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物探与化探, 2020, 44(5): 1161-1171 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2020.0067



王祥,1,2, 郭良辉1

1.中国地质大学(北京) 地球物理与信息技术学院,北京 100083

2.中国地质调查局 昆明自然资源综合调查中心,云南 昆明 650000

Density interface inversion method in spherical coordinates and its application in the South China mainland

WANG Xiang,1,2, GUO Liang-Hui1

1.School of Geophysics and Information Technology, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China

2.Kunming Natural Resources Comprehensive Survey Center of China Geological Survey, Kunming 650000, China

责任编辑: 王萌

收稿日期: 2020-02-17   修回日期: 2020-04-21   网络出版日期: 2020-10-20

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金面上项目.  41774098

Received: 2020-02-17   Revised: 2020-04-21   Online: 2020-10-20

作者简介 About authors

王祥(1991-),男,中国地质调查局昆明自然资源综合调查中心助理工程师,主要研究方向为重磁数据处理和反演算法。Email: real_shuan_wang@163.com



关键词: 重力 ; 球坐标系 ; 密度界面反演 ; Tesseroid ; 华南大陆


The density interface inversion method has been playing an important role in the oil and gas exploration, regional structure inference studies as well as crustal crystal basement surface and Moho undulations researches. Most of the density interface inversion methods are generally based on the Cartesian coordinate system. When large regional or even global scale data are dealt with, the influence of earth curvature cannot be ignored, and the density interface inversion method based on Tesseroid model of spherical coordinate system needs to be considered. However, due to the limitations of calculation accuracy and efficiency, the existing density interface inversion method based on Tesseroid cannot be well applicable to the surface gravity observation data. In this paper, on the basis of previous studies, a density interface inversion method of spherical coordinate system suitable for surface observation data is proposed. Firstly, the gravity Gauss-Legendre integral formula in the spherical coordinate system is simplified to improve the forward calculation efficiency. Then, an optimized adaptive subdivision algorithm is introduced to enhance the calculation accuracy. According to the previous forward calculation and by using Cordell iterative optimization algorithm, the authors propose a density interface inversion method for the surface observation data in the spherical coordinate system. The proposed inversion method in this paper can be verified through the synthetic data test. The inversion results show that the proposed method can overcome the limitation of calculating precision and efficiency of the surface observation data. In addition, the inversion results based on spherical coordinate system are better than those based on cartesian coordinate system. Finally, tests on real data from South China mainland verify the feasibility of the presented methods. The results show that Moho depth rises gradually from the west to the east, with the western part uplifting dramatically and the eastern part uplifting gently. Between Wuling Mountain and Guizhou-Guangxi border, there is an obvious NNE-Moho step.

Keywords: gravity ; spherical coordinate system ; density interface inversion method ; Tesseroid ; South China mainland

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王祥, 郭良辉. 球坐标系密度界面反演方法及在华南大陆的应用. 物探与化探[J], 2020, 44(5): 1161-1171 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2020.0067

WANG Xiang, GUO Liang-Hui. Density interface inversion method in spherical coordinates and its application in the South China mainland. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2020, 44(5): 1161-1171 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2020.0067

0 引言



实现球坐标系地表观测数据的密度界面高精度反演的前提是实现其高精度的正演计算。目前,Tesseroid模型的重力正演计算方法主要有泰勒(Taylor)级数积分法[20,27-30]和高斯—勒让德积分法(Gauss Legendre Quadrature,缩写GLQ)[19,21-23,26],结合前人的研究,两种方法在应用于近地表观测时,其计算精度都会大打折扣,其中,泰勒级数积分法尤为严重,但GLQ方法的计算效率又要略微低于泰勒级数积分法。受限于球坐标系重力正演精度和效率,前人在反演时多数采用的是卫星和探测器等高空数据[23,25,27],而非地表观测数据。由于卫星数据精度较实际地表观测数据低,会给反演结果带来误差。然而,目前鲜有适用于球坐标系地表观测数据的密度界面反演方法。


1 方法与原理

1.1 球坐标系Tesseroid单元体重力正演方法

1.1.1 重力正演公式



图1   Tesseroid单元体空间几何示意

Fig.1   The sketch of Tesseroid model



式中:G为万有引力常数(6.67×10-11 m3/kg/s2);ρ为单元体剩余密度(kg/m3);lPQ两点间的欧氏距离。如果ψ为球半径r'r的径向夹角,则重力异常g(r,φ,λ)r可由下式表示[19,20]:





g(r,φ,λ)r= rλ1λ2φ1φ2r1r2r'2cosφ'(r-r'cosψ)l3dr'dφ'dλ'= λ1λ2φ1φ2cosφ'[r'3l-l(r'+3rcosψ)-  r2(3cos2ψ-1)ln(l+r'-rcosψ)]|r'=r1r'=r2dφ'dλ',


g(r,φ,λ)r(φ2-φ1)(λ2-λ1)4·  i=1j=1ωiωjcosφ'r×  [r'3l-l(r'+3rcosψ)-   r2(3cos2ψ-1)ln(l+r'-rcosψ)]|r'=r1r'=r2,





