薛野, 杨帆, 刘厚裕, 刘明, 赵苏城, 蓝加达

Determination of the optimal factors of seismic excitation and reception on the ground surface of carbonate mountainous areas in Pengshui area and its seismic acquisition effects
XUE Ye, YANG Fan, LIU Hou-Yu, LIU Ming, ZHAO Su-Cheng, LAN Jia-Da
图8 碳酸盐岩地表模拟检波器不同组合图形接收剖面对比
Fig.8 Comparison of receiving profiles of different combinations of surface analog geophones in carbonate rocks
a—rectangle 6×4 combined receiving profile;b—concentric combined receiving profile;c—rectangle 8×3 combined receiving profile