余永鹏, 闫照涛, 毛兴军, 杨彦成, 马永祥, 黄鹏程, 陆爱国, 张广兵

The application of the comprehensive electric and seismic method to coal exploration in the huge Cenozoic coverage area
YU Yong-Peng, YAN Zhao-Tao, MAO Xing-Jun, YANG Yan-Cheng, MA Yong-Xiang, HUANG Peng-Cheng, LU Ai-Guo, ZHANG Guang-Bing
图2 V1测点电法深度—反演电阻率曲线与钻孔简易柱状图
Fig.2 Electrical depth-inversion resistivity curve of measuring point V1 and simple histogram of drilling hole