1.1.2 自适应剖分方案



图2   Tesseroid单元体网格剖分示意


Fig.2   Sketch of discretization of Tesseroid

a—routine discretization shown that the tesseroid had a uniform division. Lφ, Lλ are the dimensions of the tesseroid’s top surface;b—adaptive discretization shown that a fine division of the tesseroid close the computation point and a coarser division further away







1) 计算d,Li的值,判定关系式(5)是否成立,如果成立,直接计算重力值。

2) 如果式(5)不成立,直接将当前单元体剖分成网格大小为Δφ'×Δλ'N×N个单元体(式(6)),则新生成的所有小单元体都符合式(5)的判定条件。将新生成的所有小的Tesseroid单元体在观测点处的重力值进行累加就得到了加密剖分前的Tesseroid单元体重力异常值。

3) 进行下一个Tesseroid单元体的计算,重复步骤1),2)。





1.2 球坐标系密度界面正演方法



图3   正演计算模型剖面示意

Fig.3   The forward model of tesseroid


1.3 球坐标系密度界面反演方法



图4   Cordell迭代算法流程

Fig.4   The flow chart for Cordell iterative approach



式中:K= 12π; gmnobsPmn点处的重力异常观测值。

2)由式(7)中可以得到重力异常计算初值 g1,mncalc。重力异常观测值与计算值的均方误差RMS表示如式(9)所示,如果RMS符合要求,则输出区域密度界面深度。




2 理论模型数据试验

2.1 Tesseroid单元体模型试验与评价



图5   球壳体模型示意


Fig.5   The images of spherical shell models

a—inside view of a shell;b—side view of a shell



此次模型试验中,ρ取0.3 g/cm3,R2取6.371×106 m,R1取6.361×106 m,球壳厚度为104 m,D-R2为观测点P与球壳体外球面之间的距离(观测高度H),笔者通过不同的观测高度来验证各方法对于观测高度的敏感度(图6)。从图中可看出,对于不同的网格剖分大小,同阶次的Taylor和2D-GLQ随着观测高度的提升,两种方法的计算结果都越来越接近异常理论值(True Value),网格越小,精度也越高。当观测高度为零,也就是地表观测时,2D-GLQ方法的计算精度始终大大高于Taylor方法,并且,随着观测高度的增大,在一定的观测高度区间内,2D-GLQ方法的计算结果会略微高于异常理论值,这些都是2D-GLQ计算特点所决定的[19]。然而,当网格大小仅为3'×3'时,仍然难以达到地表观测的高精度计算要求,所以,需要进一步提高计算精度。


图6   不同网格大小下Taylor和2D-GLQ在不同观测高度处的重力异常计算值与理论异常值的对比


Fig.6   The gravity anomaly calculated by the Taylor on the different cell size and 2D-GLQ methods based on the different height of observation surface



由于不同的距离判定值W所对应的误差级数相差较大,所以,我们采取误差的10的对数形式来表示(图7a)。从分析结果可以看出,随着2D-GLQ公式阶次的提高,计算精度会有明显的提升。当W为64时,本文2D-GLQ公式经度和纬度计算阶次都为8或12时,重力异常误差分别为0.042 9、0.019 5 mGal,与理论异常的百分误差(=Er/gtrue)分别仅为0.017 2%、0.007 8%。但是,随着W的不断增大,精度提升速率也变缓。此外,在取得同样计算误差的前提下,我们计算了采取本文的二阶2D-GLQ公式时,常规剖分计算时间T1与自适应剖分方案计算时间T2的比值T1/T2(图7b),以此来验证本文引入自适应剖分方案后对计算效率的提升。计算机的中央处理器为Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ,随机存取存储器(RAM)为8 GB,验证程序由MATLAB R2014a编译。从对比结果分析来看,当精度要求越高时,本文方法对时间的节省效果越明显,不仅如此,加上对GLQ公式的改进,计算效率在自适应剖分方案基础上有了更进一步的提升。


