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黄学强1(), 陈远荣2, 吴二3, 刘峰1, 卢安宁1
The feasibility of applying hydrocarbon-mercury gas measurement method in the prospecting of sedimentary copper deposits in Central Africa
HUANG Xue-Qiang1(), CHEN Yuan-Rong2, WU Er3, LIU Feng1, LU An-Ning1

图2. 研究区区域地质图

Fig.2. Regional geological map in research area
1—lake;2—Quaternary system;3—Kundelungu group;4—Nguba group;5—Mwashia group;6—the lower Roan subgroup;7—geological boundary;8—fault;9—Cu(Co) deposits above medium size and names;10—scope of research area(test area and inferred area)