田少兵, 李向前, 尚通晓, 欧健, 张大莲

The application of direct-current sounding method in the coastal plains: A case study of Guanyun area in Lianyungang
Shao-Bing TIAN, Xiang-Qian LI, Tong-Xiao SHANG, Jian OU, Da-Lian ZHANG
图2 研究区电测深点位分布
Fig.2 Direct-current sounding profile location in the study area
1—survey line and number of DC; 2—DC points; 3—the DC points corresponding to seismic profiles ; 4—near-well sounding points; 5—drilling; 6—Sanduo formation; 7—Taizhou formation; 8—Yuntai Group; 9—river; 10—Urban residential areas; 11—drilling joint profile