图7   本文方法效率提升试验


Fig.7   The improvement of efficiency of computation by using the method of this paper

a—the Briggs logarithm of Er based on the different value of and ;b—the changing trend of T1/T2 when Er get reduced


2.2 密度界面模型试验

采用起伏密度界面模型(图8a)对本文重力反演方法的有效性进行验证。模型的起伏范围为31~39 km,网格大小为0.2°×0.2°,剩余密度值为-0.3 g/cm3,计算时将地表作为参考面。为了避免难以克服的边界效应,我们将模型区域四周剔除掉0.6°的宽度。


图8   理论模型正演


Fig.8   The depth of academic interface and its forward result

a—the density interface model graph; b— the gravity anomaly graph of density interface model forward result by the GQL-Plus method of this paper

图8b为通过笔者GQL-Plus算法得到的重力异常。我们直接把利用本文方法正演得到的重力异常值作为实际观测值进行接下来的反演计算,并与其他方法反演结果进行对比(图9)。由图9信息不难发现,基于球坐标系的反演方法得到的密度界面(图9b、c)起伏形态比基于笛卡尔坐标系反演得到的密度界面(图9a)形态更接近实际模型深度起伏形态,说明基于球坐标系的反演方法相较笛卡尔坐标系的反演方法更为稳定。各反演方法得到的界面深度与实际模型深度的差值(图9d~f)说明本文基于球坐标系的密度界面反演方法的反演结果与实际模型深度最为接近,本文反演方法的反演精度要远远高于其他两种方法的反演精度(图9g)。笔者反演方法在迭代5次过后,各参数的均方差(RMS)已经趋于稳定,当2D-GLQ公式为8阶,W取64时,笔者方法的深度RMS能低至8 m,异常RMS能低至0.003 542 mGal。


图9   各方法的理论模型反演对比试验


Fig.9   Comparisons of the inversion results from the data of Figure 8(b)

a—Cartesian coordinates;b—two order Taylor;c—2D-GLQ inversion results; d,e,f—respectively are errors of (a), (b), and (c); g—shown the diagonal section comparisons of (a), (b) and (c);h—depth RMS;i—bouguer RMS

3 华南实际数据试验



重力数据来源于世界地质图委员会(CGMW)公布的世界重力网格数据库 WGM 2012,将其网格化得到华南大陆布格重力异常数据(图10a),经度范围为104°E~122°E,纬度范围为21°N~32°N,数据网度为0.2°×0.2°。WGM 2012数据库是由国际重力测量局依据高分辨率的地球重力模型 EGM2008 和高程模型 ETOPO1采用球谐方法计算得到的,计算中考虑了实际的地球模型和大多数地表物质质量分布。WGM2012布格重力异常数据不仅包含了莫霍面起伏引起的重力异常,还包含了地壳中浅部地质体和地幔干扰所产生的重力异常,所以,为了得到主要由莫霍面起伏所引起的区域重力异常,我们进行参数测试,最终选择带宽为800 km的低通滤波处理,去除浅部高频异常的干扰,得到网格间距为0.2°×0.2°的区域重力异常数据(图10b),异常范围大致为-250~10 mGal。笔者在反演过程中对剩余密度值和参考深度进行了测试,最终选择剩余密度值为-0.28 g/cm3、参考深度值为30 km。本次莫霍面反演采用6阶2D-GLQ公式,W值为32的重力正演计算方法,利用Cordell迭代算法进行反演计算,迭代4次以后,结果趋于稳定,得到了华南大陆莫霍面深度(图10c)。反演结果的理论重力异常与区域实际重力异常RMS为0.582 mGal。


图10   华南大陆实测数据试验


Fig.10   Comparisons of the inversion results from measured data in South China

a— The Bouguer anomaly in South China;b—The Moho gravity anomaly in South China by using the low-pass filter;c—The Moho depth in South China by the inversion method of this paper;d—The trend chart of depth RMS;f—The Moho depth in South China[39];g—The difference of (c) and (e)

本文方法得到的华南大陆莫霍面深度在26~46 km之间,平均深度为35 km,这与前人[39]得到的该区域莫霍面深度范围(图10e)大致吻合,但局部地方也存在一些差异(图10f)。将反演得到的莫霍面深度(图10c)与重力异常作对比发现,莫霍面深度的分布规律与异常的分布规律基本一致,即异常高值区域,对应莫霍面凹陷,异常低值区,对应莫霍面隆起。莫霍面等值线呈EW向展布,总体自西向东逐渐递减。在东部临海地区莫霍面相对较浅,而四川、云南地区莫霍面深度较深,沿武陵山—贵桂交界一带呈现明显的NNE向莫霍面梯级带,莫霍面从西向东抬升5 km。


