刘金兰, 赵斌, 王万银, 李建国, 周新鹏, 王云鹏

A study of the distribution of granite detected by gravity and magnetic data in Yinkeng Demonstration Area of Nanling Yudu-Ganxian ore concentration area
Jin-Lan LIU, Bin ZHAO, Wan-Yin WANG, Jian-Guo LI, Xin-Peng ZHOU, Yun-Peng WANG
图3 银坑矿田1∶1万高精度地面磁测化极磁力异常特征与花岗岩分布推断
Fig.3 Characteristics of the high-precision magnetic anomaly reduction to the pole (RTP) and the deduction of granite distribution in the Yinkeng ore field
a—RTP magnetic anomaly map of the high-precision; b—vertical first-order derivative diagram of the magnetic anomaly of the high-precision RTP magnetic anomaly (thick black line: zero-value line of the vertical first-order derivative, same as below); c—vertical first-order derivative diagram of the magnetic anomaly of the high-precision RTP magnetic anomaly (distributions of the exposed magmatic rock attached; legend is the same as in Fig.2); d—inferred planar distribution of the granite using high-precision ground magnetic survey data(blue indicates the inferred Gaoshanjiao granite; green indicates the inferred Liumukeng granite)