安交通大学 电子与信息工程学院,陕西 西安 710049

Seismic random seismic noise attenuation method on basis of the double sparse representation

LUO Yong1, MAO Hai-Bo1, YANG Xiao-Hai1, LI Wen-Jie1, CHEN Wen-Chao2

1. Institute of Geophysics,Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development,Urumqi 830013,China;

2. School of Electronic & Information Engineering,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,China;

责任编辑: 叶佩

收稿日期: 2017-06-29   修回日期: 2018-03-22   网络出版日期: 2018-06-05

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目.  41774135
国家自然科学基金项目.  41504092
国家自然科学基金项目.  41274125
中国博士后科学基金项目.  2016T90925
中国博士后科学基金项目.  2015M572567

Received: 2017-06-29   Revised: 2018-03-22   Online: 2018-06-05

Fund supported: .  41774135
.  41504092
.  41274125
.  2016T90925
.  2015M572567

作者简介 About authors



针对固定字典难以完全匹配实际资料复杂的形态特征,以及学习字典不具备快速算法、计算复杂等问题,文中选择双重稀疏字典来兼备结构性和自适应性,不仅降低了训练样本的数量,而且更适于高维信号的分析。该方法以过完备离散余弦变换(overcomplete discrete cosine transform,ODCT)作为训练基字典,将待处理资料的特征数据作为样本,利用稀疏K-SVD算法,建立了基于双重稀疏字典的地震随机噪声衰减模型。典型的合成及实际高维地震资料处理结果表明,本文方法不仅可以有效地对地震资料随机噪声进行衰减,而且能更好地保持断层等边缘结构。

关键词: 噪声衰减 ; 稀疏表示 ; 学习字典 ; 形态成分分析 ; 稀疏K-SVD


The double sparse dictionary is adopted for the seismic random noise attenuation.The seismic data are not represented well by the fixed dictionaries,which do not contain the effective information about the seismic data;the learning dictionaries are fully adaptable but are costly to deploy in the big data processing.The double sparse dictionary reduces the number of training sample and is more suitable for the construction of high-dimension dictionary and the analysis of the high-dimension signal. With the over completed discrete cosine transform as the base dictionary,the sparse dictionary is trained by the sparse K-SVD driven by the noisy seismic data samples.Thus the seismic random noise attenuation model based on the double sparse dictionary is established.A comparison of the results of the synthesized and real data in high dimensional case shows that the seismic random noise can be suppressed effectively by the method based on double sparse dictionary and the fault structure can be preserved in 3D case.

Keywords: noise attenuation ; sparse representation ; learning dictionary ; morphological component analysis ; sparse K-SVD

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罗勇, 毛海波, 杨晓海, 李文捷, 陈文超. 基于双重稀疏表示的地震资料随机噪声衰减方法. 物探与化探[J], 2018, 42(3): 608-615 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2018.1297

LUO Yong, MAO Hai-Bo, YANG Xiao-Hai, LI Wen-Jie, CHEN Wen-Chao. Seismic random seismic noise attenuation method on basis of the double sparse representation. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2018, 42(3): 608-615 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2018.1297