4 结论

笔者利用了Tesseroid模型构建方法,将球坐标系常规重力正演计算中的高斯—勒让德积分公式加以改进,并将引入的Tesseroid网格自适应剖分方案公式和流程进行了简化,提高了球坐标系重力正演计算效率和计算精度。其次,在实现了球坐标系密度界面重力高精度正演的基础上,我们应用Cordell迭代反演方法,得到了适用于地表观测数据的球坐标系密度界面高精度反演方法。在Tesseroid单元体模型试验中,对本文GLQ-Plus方法的地表观测计算精度和计算效率进行了验证,结果表明,受计算精度和计算效率的制约,常规的球坐标系重力正演方法并不能很好地适用于地表观测的重力正演计算,而本文对高斯—勒让德积分公式加以改进和引入改进的自适应剖分方案后,情况得到了明显的改善。在密度界面模型试验中,将笛卡尔坐标系的密度界面反演方法和球坐标系的密度界面反演方法进行了对比,该模型试验不仅表明了基于球坐标系的密度界面反演结果比笛卡尔坐标系的密度界面反演结果更加稳定可靠,还验证了本文给出的球坐标系密度界面反演方法可以实现地表重力观测数据的高精度反演(深度RMS<8 m)。在华南大陆实测数据试验中,我们得到了华南大陆的莫霍面深度,并与前人得到的莫霍面深度进行了对比,验证了本文方法的科学有效性。


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The need to obtain more reliable Earth structures has been the impetus for conducting joint inversions of disparate geophysical datasets. For seismic arrival time tomography, joint inversion of arrival time and gravity data has become an important way to investigate velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle. However, the absence of an efficient approach for modeling gravity effects in spherical coordinates limits the joint tomographic analysis to only local scales. In order to extend the joint tomographic inversion into spherical coordinates, and enable it to be feasible for regional studies, we develop an efficient and adaptive approach for modeling gravity effects in spherical coordinates based on the longitudinal/latitudinal grid spacing. The complete gravity effects of spherical prisms, including gravitational potential, gravity vector and tensor gradients, are calculated by numerical integration of the Gauss-Legendre quadrature (GLQ). To ensure the efficiency of the gravity modeling, spherical prisms are recursively subdivided into smaller units according to their distances to the observation point. This approach is compatible with the parameterization of regional arrival time tomography for large areas, in which both the near- and far-field effects of the Earth's curvature cannot be ignored. Therefore, this approach can be implemented into the joint tomographic inversion of arrival time and gravity data conveniently. As practical applications, the complete gravity effects of a single anomalous density body have been calculated, and the gravity anomalies of two tomographic models in the Taiwan region have also been obtained using empirical relationships between P-wave velocity and density. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V.

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 Topography plays an important role in solving many geodetic and geophysical problems. In the evaluation of a topographical effect, a planar model, a spherical model or an even more sophisticated model can be used. In most applications, the planar model is considered appropriate: recall the evaluation of gravity reductions of the free-air, Poincaré–Prey or Bouguer kind. For some applications, such as the evaluation of topographical effects in gravimetric geoid computations, it is preferable or even necessary to use at least the spherical model of topography. In modelling the topographical effect, the bulk of the effect comes from the Bouguer plate, in the case of the planar model, or from the Bouguer shell, in the case of the spherical model. The difference between the effects of the Bouguer plate and the Bouguer shell is studied, while the effect of the rest of topography, the terrain, is discussed elsewhere. It is argued that the classical Bouguer plate gravity reduction should be considered as a mathematical construction with unclear physical meaning. It is shown that if the reduction is understood to be reducing observed gravity onto the geoid through the Bouguer plate/shell then both models give practically identical answers, as associated with Poincaré's and Prey's work. It is shown why only the spherical model should be used in the evaluation of topographical effects in the Stokes–Helmert solution of Stokes' boundary-value problem. The reason for this is that the Bouguer plate model does not allow for a physically acceptable condensation scheme for the topography.]]>

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Solutions to the direct problem in gravimetric interpretation are well-known for wide class of source bodies with constant density contrast. On the other hand, sources with non-uniform density can lead to relatively complicated formalisms. This is probably why analytical solutions for this type of sources are rather rare although utilization of these bodies can sometimes be very effective in gravity modeling. I demonstrate an analytical solution to that problem for a spherical shell with radial polynomial density distribution, and illustrate this result when applied to a special case of 5th degree polynomial. As a practical example, attraction of the normal atmosphere is calculated.



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