南哲, 王林世, 侯旭, 翟征博, 王杨, 刘洋

Geological and geochemical characteristics and prospecting potential of rare element and rare earth element deposits in Saima alkaline complex
NAN Zhe, WANG Lin-Shi, HOU Xu, ZHAI Zheng-Bo, WANG Yang, LIU Yang
图4 骞马铀矿床14号勘探线地质剖面(据文献[16]改编)
Fig.4 Geological profile of No.14 exploration line of Saima uranium deposit(adapted from reference[16])
1—the surface regolith; 2—skarn; 3—grass-green aegirine nepheline syenite; 4—marble of Dashiqiao formation of Liaohe group; 5—the uranium ore body; 6—0.02%≤w(Nb2O5)≤0.05%;7—0.05%≤w(Nb2O5)≤0.08%;8—0.08%≤w(Nb2O5);9—drilling location and number