赵静, 梁前勇, 张莉, 钟广见

Oil and gas reservoir attribute discrimination based on surface sediment acid-extraction hydrocarbon in the western depression of Taiwan Strait Basin
Jing ZHAO, Qian-Yong LIANG, Li ZHANG, Guang-Jian ZHONG
表1 台湾海峡盆地酸解烃气体含量及其属性
研究区 CH4含量/(μL/kg) C1~C5总含量/(μL/kg) CH4含量比例/% 湿气站位比例/%
九龙江凹陷 1.5~159.7 1.5~269.4 55.0~100 37.78
晋江凹陷 5.7~258.0 5.8~264.0 92.2~99.4 29.90
总区域 1.5~258.0 1.5~269.4 55.0~100 28.75