孙春岩, 王栋琳, 张仕强, 贺会策, 赵浩, 凌帆, 尹文斌

Deep sea methane electrochemical in-situ long-term monitoring technology and its significance in the ocean environmental investigation and gas hydrate exploration
Chun-Yan SUN, Dong-Lin WANG, Shi-Qiang ZHANG, Hui-Ce HE, Hao ZHAO, Fan LING, Wen-Bin YIN
表1 废液池和液位探针参数设计
Table 1 Design of waste liquid pool and liquid probe parameters
液位情况 液室内探针长度/cm 液位高度/cm 液体容积/mL 内部气压/MPa
初始 0 0 0.101
接触T1 4.5 1.0 80 0.105
接触T2 4.0 1.5 146 0.109
接触T3 2.5 3.0 400 0.129
接触T4 1.0 4.5 714 0.168
液室充满 5.5 943 0.210