0 引言


对地震信号进行稀疏表示可以有效地揭示地震信号的本质特征,有利于形成对地震信号更为清晰和直观的描述和认识。信号的稀疏表示就是在变换域上利用尽量少的基函数重构逼近原始信号,从而获得原始信号简洁而有效的表达形式。目前常用的变换方法主要有小波变换[11]、Ridgelet变换[12]、Curvelet变换[13]等。信号处理中,通常也将常用的变换称作稀疏表示字典,将变换中的原子称作字典原子。小波变换具有很强的去数据相关特性,通过小波变换将信号能量被投影在少数小波系数上,而噪声能量却分布于整个小波域内,因此可对小波系数进行阈值处理以达到去噪目的。然而,地震数据不仅是关于时间的一维信号,还与波场记录的空间位置有关,通常情况下地震数据为二维甚至为高维信号。Candes和Donoho[13]构造出第二代Curvelet变换,他们直接在频域定义Curvelet原子的表达形式,并且给出第二代Curvelet变换的快速离散算法[14]。由于Curvelet变换在捕捉波前面方面具有独特优势,很快被广泛地应用到地震数据处理和解释问题中,如噪声衰减[15,16,17]、数据规则化[18]和多尺度相干分析[19]等等。Curvelet及Ridglet等变换虽然具有对复杂高维结构精细刻画能力,但由于其变换原子固定不变的特点,仍不具备根据待处理复杂地震数据自适应地调整字典原子以增加稀疏表示的能力。Olshausen等[20]提出了采用机器学习的方法来自适应地构造过完备字典,对待处理数据进行有效地稀疏表示。但是这种自适应学习字典由于没有固定的结构和快速算法,算法复杂度很高,不适合处理大规模地震资料处理。Rubinstein等[21]提出了一种基于双重稀疏概念的学习字典,在固定字典和自适应学习字典之间找到一个平衡点,一定程度上弥补了固定基函数和自适应学习字典的不足,吸收了两种字典的优点。笔者将这种双重稀疏字典引入到高维地震资料的噪声压制中,选取能够较好地对地震资料进行稀疏表示的过完备离散余弦变换作为训练基字典,采用OMP(orthogonal matching pursuit)算法进行稀疏编码,通过稀疏K-SVD算法进行字典学习,选取待处理的地震资料特征明显的部分作为训练样本,得到能够匹配地震资料的双重稀疏字典。通过3D模型及实际资料算例的结果表明,与基于Curvelet变换的去噪结果对比,基于双重稀疏表示的方法不仅可以有效压制地震资料随机噪声,而且在3D资料处理中能更好地保持有效边缘结构。

1 基于双重稀疏表示的信噪分离方法

1.1 双重稀疏字典构造








图1   经过稀疏K-SVD算法训练的稀疏字典



图2   稀疏字典原子分解

1.2 基于双重稀疏表示的信噪分离方法





图3   变换域去噪流程


T(c)=c if cδ,0 otherwise









通过正交匹配追踪的方法来求得系数表示 γ˙ij,然后对阈值进行软阈值处理,可以得到去噪数据 X˙。通常情况下,由于地震数据量较大,需要将地震数据进行分块并利用上述方法进行处理 。

2 算例

2.1 模型算例

选取不含噪的合成地震记录模型作为原始的三维地震数据,某时间切片如图4a所示。对合成数据加入白噪声,信噪比为3 dB。为含噪地震数据的对应时间切面。该合成模型沿着主测线、联络测线和垂直方向上分别有220、300、80个采样点,采用两种同频,沿着不同方向传播的平面波组成,在两个平面波相交的地方产生弯曲的倾斜断层,与此同时,该模型还有一个与倾斜断层相交的垂直断层。


图4   三维合成地震资料的切片


通过采用3D稀疏K-SVD去噪算法处理该含噪三维合成模型数据的具体参数如表1所示。采用的训练基字典都为过完备的离散余弦变换字典(ODCT),选取8×8×8的立体数据块作为训练样本数据体的大小,在3D稀疏K-SVD算法中,过完备字典的大小为512×1 000。由于此处采用双重稀疏字典模型,原子表示矩阵的稀疏度选为16,即在原子的系数表示中,系数表示中非零元素的个数至少为16。选取的训练样本数为80 000,既能有效地降低训练成本,又能保证训练的效果,而且迭代次数为15就可以满足相应的收敛要求。

