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物探与化探, 2018, 42(3): 528-536 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2018.1216



金明霞, 宋鑫, 易淑昌, 张冰

中海油田服务股份有限公司物探事业部物探研究院,天津 300451

The frequency analysis of VDS and its application to deghosting

JIN Ming-Xia, SONG Xin, YI Shu-Chang, ZHANG Bing

Geophysical Research Institute,COSL,TianJin 300451,China

责任编辑: 叶佩

收稿日期: 2017-05-15   修回日期: 2018-03-22   网络出版日期: 2018-06-05

基金资助: 中海油田服务股份有限公司物探专项.  WTB16YF013

Received: 2017-05-15   Revised: 2018-03-22   Online: 2018-06-05

Fund supported: .  WTB16YF013

作者简介 About authors

金明霞(1979-),女,工程师,2004年毕业于长江大学获硕士学位,目前在中海油服物探事业部物探研究院从事数据处理工作。 。



关键词: 变深度拖缆 ; 陷波频率 ; 去鬼波 ; 最小平方Radon变换


The quality of seismic data has been improved with the application of variable-depth streamers (VDS) acquisition,which leads to diversity of receiver ghost notch,and the key advantage is the utilization of notch diversity to combine different depth receivers,thus achieving the final better result which has no notches.This paper focuses on the effects of VDS acquisition on frequencies especially on low frequencies that benefit the images of deep geological structure.The slope function provided by this paper can effectively gauge the extent of low frequencies,and it is easy to find the frequency difference between shots modeled by conventional constant depth streamer (CDS) and ones modeled by VDS;In addition,considering the ghosts caused by the marine free surface,the method outlined in this paper derives a surface datum ghost free result of input shot gather data by using the modified least squares linear Radon equations.Its application to model data and real VDS seismic data shows that this deghost algorithm can effectively suppress the ghosts.

Keywords: variable-depth streamers ; notch frequency ; deghost ; the least squares linear Radon equation

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金明霞, 宋鑫, 易淑昌, 张冰. 海洋地震变深度电缆采集数据的频谱分析及消除鬼波研究. 物探与化探[J], 2018, 42(3): 528-536 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2018.1216

JIN Ming-Xia, SONG Xin, YI Shu-Chang, ZHANG Bing. The frequency analysis of VDS and its application to deghosting. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2018, 42(3): 528-536 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2018.1216

0 引言

常规的拖缆采集中,拖缆的深度一般在5~10 m,这样的拖缆深度限制了有效信号的低频成分[1],并且由于近海水表层噪声太强使得接收到的信号信噪比较低。将拖缆沉放的深度增加有利于拓宽低频信号、减少噪声,但同时以牺牲高频为代价,这是由于检波器虚反射的第一个陷波频率造成的。

虚反射引起的频率陷波问题在震源和接收点都存在,对于震源虚反射引起的频率陷波通过采用多级不同深度的震源组合,然后通过延迟响炮的方式可有效消除虚反射的影响[2],而对于检波点虚反射引起的频率陷波,最早采用上下电缆的方法来克服[3,4,5],但这种方法采集成本过高;后来又在电缆的接收点压力检波器的基础上加上了速度检波器(对信号的传播方向敏感),即双检采集[6,7],不过这种技术对仪器性能要求很高;Robert等[8]提出的变深度电缆(即斜缆勘探)的采集方式,由于检波器的沉放深度影响着接收信号的有效频率,有效信号的低频和高频之间相互牵制,斜缆勘探中从最近的地震道开始,拖缆的深度随着炮检距的增大而变深,将拖缆保持在一个预定的目标深度,斜缆勘探中拖缆的深度可达60 m。

斜缆勘探观测方式的独特性,为斜缆宽频地震勘探带来了以下几点优势[9]:首先随着拖缆变深,远偏移距接收到的信号受到海水表层噪声的影响越来越小,地震资料的信噪比越来越高。其次,由于拖缆深度不同,虚反射陷波频率点存在差异,随着拖缆沉放的加深,检波器虚反射陷波频率点的数量会成倍的增加,而斜缆勘探就是利用虚反射陷波频率点的不同来消除虚反射陷波的影响。采集的资料中低频和高频更加丰富,频带范围可以达到2.5~200 Hz。由于采集到的地震资料有着丰富的低频、高频信息,这对于提高地震分辨率,深部地质体和复杂盖层之下的目的层的成像、地层内部构造的精细刻画都具有重要意义[10]



1 变深度电缆对频谱的影响分析

1.1 变深度电缆拓宽频率的机理分析


fn=nc2d n=0,1,2,


在反射波垂直传播,即一维(1D)情形下 kz=w/c,根据w=2πf,虚反射算子的函数[13]是:




发现不同深度检波点之间的陷波点得到了相互补偿,低频和高频成分得到了拓展。式中:τ= 2zic,其中zi是拖缆各个检波点的深度,c是水速。



图1所示,检波点的沉放深度分别在7.5、15、35 m时,检波器虚反射陷波点不同,检波点在35 m时,虚反射的陷波点最多,出现的周期最短;当在7.5~50 m深度之间放置多个检波器,然后把不同深度检波器虚反射的频谱进行叠加,可以看到虚反射陷波点得到补偿,低频成分更加丰富,同时高频得到了拓展,如图1中红色曲线所示。


图1   不同深度检波器虚反射频谱

比较图1中深度分别为7.5、15、30 m的频谱,发现接收点沉放的越深其振幅谱曲线越陡,并因此显著拓宽低频成分(如图1中蓝色曲线较之于紫色曲线低频成分明显提高),振幅曲线的陡度函数


即是振幅谱的导数。分析这个陡度函数发现在低频带尤其是1~12.5 Hz范围内,接受点越深,振幅谱越靠近振幅轴即接受到的信号低频成分越丰富,其原因是对于沉放深度是30 m的虚反射的振幅谱在12.5 Hz时信号达到峰值2(据公式4),图2截取了12.5 Hz以内的接受点深度分别是7.5、15、30 m的振幅谱曲线。


图2   截取图1中不同深度的小于12.5 Hz的频谱曲线

在低频带取频率分别为2、3.5、5 Hz,并求解其振幅强度如表1所示。

表1   图2中沉放不同深度检波点在不同低频的振幅值


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表1分析得出:较之于7.5 m的沉放深度,15 m和30 m的信号振幅强度在2、3.5、5 Hz大幅提高,如表2所示。

表2   沉放深度15、30与7.5 m振幅强度比较(分贝显示)

156 dB5.97 dB5.91 dB
3011.95 dB11.78 dB11.50 dB

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综上可知,斜缆地震勘探有两个显著优势:①利用检波器虚反射陷波频点的不同,其叠加效果可拓宽频带和补偿陷频点能量;②检波点越深低频信号(小于5 Hz)的振幅越强。所以,采集到的地震资料信噪比较高、频带较宽,这是获取高信噪比、高分辨率、宽频带地震资料的基础和前提。

1.2 等深电缆和变深度电缆对地震道频谱的影响分析


图3是设计的速度模型,模型大小3 000 m(水平长度)×2 100 m(垂直深度),网格大小1 m×1 m。观测系统参数为:震源深度5 m,水平电缆缆深度15 m,斜缆深度15~67.37 m,接收点间距10 m。分别在水平缆和斜缆观测系统下进行波动方程正演模拟,进而研究其波场特征。


图3   速度模型与水平缆观测系统(左)、斜缆观测系统(右)

正演模拟结果如图4a、4b所示。对水平缆资料分别取第10、30、50道数据 ,进行频谱分析(图5)。


图4   正演模拟的炮集



图5   对水平缆中第10(左)、30(中)、50(右)道数据频谱分析结果

对于检波器的深度为15 m,水层速度为1 500 m/s,由公式f= nv2d可知,陷波点出现在50、100、150 Hz、…的位置。由于水平缆上所有检波器都位于同一深度,所以水平缆上每一道地震数据对应的陷波点都相同(如图5中各道数据的频谱分析结果所示),那么将不同偏移距的数据合并之后,依然会在相同的位置上出现陷波点(图6)。


图6   对水平缆正演结果进行频谱分析的结果



图7   对斜缆数据中第10(左)、30(中)、50(右)道数据频谱分析结果



图8   对斜缆数据进行频谱分析的结果

2 变深度电缆虚反射的消除方法

2.1 修改的线性最小平方Radon变换



其中,L= e-iwτi,j, i=1,2,…,N,j=1,2,…,M。式中,w=2πf,τi,j=pjxi,f是瞬时频率,xi表示炮集中第i道的炮检距,pj表示τ-p模型中第j道的慢度值,m(pj)是映射得到的τ-p域数据,根据式(6)采用最小平方法使目标函数J=‖d-Lm2最小,得到m











图9   斜缆勘探二维观测系统平面波传播示意



图10   斜缆线性Radon变换消除虚反射的两种处理流程

2.2 消除斜缆虚反射的应用

2.2.1 正演模型测试

设计如图11的一个凹陷地质模型,模型大小4 201 m(水平长度)×6 100 m(垂直深度),网格大小1 m×1 m;采集参数参数是:震源深度5 m,检波点深度由4 m变化到48.6 m,最小炮检距125 m,道间距12.5 m,每炮240道,共300炮。


图11   凹陷模型


图12   正演模拟对应的斜缆观测系统



图13   消除虚反射前(a)后(b)对应的炮记录


图14   消除虚反射前(a)后(b)的偏移叠加剖面

2.2.2 实际资料应用

以南海实际斜缆地震资料为例,该资料是深水资料,水深在1 500 m以上,资料信噪比较好,斜缆数据中一次波和虚反射在同相轴表现为随着炮检距的增加,二者时差也越来越大,该炮记录已进行了相应的去噪处理,但未做去多次波。



