陈子龙, 王海燕, 郭华, 王光文, 赵玉莲

A review of the research progress and application status of seismic full waveform inversion
CHEN Zi-Long, WANG Hai-Yan, GUO Hua, WANG Guang-Wen, ZHAO Yu-Lian
图4 Valhall油田的多参数粘滞声波全波形反演实例[79]
Fig.4 Multi-parameter visco-acoustic FWI of the Valhall oil field[79]
a、b、c—the inversion results of vertical longitudinal wave velocity(left) and the corresponding full waveform inversion results(right) at different depths;d、e—the inline vertical slices pass at marked position in figure a,b,c