刘金兰, 赵斌, 王万银, 李建国, 周新鹏, 王云鹏

A study of the distribution of granite detected by gravity and magnetic data in Yinkeng Demonstration Area of Nanling Yudu-Ganxian ore concentration area
Jin-Lan LIU, Bin ZHAO, Wan-Yin WANG, Jian-Guo LI, Xin-Peng ZHOU, Yun-Peng WANG
图7 银坑示范区145线重、电、震反演花岗岩分布结果
Fig.7 Granite distribution results obtained by the gravity, electrical and seismic inversion methods applied to Line 145 of the Yinkeng Demonstration Area
a—residual Bouguer anomaly inversion results; b—AMT resistivity profile[14]; c—2D reflection seismic stack profile results[25]