
The application of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry to determination of ultra-trace platinum and ultra-trace palladium in rock ore
Dong-Chao GUAN
表8 加标回收实验结果
样 品 样品含量/ng 加标量/ng 测定值/ng 回收率/%
Pt Pd Pt Pd Pt Pd Pt Pd
GPt-1 2.6 2.6 100 100 104.7 105.0 102 102
GPt-2 16 23 100 100 120.3 124.0 104 101
GPt-4 580 600 100 100 679.7 699.2 100 99
GPt-7 147 152 100 100 244.0 249.0 97 97