表1   稀疏K-SVD去噪算法参数


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图5   模型数据不同方法噪声衰减结果时间切片对比



图6   3D通过稀疏K-SVD训练得到的稀疏字典

2.2 实际资料算例

将基于双重稀疏字典稀疏表示的地震资料随机噪声衰减方法用于某油田三维地震资料的噪声衰减中。由于基于Curvelet的去噪方法整体信噪比提高不如稀疏K-SVD去噪方法,而且会引入剪切波感干扰,所以在对实际资料的进行处理中,仅3D稀疏K-SVD方法。该三维数据体中,具有几条河道砂体沉积特征,因而要求对此数据处理中采用的去噪算法具有有效的边缘结构保持能力,否则很容易引起细小结构的损失和压制。图7是该三维地震资料的一个Crossline方向剖面,Inline的值为900。图8为3D稀疏K-SVD去噪结果Crossline方向剖面。Crossline方向剖面中,圆圈标明的区域为细小河道结构,箭头所示位置为断层结构。图9为3D去噪方法去除的噪声Crossline剖面图,从噪声剖面对比中可以看出, 3D稀疏K-SVD方法明显衰减噪声,而且对断层结构和细小河道结构的损伤很小。


图7   原始地震资料Crossline方向剖面(Inline=900)


图8   3D稀疏K-SVD去噪结果Crossline方向剖面(Inline=900)


图9   3D稀疏K-SVD去除的噪声Crossline方向剖面(Inline=900)

图10是三维地震资料的一个时间切片,Time为0.9 s。图11为3D稀疏K-SVD去噪结果的时间切片,Time为0.9 s。从去噪结果中可以看出,3D方法去噪结果在地震信号的边缘处的效果更有效。进一步验证所提出方法对于细微结构的保持有效性,如图12所示的差剖面,从椭圆形区域标明的细微结构看,3D稀疏K-SVD去除的噪声切片中,噪声随机性表现很明显,几乎看不到有效的信号,说明本方法的在实际资料噪声衰减方面的有效性。


图10   原始地震资料时间切片(t=0.9 s)

3 结论


图11   3D稀疏 K-SVD去噪结果时间切片(t=0.9 s)


图12   3D稀疏 K-SVD去除的噪声时间切片(t=0.9 s)



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The conventional method of f filtering for random noise reduction suffers from three drawbacks. Firstly, the wavenumber response of the filter does not peak exactly at the wavenumbers of the signal components. Secondly, the amplitude of the filter response is less than one at the signal component wavenumbers, causing attenuation of the signal. Finally, sidelobes in the filter response cause noise at wavenumbers well separated from the signal components to leak into the filtered output. Singular value decomposition (SVD) of the data matrix shows that the problems may be reduced by using a transient-free formulation of the data matrix; that is, minimizing the squared errors over a finite data length rather than minimizing the expected value of the squared errors under the assumption of an infinite length of available data. Using the transient-free formulation, noise-free signal can be predicted perfectly, unlike the conventional method. The SVD analysis of the transient-free case shows that the noise-reduction performance may be improved further at all signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). This is achieved because in the noise-free case, the correlation matrix is rank-deficient. For noisy data, an estimate of the correlation matrix is made by selecting appropriate eigenvectors to construct the filter. The use of selected eigenvectors ensures stability, thus permitting the use of much longer filters than the usual methods, with a consequent improvement in SNR gain. Conventional techniques for estimating the effective rank of the correlation matrix focus on variations in the size of the eigenvalues, selecting only the largest. It was found that these methods severely overestimate the effective rank. Furthermore, in synthetic tests it was found that some eigenvectors corresponding to noise may have eigenvalues larger than some of the signal eigenvectors. The eigenvector selection is therefore based on the observation that the phase of a noise eigenvector has a random walk appearance, whereas the phase of the signal eigenvectors varies in a smooth manner. Statistical criteria permit the selection of the signal eigenvectors in a robust way. Tests on synthetic data show that the SNR gain may typically be 10 dB for the selected eigenvector method, as opposed to 5 dB to 0 dB at different input signal-to-noise ratios for the other methods. The optimal filter lengths were about twice the optimal lengths found for the conventional method. Tests on real stacked data also show considerable improvement in performance. Care must be taken in areas of complicated structure, particularly when strongly curved events are present, to select sufficient eigenvectors, but this may be achieved at the price of a slight loss in noise reduction.

