刘成功, 金胜, 魏文博, 景建恩, 叶高峰, 尹曜田

The least squares inversion of high-density resistivity method ratio parameter based on smooth constraint
Cheng-Gong LIU, Sheng JIN, Wen-Bo WEI, Jian-En JING, Gao-Feng YE, Yao-Tian YIN
图2 低阻模型剖面及参数断面
Fig.2 Low-resistance model profile and parametric profile
a—low-resistance geological model section; b—sectional view of resistivity of the alpha device; c—sectional view of the resistivity of the beta device;d—sectional view of the resistivity of the gamma device; e— ratio parameter (T) pseudo sectional view; f—ratio parameter (T) sectional view