王亮, 胡从亮, 张嘉玮, 陈国勇, 张美雪, 杨武, 张应文

Exploration of the genesis of regional geothermal resources in Guizhou Province
WANG Liang, HU Cong-Liang, ZHANG Jia-Wei, CHEN Guo-Yong, ZHANG Mei-Xue, YANG Wu, ZHANG Ying-Wen
图3 贵州推测的花岗岩体及花岗岩基与地热分布关联 [ 2,1315 ]
Fig.3 Correlation diagram among inferred granite, granite batholith and geothermal distribution in Guizho u [ 2,1315 ]
1—inferred granite body;2—inferred granite batholith;3—natural geotherm spot;4—geothermal well;5—the geothermal area characterized as group of zonation;6—inferred deep first gradeⅠfault;7—inferred deep first gradeⅡfault