图15   原始炮记录(a)及消除虚反射的炮记录(b)


图16   消除虚反射前后的频谱曲线



图17   原始数据的叠加剖面


图18   消除虚反射之后的叠加剖面


图19   图16、17中方框的频谱分析对比

3 结论

在反射波垂直传播即一维(1D)情形下,通过对变深度电缆的虚反射的频谱分析得出:①检波器沉放深度不同使得接收点的虚反射陷波频率点存在不同,其叠加结果会使频谱拓宽;②分析频谱曲线的陡度函数,沉放较深的检波点使得在低频端尤其小于5 Hz的低频信号的振幅强度显著增强。



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David Hill, Leendert Combee, and John Bacon, WesternGeco, introduce a new configuration for towed-streamer seismic data acquisition. They argue that the ver/under technique is a major advance on conventional techniques providing previously unattained signal bandwidth, where the low-frequency content gives deeper penetration, and therefore, improved imaging beneath basalt, salt, and other highly absorptive overburdens. In a conventional towed-streamer marine acquisition configuration, shallow sources and shallow cables increase the high-frequency content of the seismic data needed for resolution. However, shallow sources and shallow cables attenuate the low frequencies, which are necessary for stratigraphic and structural inversion, and for imaging deep objectives. Towing shallow also makes the data more susceptible to environmental noise. In contrast deep sources and deep cables enhance the low frequencies, but attenuate the high frequencies. In addition, the data recorded via a deep tow have a higher signal-to-ambient-noise ratio due to the more benign towing environment. A conventional towed-streamer survey design therefore, attempts to balance these conflicting aspects to arrive at a tow depth for the sources and cables that optimizes the bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio of the data for a specific target depth or two-way travel time, often at the expense of other shallower or deeper objectives. An over/under, towed-streamer configuration is a method of acquiring seismic data where cables are typically towed in pairs at two different cable depths, with one cable vertically above the other. The depths of these paired cables are typically significantly deeper than would be used for a conventional towed-streamer configuration. In conjunction with these paired cables, it is possible to acquire data with paired sources at two differing source depths. Again, the depths of these paired sources are typically significantly deeper than would be used for a conventional towed-streamer configuration. The seismic data recorded by the over/under towed-streamer configuration are combined in data processing into a single dataset that has the high-frequency characteristics of conventional data recorded at a shallow towing depth and the lowfrequency characteristics of conventional data recorded at a deeper towing depth. This combination process is commonly referred to in the geophysical literature as deghosting. The current benefits of over/under data compared with conventional data can be summarized as: - A significantly broader signal bandwidth, where the lowfrequency content gives deeper penetration, and therefore, improved imaging beneath basalt, salt, and other highly absorptive overburdens. Moreover, the bandwidth extension to lower frequencies makes seismic inversion less dependent upon model-based methods - A simpler signal wavelet with the bandwidth extension to higher frequencies giving enhanced resolving power, allowing for a more detailed stratigraphic interpretation - Higher signal-to-ambient-noise ratio as a consequence of the deeper towed-cable pairs - An extended weather window enabled by the deeper towed-cable pairs.

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David Carlson, Andrew Long, Walter S02llner, Hocine Tabti, Rune Tenghamn, and Nils Lunde discuss the theory behind a towed dual-sensor developed by Petroleum Geo-Services to operate at deeper depths and deliver de-ghosted data.

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Variable-depth streamer-a broadband marine solution

[J]. First Break, 2010,28(12):89-96.

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Robert Soubaras and Robert Dowle explain how a broadband solution leveraging thebenefits of towing variable depth solid streamers and proprietary deghosting processing techniques can resolve a longstanding challenge in marine seismic acquisition.

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Broadband seismic data-the importance of low frequencies [J]

Geophysics, 2013,78(2):WA3-WA14.

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We considered the importance of low frequencies in seismic reflection data for enhanced resolution, better penetration, and waveform and impedance inversion. We reviewed various theoretical arguments underlining why adding low frequencies may be beneficial and provided experimental evidence for the improvements by several case studies with recently acquired broadband data. We discussed where research and development efforts in the industry with respect to low frequencies should be focusing.

Wang P, Ray S, Peng C .

Premigration deghosting for marine streamer data using a bootstrap approach

[J]. Expanded Abstracts of 82 nd Annual Internat SEG Mtg., 2012: 1-5.

