杨海, 徐学义, 熊盛青, 杨雪, 高卫宏, 范正国, 贾志业

Aerogeophysical anomalies and prospecting direction in the Fengtai ore concentration area
XU Xue-Yi, XIONG Sheng-Qing, YANG Xue, GAO Wei-Hong, FAN Zheng-Guo, JIA Zhi-Ye
图2 西成矿集区和凤太矿集区地球物理场特征(矿集区范围引自王义天等[23])
Fig.2 Geophysical anomaly feature of Xicheng and Fengtai ore concentration area (ore concentration area referred from Wang et al.[23])
a—aeromagnetic ΔT reduction to the pole (RTP) anomaly; b—first vertical derivate of aeromagnetic ΔT RTP anomaly; c—first vertical derivate of Bouguer gravity anomaly