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We present a new, discrete undersampling scheme designed to favor wavefield reconstruction by sparsity-promoting inversion with transform elements localized in the Fourier domain. The work is motivated by empirical observations in the seismic community, corroborated by results from compressive sampling, that indicate favorable (wavefield) reconstructions from random rather than regular undersampling. Indeed, random undersampling renders coherent aliases into harmless incoherent random noise, effectively turning the interpolation problem into a much simpler denoising problem. A practical requirement of wavefield reconstruction with localized sparsifying transforms is the control on the maximum gap size. Unfortunately, random undersampling does not provide such a control. Thus, we introduce a sampling scheme, termed jittered undersampling, that shares the benefits of random sampling and controls the maximum gap size. The contribution of jittered sub-Nyquist sampling is key in formulating a versatile wavefield sparsity-promoting recovery scheme that follows the principles of compressive sampling. After the behavior of the jittered-undersampling scheme in the Fourier domain is analyzed, its performance is studied for curvelet recovery by sparsity-promoting inversion (CRSI). The findings on synthetic and real seismic data indicate an improvement of several decibels over recovery from regularly undersampled data for the same amount of data collected.

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Abstract This paper discusses an effective approach to attenuate random and coherent linear noise in a 3D data set from a carbonate environment. Figure 1 illustrates a seismic inline section from a noisy 3D seismic cube. Clearly, the section in Figure 1 is corrupted by undesirable random noise and coherent noise that are linear and vertically dipping in nature.

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In this paper, we develop a new and effective multiple scale and strongly directional method for identifying and suppressing ground roll based on the second generation curvelet transform. Making the best use of the curvelet transform strong local directional characteristics, seismic frequency bands are transformed into scale data with and without noise. Since surface waves and primary reflected waves have less overlap in the curvelet domain, we can effectively identify and separate noise. Applying this method to pre-stack seismic data can successfully remove surface waves and, at the same time, protect the reflected events well, particularly in the low-frequency band. This indicates that the method described in this paper is an effective and amplitude-preserving method.

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We extend our earlier work on the nonequispaced fast discrete curvelet transform (NFDCT) and introduce a second generation of the transform. This new generation differs from the previous one by the approach taken to compute accurate curvelet coefficients from irregularly sampled data. The first generation relies on accurate Fourier coefficients obtained by an l

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Given a dictionary$D = \lbrace\underline d_k\rbrace$of vectors$\underline d_k$, we seek to represent a signal S as a linear combination$\underline S = \Sigma_k\>\gamma(k)\underline d_k$, with scalar coefficients (k). In particular, we aim for the sparsest representation possible. In general, this requires a combinatorial optimization process. Previous work considered the special case where D is an overcomplete system consisting of exactly two orthobases and has shown that, under a condition of mutual incoherence of the two bases, and assuming that S has a sufficiently sparse representation, this representation is unique and can be found by solving a convex optimization problem: specifically, minimizing the 1norm of the coefficients$\underline\gamma$. In this article, we obtain parallel results in a more general setting, where the dictionary D can arise from two or several bases, frames, or even less structured systems. We sketch three applications: separating linear features from planar ones in 3D data, noncooperative multiuser encoding, and identification of over-complete independent component models.

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An efficient and flexible dictionary structure is proposed for sparse and redundant signal representation. The proposed sparse dictionary is based on a sparsity model of the dictionary atoms over a base dictionary, and takes the form D = A, where is a fixed base dictionary and A is sparse. The sparse dictionary provides efficient forward and adjoint operators, has a compact representation, and can be effectively trained from given example data. In this, the sparse structure bridges the gap between implicit dictionaries, which have efficient implementations yet lack adaptability, and explicit dictionaries, which are fully adaptable but non-efficient and costly to deploy. In this paper, we discuss the advantages of sparse dictionaries, and present an efficient algorithm for training them. We demonstrate the advantages of the proposed structure for 3-D image denoising.


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