范占锋, 蔡建华, 赵伟

Problems and improvements of Tunnel Seismic Prediction in geological prediction of tunnels under high geotemperature and high in-situ geostress
FAN Zhan-Feng, CAI Jian-Hua, ZHAO Wei
表1 川藏铁路部分隧道高地温分布特征
Table1 Distribution characteristics of high geo-temperature in some tunnels of Sichuan-Tibet Railway
高温不良地质 雅安至昌都段/km 昌都至林芝段/km 雅安至林芝段合计/km
Ⅰ轻微(28~37 ℃) 51.086 38.31 89.396
Ⅱ-1中等(37~50 ℃) 33.12 27.66 60.78
Ⅱ-2中等(50~60 ℃) 3.4 2.28 5.68
Ⅲ严重(>60 ℃) 2.0 1.41 3.41
37℃以上的段落合计 38.52 31.35 69.87