DOI:10.1190/segam2012-1146.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Removing the receiver ghost before migration provides better low and high frequency response as well as a higher signal-to-noise ratio for preprocessing steps such as multiple suppression and velocity analysis. We propose a bootstrap approach that self-determines its own parameters for receiver deghosting. The recorded data in shot domain are first used to create mirror data through a 1D ray tracing based normal moveout correction method; then both the recorded and mirror data are used to jointly invert for the receiver-ghost-free data. We demonstrate with both synthetics and real data that our deghosting method can, in many situations, reliably remove the receiver ghost for marine towed streamer data in the premigration stage. Here, this technique is used to partially improve the bandwidth of conventional streamer data but for optimal broadband seismic, a full broadband system (like BroadSeis) is necessary.

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Deghosting by joint deconvolution of a migration and a mirrior migration

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Soubaras R, Lafet Y .

Variable-depth streamer acquisition:Broadband data for imaging and inversion

[J]. Geophysics, 2013, 78(2):WA27-WA39.

DOI:10.1190/GEO2012-0297.1      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Conventional marine acquisition uses a streamer towed at a constant depth. The resulting receiver ghost notch gives the maximum recoverable frequency. To push this limit, the streamer must be towed at a quite shallow depth, but this compromises the low frequencies. Variable-depth streamer (VDS) acquisition is an acquisition technique aimed at achieving the best possible signal-to-noise ratio at low frequencies by towing the streamer very deeply, but by using a depth profile varying with offset in order not to limit the high-frequency bandwidth by notches as in conventional constant-depth streamer acquisition. The idea is to use notch diversity, each receiver having a different notch, so that the final result, combining different receivers, will have no notches. The key step to process VDS acquisitions is the receiver deghosting. We found that the optimal receiver deghosting, instead of being a preprocessing step, should be done postimaging, by using a dual-input, migration and mirror migration, and a new joint deconvolution algorithm that produces a 3D real amplitude deghosted output. This method can be applied poststack, the inputs being the migration and mirror migration images and the output being the deghosted image. Using a multichannel joint deconvolution, the inputs are the migrated and mirror migrated image gathers and the outputs are the prestack deghosted image gathers. This method preserves the amplitude-versus-offset behavior, as the deghosted output can be seen on synthetic examples to be equal to a reference computed by migrating the data modeled without any reflecting water surface. A real data set was used to illustrate this method, and another one was used to check the possibility of performing prestack elastic inversion on the deghosted gathers.

Soubaras R .

Pre-stack deghosting for variable-depth streamer data

[J]. Expanded Abstracts of 82 nd Annual Internat SEG Mtg. , 2012: 780-789.

DOI:10.1190/segam2012-1083.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Variable-depth streamer acquisition is an acquisition technique aiming at achieving the best possible signal-to-noise ratio at low frequencies by towing the streamer very deeply, but by using a depth profile varying with offset in order not to limit the high frequency bandwidth. Previous papers have shown how a joint deconvolution allows the post-stack deghosting of such variable-depth streamer acquisitions, and the purpose of this paper is to show how this can be generalized to a multichannel joint deconvolution that allows pre-stack though post-imaging deghosting of such acquisitions. After computing migrated gathers as well as mirror migrated gathers, a deghosted gather is computed through joint deconvolution by assuming a parametrical form in offset for the events. This method preserves the AVO behaviour. Synthetic and real data examples are shown.

许自强, 方中于, 顾汉明 , .


[J]. 石油物探, 2015,54(4):404-413.

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张振波, 李东方, 轩义华 , .


[J]. 石油物探, 2014,53(6):657-664.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1441.2014.06.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

斜缆地震采集采用水下电缆变深度施工方式,从而产生连续变化的鬼波陷波频率,有利于最大程度地压制鬼波,获得高信噪比和高保真的宽频地震数据.针对珠江口盆地白云凹陷深水复杂构造区斜缆三维地震资料,采用了不同于常规拖缆地震资料处理的子波处理、三维水面相关多次波去除(3D SRME)、镜像偏移和联合反褶积去鬼波、Q补偿等斜缆地震资料处理关键技术,有效地去除了多次波,压制了鬼波,拓宽了低频和高频信息,提高了地震资料信噪比和分辨率.斜缆地震资料处理显著改善了中深层复杂构造成像效果,更好地满足了白云凹陷深水复杂构造区地震反演和解释的需求.

王冲, 顾汉明, 许自强 , .


[J]. 地球物理学报, 2016,59(12):4677-4689.

[本文引用: 1]

Poole G .

Pre-migration receiver de-ghosting and re-datuming for variable depth streamer data

[J]. Expanded Abstracts of 83 rd Annual Internat SEG Mtg. , 2013: 4216-4220.

DOI:10.1190/segam2013-0541.1      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Variable depth towed streamer acquisition results in receiver ghost diversity leading to an increase in temporal bandwidth. This paper describes a pre-migration processing algorithm that derives a surface datum ghost free model of the data. The model may be used to receiver de-ghost and re-datum so that conventional flat streamer algorithms can be used.


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